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  1. Following the 🐻 footprints. 😁cat.jpg.31fcd7ab17284aecb6b40ee2029b867c.jpg

  2. 360_F_751494505_G8h17exuHNMnVPeaPNnlWGKcSDr3et90.jpg.75be2f56afb6be1912fef34ffe5cc266.jpg

    I was wandering here 😁

    1. maitasun


      Catching up on the 🐻 😁


  3. @milos_siena, fresh from the oven... Fiverr Pro client who joined this month. A scammer who knows how to bypass flagged words.
  4. Well, I received the typical scam message with a malware file attached to it from a buyer just 6 days ago. Yes, I know, it's hard to believe. But that's how things are evolving on Fiverr. So now we not only have to be careful with seller accounts but buyer accounts as well. 😑
  5. And Fiverr telling its sellers not to mislead buyers. 🤦‍♀️ The audacity... 🤨 I just checked one of the gigs of the same profile I checked when the feature was rolled out. The price range says "up to $50" when it clearly stated "up to $20" back then... It seems that being unethical when displaying the price range buyers paid for each of their orders wasn't enough, now it is also necessary to lie...
  6. Exactly. Fiverr can simply blacklist certain words—and the more, the merrier—so they can't be used in usernames or display names.
  7. Yeah, I also got selected. I wonder if this has anything to do with defining yourself as a non-trader, an individual trader or a business trader for Fiverr to comply with the EU DSA. 🤔 Anyway, I'm an engineer. That's my profession, nothing to do with the services I offer on Fiverr... 🤷‍♀️
  8. Truly disgusting! I had to stop promoting one of my gigs in April. I didn't even wait till the end of the month. It was insane! 320 clicks by April 26, and counting!!! Worst of all is that not only did I have to pay for all of those fraudulent clicks (scammers and beggars) but I also had to reply to the messages!!! 😡
  9. Especially an order/review coming from a "buyer" who passed away on March 30, 2019...
  10. And how do you know your buyer left you a 1* review? You have no reviews whatsoever.
  11. Yes. Why shouldn't they? Besides, that has nothing to do with what you posted (garnering you a series of glowing 5-star ratings from satisfied clients) and reality (having a single review).
  12. Well, this is already an advantage over those who aren't part of the program. 👇 Just saying... 😉
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