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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. I had this option before and used it a few times. Today, I tried to make a new subscription custom offer for a buyer and this option was not there at all. Help?
  2. You have multiple options when a buyer does not know how many words they want. If you cannot agree on a number after describing different options to them, I think it makes sense to suggest they start with a lower number appropriate to the topic they want you to cover or the product they want you to create. Remind them that they can always order additional words if they want more after delivery. As a professional ghostwriter, you should have some idea of word count levels for different projects. For example, if you are selling a freebie lead magnet ebook, 2500 words may do. If you are selling a fantasy epic novel, you will need 110,000 instead. Sometimes you need to educate the buyer about what is appropriate for their needs. Do not artificially inflate this number in an effort to make more money. Edited to add -- I wrote all of that before I looked at your gig, which I now see is for romance novels only. I can understand why a buyer would be confused when choosing 40, 60, or 80,000 words. Perhaps you should differentiate your packages more clearly.
  3. The entire economy of the world is based on competition. Why would Fiverr be any different? What else are you expecting from operating a business?
  4. Why would anybody do that? If a seller new about some low competition and high demand gains that they could provide themselves, they would undoubtedly do that and not share that information with potential competitors. The more important question is what skills you have that allow you to offer a gig professionally.
  5. Questions like this always surprise me. I was raised to believe that discussing how much money you had was rather rude and simply not something people did in casual conversation. Also, how would it help anyone to know how much money I made here on the site? Numbers would not help anyone else improve their income. If I had to guess, I would assume the average monthly income on Fiverr is exceptionally low because there seems to be so many people who never earn anything at all.
  6. Congratulations to all three of you. I'm sure you'll be very busy going forward.
  7. This is very interesting to read, and I look forward to learning more about how they change things going forward. This is not a question really, but I wonder if there would be some designation of why a person requests the revision taken into account. I have some buyers who request a revision with almost every order in order to give themselves more time to assess my work. (I believe they outsource to me and have to get client feedback elsewhere.) I have never seen it from a buyer's side, so I do not know if there are listed reasons why revision occurs.
  8. August is also my birth month, so I am planning a few fun or at least relaxing things to do on that day. I will probably end up working, though. I have decided to buy myself a art tablet and take a class in digital painting. I'm not sure if this will be fun or incredibly frustrating yet. Probably a mix of both. I hope those of you affected by Covid recover quickly and feel much better soon.
  9. I occasionally consider timing all the non-paid work hours wasted by handling messages like this and other nonsensical things to see how it affects my average hourly earnings. Then I remind myself that it would probably just depress me, and I move on. It is certainly annoying though.
  10. Keep waiting. I believe Fiverr can take up to 90 days to review accounts. What did the email you got when they disabled your account say?
  11. That is an outstanding dress. If she embroidered all of that herself... yikes! I used to be heavy into needlework and I know how long that would take.
  12. At this point, it is because I get work here and they make constant improvements that support my business. Simple as that. I joined Fiverr a few months after it launched in 2010. At that time, I signed up for 20+ gig sites. They were new then and everyone who could afford the script launched their own version. Fiverr is the only one that has stood the test of time.
  13. I'll push Stray to the top of my list after these recommendations. I mostly play older games with my son at the moment. We're building things in Satisfactory right now.
  14. I think you misunderstand how Fiverr works. They don't hand out tasks. You create a gig and people can buy directly from you if they like what you have to offer. There are no tasks to find.
  15. Fiverr, of course! I'm an Office/Word 365 fan. I really don't like Google Docs for some reason, but it's impossible to avoid completely. For organization, I like ToDoIst and Trello (mostly for non-Fiverr collaborative projects).
  16. Welcome. I write both on Fiverr and fiction off-Fiverr. The time depends largely on how much research I have to do, the tone of the piece, and other picky little factors. I write fiction more quickly in general because it's easier to enter flow state while creating stuff I'm passionate about. I don't ghostwrite fiction, though. While I, of course, do my best for clients, I don't truly get passionate about plumbing services, etc. I have a longer delivery time than some other sellers on Fiverr because my schedule is very full.
  17. Inflation hasn't impacted my business. I do a host of things off Fiverr. It is only one of my freelance career baskets (i.e., 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket.') A good chunk of my overall income comes from fiction sales. I haven't had an actual job in decades.
  18. Well, to be honest, I'm not sure why anyone would need amateur Japanese writing, but you have a review, so I suppose there is some small market for it. I couldn't begin to suggest a target audience for this service, though.
  19. Gee, only 350 likes and inane comments a day and I can be a Grand Master too? What have I been doing with my life until now?
  20. I did not have any noticeable bump in contacts or orders. I was a Level 2 seller for quite a few years before getting TRS designation. I have been a top-rated seller for a couple years now, too. I regularly manage the number of orders I have at one time anyway, so perhaps I inadvertently blocked the surge that other people may experience.
  21. Something is. Fees? I never checked it out before so I did right now. If I take a $5000 cash advance, it says I pay back $5681. That's a pretty hefty fee or whatever the correct term is here.
  22. How can anyone possibly answer that? Every buyer has their own unique needs. In general, the most useful service is one that fulfills the needs of a specific buyer in the most professional way possible.
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