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Why did you choose Fiverr?


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I know it's a weird question but I would like to know and I feel it would strike a good conversation!

Soooo why did you pick Fiverr out of all other platforms? I'll go first! 

I was wrapping up my final exams and my classmates already had plans for their free year before college and well, I had zero plans. The majority opinion here is skill acquisition and I did learn some skills like plumbing and welding (my eyes were bad enough and the smoke could not make it any worse😂). Sure I got a few jobs from it and my dad wanted me to get something more 'lucrative' and I couldn't get into it because centres for those kind of skills had a lot of learners and I've never been a people's person (I'm extremely introverted and I suffer anxiety so public places overwhelm me but I'm working on it!).

I did pretty well in arts class and a friend from a literature space I had recently joined needed help with a book chapter and when I did, he paid me well. My first thought was 'people actually make money from this?'. I got good connections and mainly wrote outlines and short stories for my writer friends/clients and along the line, I wanted more and that was when I started doing research because I needed an easier way to reach my target market.

This was when I found Fiverr and some other platforms (I'm not sure I'm allowed to mention). I found some very difficult to use and the terms were a bit complicated as well so I finally chose Fiverr. I found this platform easy to navigate and the timing, and the payment threshold was low (I never imagined earning more than a few dollars!). The name too was catchy and with all the opportunities I could get, the 20% commission they took did not seem too bad as well!

Getting started was hard because I realised my beginner level skills would not get me anywhere and I had to upgrade! Well long story short (eh, sort of) I'm enjoying my time here and I love the community. How did you find yourself here?

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Hi @favourik! Great topic! 😊 I also really enjoy working on Fiverr's platform and mingling with other sellers on the forum.

I decided to go with Fiverr for several reasons. I telecommuted a bit during the pandemic and liked how it allowed me to homeschool my kids and take care of family matters better. I also have moderately-severe hearing loss and it has been getting worse over the years. So I was looking for work that wasn't so dependent on my hearing.

With Fiverr, I liked that -

  • I could simply be a seller, without having to give myself a label, such as "data entry specialist."
  • I could set up gigs in different categories and offer different services - from writing, research, design, virtual assisting, data entry, and beta reading.
  • I could be appreciated and rewarded for my work, with constant feedback to improve my skills and business through customer interactions and seller metrics.
  • Buyers could come to me to discuss their projects and not the other way around. I don't have to bid on projects or do my own marketing.
  • Transactions are so simple - Fiverr takes care of the payments and I don't need to worry about invoicing or payments. I can just focus on delivering quality work and keeping my customers happy.
  • I could truly work from anywhere at any time - my gigs don't require me to talk on the phone or communicate via video conferencing.
  • I could set and change my own prices and work hours. Want a raise? Boom. Raise approved. ✔️ Need to run an errand? Sure, go on ahead!😊
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Very nice topic! Ok, initially I've chosen Fiverr because it was the most known platform and useful as well, for music producers. But after few months I understood the potential, huge potential. Also I understood the team behind it is working day and night to improve, till perfection! I can say that right now as it is today, it's really near to perfection. I just want the "Audio Watermarks" for audio material in chats & deliveries. After that it would be 100% perfect for me 🙂

Please check also my Tips from a Top Rated Seller - Tip 1 | Tip 2 | Tip 3 | Tip 4 | Tip 5 | Tip 6

Edited by manuelmarino
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I have never tought about freelancing untill 3 years ago.

I had a friend who is talented in photography and has proper equipment for professional works. He was already using it. Knowing that i have been drawing, he recommended fiverr to me.

I set up my profile and started doing it. After a while i have seen it work and started to look at the other famous ones. Im primarily in fiverr in terms of freelancing because my profile here is the strongest. Also, my options are limited due to political reasons. In Turkey we dont have paypal, skrill, cashapp and some more. So i need payoneer to get my money. That really narrows down my alternatives.

Fiverr has its weaknesses. But overall im happy with it. 

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It has started during the first covid pandemic, I was student in video/audio production, I was also working for someone popular while doing my studies, I was bored during lockdown and didn't know what to do, then I remember to have heard about freelancing, so I searched for freelance platform, the first oen that appeared was fiverr, then I searched video about it, noticed that a lot of youtubers made promotion for fiverr and doing hiring sellers videos, I understood it was one of the moost popular platform, then I started to create things and increased my skills.

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I can say that I tried all kind of freelancer platforms and all of them was platforms pay-to-win, platforms who requires subscription to get advantages.

Fiverr is complete opposet of that and for me the most amazing thing here is you set your gig, your price and your time. In my opnion you have much more control of your work here on Fiverr.

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I've been here since nearly the beginning. I joined back in 2010 when this type of gig site first exploded all over the internet. I actually signed up to about 20 to start with to see if they could add a bit more to my existing freelance career. Fiverr's the only one that stood the test of time. Today, it provides a decent chunk of income and work I can manage with reasonable flexibility around all my other projects/responsibilities.

Plus, I know the secret handshake now, so I can't leave even if I wanted to.

Edited by melanielm
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fiverr is different from others marketplaces. In FIverr clients approach you directly rather than you reaching out to them. Although there is a dedicated buyer's request section where you can view the available projects. 

Fiverr is a great place for new freelancers to gain experience, learn how to work with clients, and build valuable skills.

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Wow nice topic . Let me tell you one thing if there's a skill you are good at and you don't find a way or even don't get qualified or may be many don't appreciate what you're doing, For that reason Fiverr is a great place to showcase and also give a way to enlarge your ability as well. And also it's a great platform for student's and other's to have a part time job sitting any where of the world without any travelling issue. It really helps us to make ourselves confident and also skilled and careful. This platform also teaches us a lot and most important thing in my opinion is that we can make international bonding and learn about anything important especially about our mistakes and how to fix it through the forum. 

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