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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. It is allowed and, in my opinion, helpful to get more orders. As long as you can offer exceptional service in both niches, why not include them?
  2. Custom offers are directed at specific buyers. You would have to make your own ad for social media to tell people about your deals.
  3. Fiverr sent you an email explaining why your account was blocked or disabled. What did it say?
  4. You can't use content/assets you don't have rights to, so no, you can't use Superman, etc. Wouldn't it be much better to demonstrate your skills by demonstrating ALL of them? Create your own characters.
  5. Are you the seller or buyer? Each Milestone of an order has an auto-complete time of eight days if the buyer doesn't manually accept the delivery. I've never seen one from the buyer point of view, but I hear from my buyers that it works much the same way as any other order. They accept the delivery and the next one starts automatically. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/8427072174097-Milestone-FAQs
  6. Fiverr Workspace is a platform to manage your freelance career off Fiverr. If you don't operate elsewhere and if you have no buyers, I really don't think it would help you. If you plan to build an off-Fiverr freelance business, go read about the features and see if they would benefit you.
  7. We are not employees. I have no idea what a prize bond lottery is. I don't think Fiverr should operate a lottery.
  8. I once got a 'o7' in my Inbox. I'm not down with all the online emoji speak stuff, so it took me a while to figure out what that meant. I sent my usual auto-response (Do you need writing done, etc?) and got 'for smart fourm post -- o7' back. Marked it as spam and did some research. Apparently o7 is a little person saluting (the 7 is their arm) I've never had a hi, hello, hlo, yo message go anywhere good. I wonder what goes through their minds. I understand language difficulties, but there's simply no reason so send something like that if you don't follow it up with anything.
  9. That's unbelievable! Not that I don't believe you. I mean I wonder why a seller would start working without an order. I suppose they are very new and don't understand how Fiverr works or they are so hungry for work they wanted to impress you by delivering super early. It's rather like they want to be scammed almost. If you were an unscrupulous person, you could just take the work and run if they were that eager to work without an official order.
  10. You're only allowed to have one account at all. Having alt accounts is against TOS, so you'd get banned for that too. If you were banned for violating TOS or community standards, I highly doubt you'll get to use Fiverr again. If you had an order with a seller and were banned, they would cancel the order.
  11. I started around 1998, largely offline. It wasn't my full-time income until a few years after that. (Feeling old!)
  12. Indefinitely, but really because I never get rid of anything. I might have a file hording problem! I just peeked and found articles I wrote on Fiverr in 2015. It might be time for a clear-out.
  13. I took a look at your gig. Judging from the description and your text here, it is not clear that you have the English skills necessary to translate from or to that language. People will not hire you for language-related services if you cannot communicate well using it.
  14. One of the most important things to consider is WHO is giving the advice. Take the time to look at the account of the person sharing tips. You need to read and understand. Do not take the easy way out. A lot of beginners repeat tips that do not work. Don't listen to them.
  15. This has happened to me. I immediately ask them what their revision request was. If they say they just need more time, I'd give them 48 hours. Then, I'd send another message asking for any revisions. If they don't respond in two more days, I'd redeliver the file and remind them that I need information about what they'd like me to revise if they make the request. Sometimes, you simply have to be persistent in delivering with the utmost professionalism no matter how aggravating things get. It appears Fiverr is testing a new system where buyers can click a button to get more time to review without going through the revision request system. I'm not sure of its status though.
  16. This is something I've wondered myself. I have a couple of gigs that don't get much action at all. However, the number of orders on my popular gigs did not decrease when I created the new ones. Therefore, I surmise they're not hurting me at all. I've been brainstorming additional gig options to add in the new year, so it'll be another test then.
  17. Those are impressive! Just a thought... Did you hand-draw all of those elements on each picture yourself? Is there a small chance that a copyrighted asset snuck in? I any are purchased, perhaps they didn't come with commercial rights? Unfortunately, I think it's probably that these images are elsewhere online, so they assume theft. If someone else copied your Patreon images and posted them with a false claim that they are theirs instead (people do this kind of thing all the time), Fiverr may not be able to tell who is the real owner.
  18. One cup of black coffee in the morning, water with some type of flavoring (lemon juice, flavored fizzy water, etc.) all day, a cup of tea (mint, lemon, cinnamon, etc.) in the afternoon. Sometimes I go wild and have a second cup of coffee after lunch. My family always waters down everything we drink cold. People find it very odd. When my kids drank juice when they were younger, it was always about 25% juice, 75% water. I water down things like LaCroix... we even water down ginger ale and other sodas the rare times we drink those. Prepared beverages have too much flavor and sweetness, and water is much healthier on its own. I can't stand to drink plain water though.
  19. Definitely the one with the jumping blob whales. (Not really!) It is rather amazing what AI systems can do these days.
  20. Ah. The original wording made it sound like the buyer could see comments and amendments for the file but not the file itself. I misunderstood due to lack of punctuation. "that buyers should be able to see the delivery comment and the instruction for any kind of amendments or changes in the delivery files"
  21. While this sounds like a nice protection for sellers, there is no way a buyer can accept a delivery without being able to see it first. Who would accept a delivery if they couldn't read the article, watch the video, or listen to the voiceover, etc.? In most cases, once a person can see the thing, they can find a way to copy it anyway if they intend to steal from the seller. It certainly hurts when an unscrupulous buyer (thief!) does this, but it's an unfortunate part of freelancing as a whole, I think.
  22. Yes. I have a couple inactive subscription orders due to lack of information right now. I assume they haven't paid yet or they would make some noise about cancellation. They were originally placed months ago. I happily have a few active subscriptions that are working as intended for everyone involved. Very happy to have the ability to send custom sub orders again.
  23. It's against Fiverr TOS to point people to yourself or your business off the Fiverr platform, right? So sharing a Medium link would violate that.
  24. You can offer more than one type of service on a single account. The most important thing is your ability to DO the services professionally, communicate well, and attract buyers. Quality matters more than anything else, really.
  25. I beat you all! I'm 48. The only thing I could say I regret (that isn't too personal!) is going to University for something my family deemed acceptable instead of going after what I knew I wanted to do and was good at: writing. I'm also a bit miffed I didn't get in on the self-publishing thing at the very beginning. I've made up for lost time. In general, regrets waste time and energy. At my age, I'm incredibly aware I don't have much of either to waste. Always move forward even if you're not 100% certain of the path. Take time to recognize what you get out of the journey and tweak things as you learn and grow. Be yourself. Know yourself. Look forward, not back. It's only too late when you're dead. Enough philosophy after only half a cup of coffee.
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