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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. They still need to be good pickpockets if they make money from it. If they pretended to be good pickpockets and kept getting caught with their hands in someone's pocket, they would surely give up after a while, right?
  2. I do not understand how people can honestly consider themselves professional digital marketers when they cannot get orders and they believe spamming people is appropriate. I honestly don't understand the mental disconnect. I've been involved with the Internet marketing world for decades and have non-Fiverr projects that I market regularly. I still don't consider myself a professional that could provide these services to others. Do people think marketing is easy? How can they if they get no results?
  3. Interestingly, the Contacts seems to include people you've never had any orders with at all. I suppose it counts people who contact you for any reason. I wonder how many on the list are spammers?
  4. If the images are posted elsewhere online, this would automatically flag them as unoriginal. Unfortunately, if you posted or shared them elsewhere in the past and someone stole them or reposted, it could cause the same issue. You have to send all your proof to customer service.
  5. It seems that if you were always online and the orders stopped anyway, being online doesn't affect getting orders. What else have you done to build your business?
  6. I had a record-breaking number of messages in my inbox this morning. Unfortunately, a couple of them were the usual spam (e.g., only 'hi,' suggestions that I give them some of my work, etc.). Many seem promising, however. I am always busy and grateful for it.
  7. My only guess is that it is available only for certain categories right now. I see no way of selecting any differences in the gig creation screens.
  8. “If you trust in yourself. . .and believe in your dreams. . .and follow your star. . . you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren't so lazy.” -- Terry Pratchett
  9. These programs do mess up occasionally (or semi-frequently)! People recommend them a lot in fiction writing groups as an alternative to real editing, and it makes me cringe. In my opinion, they're useful for pointing out some things you might miss, but you absolutely need to know what you're doing to choose the right grammar in the end anyway.
  10. Also, it would help more to get advice from experienced people rather than inexperienced ones. Perhaps there is a language barrier to making the best possible offers?
  11. You should never offer any service you cannot do professionally. That's a great way to have dissatisfied buyers and make yourself look bad. However, it is a good idea to have multiple gigs for things you CAN do well. Increases the chance of people finding you in different niches.
  12. I hear when you reach 100% world domination, Fiverr sends you a plastic crown.
  13. No. If your book dimensions change, the book cover dimensions also must change.
  14. Okay, I meant I thought sellers couldn't share other links. I know buyers can for order purposes. Anyway, thank you. I guess I have to read the entire ToS and Help documents again to figure this out. I've always wondered why our profiles allowed for social media links if we're not allowed to share outside contact information. That seems counterintuitive. I think I'm a bit paranoid about losing my account after all this time.
  15. Argh (at myself)! Now I feel a bit foolish. I thought we weren't allowed to EVER share anything other than the links mentioned on the Help page.
  16. Is this allowed? (I'm not accusing, genuinely asking as the whole profile thing always confused me.) WP isn't on the list of approved URLs (https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011421218-Gig-policies). Can I share a different blog with people to showcase my work? Am I allowed to send out links to work I've done in the past? I'm still trying to figure out how to use the on-site portfolio (buyer decides to share the work or not) as a writer. I created a rather simple blogspot site with random samples of the different types of things I do and constantly explain to people that I'm not allowed to share anything else with them. Am I losing out on a better option?
  17. Mmm... frozen fruit. I rarely eat fruit that's not at least partially frozen. Grapes and orange segments are favorites. Apples and bananas don't really work, though. I always have a cup full of ice water, too. I'm in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US. We top out around 35C around here regularly in the summer, but are usually closer to 30. (85-95F)
  18. Read this entire thing including all links in the first post:
  19. Ignore my comment! I stand corrected. (Left this here since it was linked to. Thanks Mariashtelle1) It all depends on the seller, their gig description, and their skill level, I suppose. If their gig description said they hand drew/designed the graphics or something like that, you may have cause to complain. There is no overreaching standard guidelines that cover all sellers, however.
  20. You cannot share any way to contact you off Fiverr whether you use a link or not. I assume if people found your podcast, they could also find a way to contact you. So, no, you can't do that. There is a list of approved portfolio platforms in the Help documents, but I doubt your podcast is hosted on one of those.
  21. Every word of this is truth especially #2. There are daily posts from non-selling sellers mentioning how long they have waited for in order. I never see one that says they have spent months studying new techniques or learning up-to-date practices for whatever they are trying to offer. I've been writing professionally for over 20 years and I still take time every week to learn something. Providing value for buyers is so much more important than the need to make money every single time.
  22. As far as I know, it can take up to 90 days for them to review your account. Unfortunately, asking him to contact you on Reddit – even though you originally spoke with him there -- is against Fiverr TOS because you took communication back off Fiverr. Good luck.
  23. This is something you'd have to research based on your service type, market interest, competition, etc. It's impossible for anyone to simply pick a CPC number out of a hat and tell you one that will work for you.
  24. Even IF typing things like this is a marketable skill, I would NOT advertise that you can only type 43WPM. That is slow for a professional and it has no bearing on your ability to finish the job. Fiverr gigs don't pay by the hour.
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