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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. Jeesh, I need faster internet or something's wrong. Usually vids and stuff show up in the forum for me. With those names attached, it's definitely worth the wait, though.
  2. I think this is just a fact and not a personal weakness. It still amazes me how fatigued writing a lot makes me even after so many years doing it! One of my weaknesses is probably taking on too much all at once. I have real-life issues that make scheduling and organization very difficult, but I do have to get better at it. I also lack patience sometimes with people who do not communicate clearly or efficiently enough. Of course, I remain professional! I'd love it if people got to the point and answered all my questions right away.
  3. As usual, I think Vickie is 100% correct. Staying online, active, or busy 24/7 seems like a simple thing to do (not an easy or healthy one, though!) in order to receive some type of business/financial benefit. When faced with a total lack of understanding of best business practices or real marketing knowledge, things like this offer a lifeline and hope. From all that I've seen on the forum over the years, however, it mostly leads to confusion and despair. I'm firmly on the side of setting regular business hours and sticking to them. One of the biggest reasons is that I don't want to work with anyone who expects me to respond to them at 3AM my time. All that being said, I understand that my perspective comes from a very different place than people just starting out now. I've been at this for decades, and things simply work differently once you're established. I would not want to have to start freelancing today.
  4. If they did not deliver the entire order by the due date, they are in violation of Fiverr's TOS. Two options: request a revision and insist on getting the rest of the order, or contact Customer Support. Actually, some people now get the option to request more time to review the delivery, though I'm not sure what that looks like or who has it yet.
  5. Question - How to Block Closed Group Posts? I use the "Unread Content" button to see what's new on the Fiverr Forum when I visit. Alongside all the other scintillating posts, I get everything posted in the Fiverr Community Club: Bangladesh Discussion. I am not Bangladeshi and I am not a member of this club. How can I stop getting these posts in the list? General suggestion to Fiverr: Do not put closed group posts where everyone can see them. That seems counterintuitive to the idea of 'members only' groups.
  6. No, you should not make another account. That would be against the rules. What reason did Fiverr give you in the email telling you your account was restricted? Did you read and understand the TOS? Something is obviously wrong with the gig you created. Forum members will not be able to tell, of course. It is your responsibility to understand the rules and comply with them.
  7. If you paid for anything outside the Fiverr site, you have broken the rules. Why would you pay a buyer? You should report this person. Unfortunately, it appears you have also broken the rules and may get in trouble now.
  8. It is against the rules to have more than one account. You are limited to a certain number of gigs per level as you stated. There is nothing you can do to increase this except to level up!
  9. Oh, how I wish I had that feature already! I'm about to go OoO for an end of the year vacation myself. It would be wonderful to choose the same method you do, Vickie. To answer the original question, yes. I usually see a bit of a downturn near the end of the year. I think businesses might be busy wrapping up projects and goal tracking and planning for the new year. Freelancing is certainly a career where long-term thinking and financial planning matters.
  10. No, you can't just copy someone else's game. Could you type out a famous author's book and sell it as yours? Could you take a video of a movie and sell it as your own? No.
  11. It is a manual process. Fiverr chooses who to upgrade to TRS based on some obvious and some hidden factors.
  12. No, it does not. The instant reply does not count as an actual response for your rate calculation. You still have to respond to them manually.
  13. Vibronx, your game sounds intriguing! I really enjoyed Life is Strange, and horror elements make it even better. I'm making a note to search for it next year... or whenever you get it out there. I finally got a trilogy I've been writing for a while published. That's my main accomplishment for the year.
  14. I agree. I have a few buyer who currently use subscriptions, and think a renewal option would work much better. They can better control when exactly they order the next one and how many they buy consecutively. Subscriptions only offer six, I believe, before we have to make another custom order. I like your idea!
  15. Well, if you want selfish, magical, fantasy answers... I want a small castle on at least 50 acres in the woods with 10 cats and magically self-cleaning litter boxes.
  16. Perhaps you could use the subscription model for this? You could choose to repeat the same order every day (or week or month, but 'day' would make it nearly simultaneous) a specific number of times.
  17. A bigger computer monitor! Mine is 22", but I'd love one where I can have more than two full-sized pages open at the same time for research. (And gaming!)
  18. Although I still vote on the 'do not like' side of this topic, I request some type of note or symbol on the delivered orders that have extended delivery times in the list at the bottom of our order page. I currently have two, but there's no way of knowing which they are unless I go into each order and actually calculate the auto-approval date OR stick a post-it note on my screen with their user names. Some type of obvious on-screen icon/note would help sellers.
  19. This gives you important information. Even though more people are seeing your gig image and title, they are not clicking on it. It is not catching their attention or conveying that you are the best option for them. How do you fix that?
  20. As usual, I appear to be the 'oldest' Fiverrian. I've been here since December 2010, just a few months after it first opened.
  21. It would help to edit the first post to state this is a Fiverr Workspace ability only and not one for Fiverr alone. It would be amazing if we could do this kind of thing on Fiverr though!
  22. Report them all. Over the years I've been here, I've seen this complaint from women on the site a dozen times or more. Unfortunately, there will always be creeps who act inappropriately. It's only happened to me once. It's much more common for people to assume I'm a man. I get a lot of 'sir' and 'bro' messages. As far as inappropriate messages go, I had one guy trying to commiserate with me - in graphic detail -- (You know it happens to all us guys, right?) about erectile disfunction and an actual photo of an older woman in underwear. Humorous more than anything. However, this whole topic is not humorous at all! Use a quick response (or just type 'spam' or 'reported' or similar) to avoid getting dinged for not answering and report them immediately.
  23. I think the most important thing to say in this post is that none of this matters. There is no benefit to posting more or getting forum ranks. Simply post when you have something important, entertaining, or helpful to say and avoid posting when you do not.
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