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  1. Nah. Only 5 ⭐ private reviews. 🙈 That's more important. 😁 Oh, and no AI peeking on my orders and inbox. 😂
  2. It's a scam. Reply with just a "No" (or whatever you like), and report the users. To report them, hover over each one of their messages and press the 3 dots.
  3. I go straight to the point: I reply with a " . " before reporting. It doesn't get any easier and faster than that. 😁
  4. @mrubaid820, Fiverr doesn't understand—or doesn't want to understand—that sellers and buyers have a symbiotic relationship in which both benefit and, by transitivity, Fiverr also benefits. The thing is that Fiverr sees its sellers as money-making tools. And tools can be replaced when they break. What do you do if your hammer breaks? You simply go and buy a new one. That's basically Fiverr's mentality. The question is: will the new hammer be as good and reliable as the one that broke? That's for Fiverr to answer.
  5. We, sellers, can jump, scream, cry, and even pull our hair until we go bald, and nothing will change. Only buyers have the power to make Fiverr reconsider and step back.
  6. You can select your daily budget and click price cap. Daily Budget: Growth & Marketing > Promoted Gigs > Manage Daily Budget Click Price Cap: Click on the CPC cap (in blue) on each of your gigs. Select "Promote with customized cap" and set the maximum you're willing to spend on each click.
  7. No, the portfolio is not searchable. It can only be seen by those who visit your profile.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me if it happened. 🙈😂
  9. @mluqmanabbasi, are the files double extension files (*.psd.exe)? These double extension tells you the file is an executable and is malicious.
  10. I got one 5* AI-generated-review—including the quotation marks! Try to beat me on that one. 😁
  11. Have you replied to all your incoming messages, even those you may have reported as spam? Check your spam folder and make sure you replied to all the spam messages you reported.
  12. Well, we're right to be paranoid. We've been sent all types of viruses and malware through our inbox as attachments or links—even by buyer accounts. So don't expect people to click on links or download files just for the fun of it.
  13. Nonsense. There's no way to implement this unless the cancellation is done before delivery. Once an order is delivered, it is immediately available for download. This is a contradiction in itself. Disabling file downloading to protect your work "even if the buyer already got the file"????? How on earth will impeding the order from being downloaded is going to protect your work from being used once the buyer got their file(s)????? I know logic is hard, but believe me, it's useful in daily life...
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