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  1. I wanted to act like a real troll and join the congratulatory brigade but then I refrained myself from doing so thinking about all the stuff y'all think make in your mind after every 'congrats far Ur saksis'!
  2. Well, that's sad, and dangerous. Due to being hacked, we may notice several buyers, and sellers get banned. In addition, Fiverr is doing nothing to stop this kind of scam before it happens.
  3. Haven't written this yet. However, my to-do list for this contains getting my car checked as it is having a knocking/missing issue. Moreover, I'm planning to travel a nearby hill station due to the excessive heat nowadays.
  4. I a few hours ago received a message from someone asking me to verify my payment method in order to get my order processed. I knew it was a scam and reported this to Fiverr immediately! That person is now no longer available on Fiverr. However, I just checked their ID and they worked with eleven sellers and all of them have given them 5* reviews highlighting how nice and friendly they were. Does it mean it was a legit buyer whose ID was being compromised or now legitimate buyers as well started such scams?
  5. I just added a profession and I wasn't even asked for any kind of verification. In fact, I didn't even see something like 'verification' or something while filling the requirements. My profession is shown as 'active'. Is it added? I think it is but I'm not sure.
  6. That's great. I'm still afraid of getting my account lost or something. I believe the issue has been resolved now or something. Thank-you for sharing your experience.
  7. I'm constantly being spammed to add the 'profession' but looking at such comments, and being a full-time freelancer, I can't take the risk of losing/restricting my account. I will wait.
  8. I'm a technical writer along with being a legal writer and I started earning more after the introduction of AI! AI cannot produce specific, to the target technical writing the day I do. In addition, I can, without even using any software, sense if a piece of writing, or a post/comment on this forum, has been generated through AI.
  9. World Bus Simulation (Brazil version). I love driving, both in real life and in video games. I occasionally play zombie games as well but the one I mentioned above has been my love for the last few years.
  10. Fraud. Beware. Please don't click on that link and immediately report!
  11. Love! Seems awkward, right? Lemme explain, A major portion of the Eastern literature is about the lost love, the pain of not being able to meet and unite, and the joy that's being extracted from waiting for the letters of your loved ones, and, the list goes on and on. Instead of the easiest way of dating and finding your match (or mismatch), I would love to fall in love with someone who's not as easily available to me as lovers are available to each other these days. I want to write poetry for someone and that someone writes me letters telling me how much they miss me and how lovely it would be, when one day, we get to meet, travel, or go out secretly on a picnic or something.
  12. The response time only counts when a buyer/anyone messages you for the first ever time and you responds. For instance, say, a new potential buyer texts you around 12 pm and you responds back at 2 pm.. Your response time will be counted as two hours. The rest of your conversation for the rest of your lives won't matter. So it's OK if she's wanting to have the last say, it does not matter. It won't matter for the years to come.
  13. Thank-you. My life's philosophy is to engage myself in activities that are outside the virtual world to the point where I can only meet my online requirements. In addition, that's my approach in physical life as well. The more you have, the more you're responsible for things you sometime don't control. The key to happiness and accomplishment doesn't lie in having things, but to understand how to remain comfortable. Remaining happy is a perk of remaining comfortable and having a minimalist approach.
  14. I have been selected as one of the seller to add my 'profession' but when I click on the notification, it says 'something went wrong'. Is it because I am doing it from my cellphone or there's something else I failed to know?
  15. Do you believe in stars/luck? I personally don't. I think that hard work, dedication, and right strategy can always get you the fruits instead of thinking of being lucky to have suddenly catch them out of nowhere. The only kind of luck that I believe in is that we dunno how, when, and where will we die/meet an accident/find our love, etc.
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