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  1. i'm on other platforms too. some of these platforms have become so big that one would be outright crazy to have no experience with them.
  2. Perhaps @anna_dxnr is right and nobody here knows why!
  3. wordsfire

    Gig Denied

    I'm really but... you can never be sure if that seller is the one who reported you. even if they are, it doesn't matter. it will help you a lot more to contact support and ask what went wrong. they have re-initiated denied gigs in the past, so there is always a chance. as far as I know, it is okay to use the models, images, and other creatives if you have the proper rights to do so! best to look into the fine print and see if your purchase comes with commercial rights and stuff. best to contact CS for a case-specific answer though.
  4. is there a dip in impressions on most Fridays or just the sales?
  5. maybe, ask them which exact deliveries were flagged for low quality!?
  6. a lot of site-wide info can easily be found online. though, maybe, not as current as the last month. here is an example - https://www.similarweb.com/website/fiverr.com/#overview
  7. it's best to keep all the conversation within the order chat. there is no reason to message them in the inbox. just to be on the safe side, send another message asking for the OTP in the very chat so.. the T&S team will be able to see why you were contacting the buyer. good luck!
  8. your gig titles are too long and get redacted. so the first step would be to shorten them. if editing the titles doesn't fix the CTR, edit the gig image and try different styles on different gigs. at least... it takes a while before you can create the perfect gig. so take it as a learning experience and don't let it discourage you. keep up the great work. cheers! 🎇
  9. that's great. thank you for the amazing recommendations, @frank_d. and... congratulations @imagination7413, @lloydsolutions, and @williambryan392. all three of you have helped the forum become a better place. it will be amazing to have you as moderators. cheers! 🎇
  10. hi Mia, I'm sorry for the ultra-delayed response. I see that you now have an order in queue. so that's the best. and all the powers to you. PayPal doesn't have the $50 limit. try that, maybe? keep up the great work.
  11. I find it hard to believe you're making anywhere close to 1.5K per month with this account. the part of the problem is having a main source of income. there is no security when you're working for yourself. your only option is to create multiple sources and make sure the largest one doesn't contribute more than 20-40%. ever. in short, don't create the problem that you fear so much. diversify. there is no way to avoid negative stars forever. everyone will get them, if not today, then tomorrow. if you really want to ensure your client is super satisfied before you deliver, send a preview in the order message and wait for their response. but the strategy has its own downsides. don't even try. 4.8 vs 5 star makes no difference. and those who see a difference there, you don't want to be working with them. these are the buyers who will rate you 3 or 4 stars. notes - compare your stats to last month, not last week. I don't see much of a dip there. buyers only see the gig ratings before clicking on it. not profile ratings. stress won't help you one bit. use the downturn to create strategies, other income sources, etc. my gig impressions go down whenever I buy something on 5r. but it's a personal experience and I have no proofs. you're actually doing great for a new seller. keep up the great work.
  12. I'll counter this one with a quote from Anton LaVey, who interestingly enough, was inspired by Nietzsche. “Why should I not hate mine enemies―if I "love" them does that not place me at their mercy?” I didn't know we were supposed to counter quotes with quotes but aight... "I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects." "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." ― Oscar Wilde "in time we hate that which we often fear." ― William Shakespeare and "of all the liars of the world, sometimes the worst are our own fears." ― Rudyard Kipling quite a misquote unfortunately. it is from none of his works. and there are no sources available. https://philosophy.stackexchange.com/questions/47732/did-nietzsche-actually-say-or-write-sometimes-people-dont-want-to-hear-the-tr the closest similarity that I can remember would be from the early chapters of Thus Spake Zarathustra. but that was about contempt, not truth.
  13. "there are no facts, only interpretations." "distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful." "the man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends." "all I need is a sheet of paper and something to write with, and then I can turn the world upside down." ― Friedrich Nietzsche "I'm tough, I'm ambitious, and I know exactly what I want. if that makes me a bitch, okay." ― Madonna
  14. hey there, before you follow any of these suggestions, please be aware the road ahead is tough. there is no guarantee it will be worth it in the end. But there is no reason not to try -- read the TOS and do not make another mistake. that will likely get you permanently banned. calculate how many reviews you need exactly -- as far as I know, you only need an overall rating of 4 stars to apply for buyer requests. forget buyer requests -- you don't have the access. And new users rarely see them anyway. there is no point to it. create new gigs -- Fiverr's matchmaking system works on machine learning. there is a good chance the AI will test new gigs, i.e., serve it before different buyer demographics. it's okay to delete or pause the under-performing gigs to create new ones. but give them each a month before you disqualify any. and don't delete the gig with the negative review. niche down -- target niches with few or zero gigs. if you can create a gig that exactly matches what a buyer is looking for, there is a good chance they will take the risk. for example -- instead of a winning product, offer something like winning fitness products for kids. portfolio or success stories -- there are so many websites that will host your portfolio for free. Fiverr allows some URLs that you can share on the platform. even if your gigs do not pick up, this will continue to help you in the long run. ...
  15. I had to look through this. Since the last year when I returned on Fiverr, all my buyers have been strategic ones. Except for the one who cancelled right after purchase. On the other hand, I'm mostly a strategic buyer + window shopper. My purchases remain strictly strategic. But I have like 5x lists of gigs I plan to buy someday. One of which has been sitting there since 2016-17. I seriously think the window shopping instinct is what keeps me from impulse buying.
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