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  1. No. There's no way you can stay awake every minute of every day. Therefore, you can not be available 24 hours a day. Find another way to make your gig stand out without trying to game the system.
  2. Funny enough, WRITAR is an acronym for Waste Reduction Institute for Training and Applications Research. (waste reduction lol)
  3. Forum rank has turned into a gross achievement. Don't focus on forum status, focus on getting sales.
  4. No you can not. If you searched the forum you would've found the answer to your question easy.
  5. Anyone who doesn't tip their barber, hair stylist, nail technician, waiter/waitress, in the US is asking for trouble lol. I even tip the cab/uber/lyft drivers that get me to my destination safe and on time. I work full-time as a concierge for a condominium and every Christmas season I see like $4000-$5000 in holiday tips. I been working in this position for 9 years but my first year at the building blew my mind.
  6. No it won't help with "ranking", but it may convince a buyer you're capable enough to complete their project when they see it on your profile.
  7. Here are some tips on becoming a successful seller here on Fiverr.


  8. I been a Hip-Hop head since I was 5 years old, so much so I now dabble in writing rap lyrics as a side hustle here on Fiverr.
  9. I usually complete any where from 8-18 orders a month on Fiverr. At the moment I've completed 4 order in September. I also completed 2 orders for off-site clients as well. When faced with downtime, I usually work on my site, make new connections with potential clients, or relax a bit.
  10. You're already ranked a 5/14. Just keep doing what you're doing I guess. Honestly though, your forum rank will not help you get any orders.
  11. People seem to think if you keep a crappy store open for 24 hrs it'll receive more business. Instead they need to focus on putting up a new display sign out front, reorganizing the shelves, cleaning up the aisles, etc.
  12. Look for ways to enhance your gig. Maybe your gig description could be a bit more clear. Maybe your gig images aren't eye-catching enough. Maybe your prices are to high/low. Don't just sit online for 15 hours stalking the Buyer Request section.
  13. Respectfully, I do not agree with your advice. If you and 500 other sellers in your field are all online at the same time, a buyer will still choose the person most qualified. Being online will not get you more orders unless you have a well thought out gig. Most buyers look for professionalism, competitive pricing, clear descriptions, good reviews, and impressive portfolios.
  14. Fiverr rotates gigs on the regular so they're never in the same position each day. Your impressions are going down because less people are seeing your gig. Could be due to rotation, could be the competition is doing better, could be a number of things. If you find an issue with your gig description, images, or anything else in your gig, go ahead and edit. If not why bother.
  15. Please don’t tell me what to do. Begging to differ means to politely disagree with someone, I wasn’t being rude. Since you clearly have one on one insight as to what Fiverr does and doesn’t care about, I won’t waste my time trying to make my point further.
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