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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. There is a HUGE difference between needing skills and needing qualifications. You absolutely do need skills -- professional, marketable ones. Qualifications? Not official ones. I would amend your final sentence to this: "As long as you are providing a service that someone is willing to pay for AND that does not break Fiverr TOS and user policies, you can list it on Fiverr."
  2. If you know how to do lead generation, it seems you have good skills to start and grow your own business. If you do not know how to generate leads, then you should not offer those services.
  3. This disturbs me as a seller. I get tips semi-frequently, and sometimes wonder if my buyers were 'bullied' into it from overzealous prompts to do so. I certainly don't want my buyers to feel pressured to pay me more than my price. The money is nice, of course, and I appreciate it, but I don't want them to think I'm pushing for more. Hearing it from your perspective is an eye opener. Buyers should easily be able to bypass tipping.
  4. Good point! I sometimes wonder what the people who preach "Active 24 hours!" do for all their waking time. Sit and stare at the computer hoping an order will show up? I doubt it... and certainly hope not. Occasionally get that impression though. There are so very many things you can learn and do to build a freelance business successfully. Many potential actions aren't very productive. It's an important thing to learn and put into practice.
  5. Increase your prices to a minimum of $80. At least, that's what it seems like to me. They're telling you that a full website delivery should cost at least that much.
  6. I've actually been here for 10+ years (It says you joined in 2021), and submitted my ID years ago now. It really makes sense to identify yourself legally to a platform responsible for paying you, I think. Also, if it helps cut down on the number of scammers around here, I'm all for it.
  7. I unfortunately had to take some time off in November, which obviously affected my orders. However, it seems Fiverr is pushing one of my larger/pricier gigs lately, and I am getting quite a few huge orders from people. That's fun. My mind is already turning to scheduling my usual time off at the end of the year. So far, it looks like I'll be quite busy through the holidays.
  8. I'm 99% sure this exact post (re-worded) was already posted in the past. I remember quite a long conversation about these points. Besides potential copying, the problem with these points is they are either not true or not specific to new sellers. 1: They are easy to access you can communicate with them almost 24/7 Everyone on Fiverr is accessible or we risk demotion. 24/7 is a bad idea for everyone. People need sleep and work/life balance. 2: You can hire them at an affordable price Not all of the, and there are plenty of experienced sellers who also offer affordable pricing. 3: They give 100% afford to satisfy his/her clients because they want to grow their business with some positive reviews. So do established sellers. Who wants a bad review? No one. 4: As they are new, they don’t have much work, so can deliver their job so quickly. If they don't have much work, it might be a sign they do not deliver what people want. Also, successful sellers deliver on time. If they do not, they wouldn't be successful. 5: After work, a new seller can give multiple times of revisions. Again, so too do some experienced sellers. Every buyer should carefully choose the best seller who is most likely to satisfy their needs.
  9. I got that! I thought my Hanlon's razor quote was a bit silly, too.
  10. The thing is, not everyone can do those things at all. (Maybe data entry...) Proofreading takes a strong command of the language -- a perfect one, in fact. Beta reading requires understanding of story construction, etc. You obviously had skills when you came here and worked to develop new ones. That is the most important "skill" of all: the understanding that building a successful freelance career or business takes effort, learning, and agility. There's a huge difference between someone who wants easy money and then quickly learns that expanding (or honing) what they offer works so much better and people who have no idea that success requires any type of real effort at all.
  11. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." (Hanlon's razor)
  12. I had two separate buyers request specific images from Shutterstock with their orders, but they were not available through Fiverr's selection tool/search, so I had to disappoint them and choose a different image. I'm sure there is some reason behind the scenes. It is a bit frustrating when that happens. Right now I have the gig extra turned off because it kept returning an error instead of letting me pick an image at all.
  13. Why on Earth would you sell a computer without blocking access to your accounts on it? This is just... unbelievable to me.
  14. No. There's something in the TOS about rights passing to the buyer. From a practical stand-point, however, selling non-exclusive rights would be a logistical nightmare for publishing. KDP requires ebook exclusivity, for example. If the buyer wanted to post the story there for sale and you put it on your blog, for example, it would break Amazon's TOS. I'm not sure what the PLR short story market is like. PLR articles/blog posts are rather a thing of the past. I really can't imagine too many people would want to be interested in reprints with no limit to other sales. What benefit would the buyer get from paying for a story available for free elsewhere?
  15. I use Milestones semi-frequently, and agree with Shalock's points. Some buyers hire me to write 25,000 words or more. Using Milestones helps ensure everyone is happy with the progress of the overall order. The last thing I (or my buyers) want is to have 25k words delivered and then find it doesn't match buyer expectations or intentions. Milestones create a continuous and hands-off flow of work for the project, too. Setting up separate, consecutive orders would be more annoying and time consuming, to be honest.
  16. I didn't intend for my comment to come across as rude in any way. Every day on this forum, a dozen or more new sellers ask the same question. They get long lists of nonsense advice from people who have not found success yet. They also get pointed to the few very helpful, very generous threads written by TRSs and professionals who already took the time to share their wisdom. Seek those out. Learn. The information is out there. My last sentence -- Be proactive and put in some effort if you want your business to succeed. -- is exactly what everyone has to do. It wasn't snark.
  17. Why don't you try searching the forum for information? There are dozens... even hundreds... of posts exactly like this already. Be proactive and put in some effort if you want your business to succeed.
  18. Interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about this either. If the questions don't pertain to the order specifically or if they're written in a way that doesn't align with the seller's business or communication style, this would make the gig look worse. I haven't seen this yet, but will definitely keep an eye out.
  19. Hmm... Your last comment here made me think. I've been sending messages to the buyers in most cases. The Briefs are too vague to guess what they want, so I always ask questions first. I wonder if they see it as spammy. I may have to do some split testing on the #2 and #3 methods.
  20. My costume last night was 'harried writer.' Messy hair, huge purple sweater, well-worn slippers, half-full cup of lukewarm coffee. I was busy getting ready for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), which started today. Now that my kids are grown, we don't do any Halloween-type stuff anymore.
  21. The word you want is 'guys,' not 'gays,' unless you are interested in working with part of the LGBTQ+ community only. I would suggest reading the Fiverr help pages and actually searching the forum for valuable information from TRSs before posting yet another thread asking the same thing. Best of luck!
  22. On your gigs list page, you can see the same Fiverr or Fiverr Business gray tags under a Placement column.
  23. This is not something to get angry or upset about. This is simply making a business decision based on what works best for you. If you're making more money and growing your business better on Facebook or elsewhere, isn't that a good thing, too? There's no need to put down or abandon one platform because another is working well for you. The adage, 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket' is a very good one when it comes to freelance or small business income. Best of luck to you wherever you end up!
  24. What funds? From the cancelled order? You will, of course, not get paid for a cancelled order.
  25. Fiverr is doing away with Buyer Requests. Search the forum for 'briefs' and learn about the new system.
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