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  1. After 50 orders completion, it is time to leave this awful platform where everybody wants everything for cheap as possible, flee when annuncing a price of 3D creation, without counting that 90% of my messages are scammers trying to contact me out of fiverr. This platform is just pointless, unless coming from third world countries where 10€ car feed your entire family, it's just no sense for people from occident, I will rather go in the local one in my country that is popular where I can actually get a decent wage for the appropriate price of life, and be surrouded by serious buyers. It was nice for first experiences but staying is a waste of time, each new message is going to be a scammer.
  2. I have got the same yesterday, but it's really incredible that each message are often scammers, i've been spammed so much, no, it's not a new client but another scammer....
  3. Hello, I was wondering, can sellers buy 200 positives reviews without being flagged ? A friend of mine has hired somebody on fiverr to make his enterprise video, being 3D artist and video editor myself, I have noticed the seller has made absolutly everything wrong, made thousand mistakes, but when I looked at his profile, he has 200 positives reviews while being completly incompetent and making no sense.
  4. There isn't what I'm looking for, it's not just a green screen but stuff like this, and I already built my 3D universes so it has to be customable and characters need to have disguise that fit with each of my universes
  5. Okay, I will delete and recreate to see if it confirms that it stops or not
  6. Okay, I was looking for a video production studio to be able to shoot 32 footages of actors walking on a green screen with green crosses for motion tracking and combine them with my 3D environnement creations like in movies for my portfolio. So I don't know if match research keeps doing something or if it has stopped to search for sellers
  7. Yes, it was briefs, and my request is quite specific so I wouldn't match fast with a lot of people.
  8. Hello, I was wondering, I have made a request for a project via matches, so it has matched me with a seller, however we couldn't agree on a price, so, is match function going to search for other sellers or do I have to cancel and remake it ?
  9. I do video editing and 3D creation in other freelancing platform, not impacted at all.
  10. Yes, since I am using fiverr I have become millionaire by making video editings and 3D despite my last order was 3 months ago, I have now a villa on French Riviera and I'm driving an Audi R8, it is very easy to become rich on fiverr, good luck on that!
  11. It sounds like super real to me 🤷‍♂️
  12. I'm using it when I have a doubt, this is just an indicator but otherwise I often had orders from people creating an account recently for just one service.
  13. No, if we wanted something we would just type services we want in fiverr search bar.
  14. To be unique.
  15. I'm French, everything has begun in 2014 when I started to play online video games with my friends, I used to play league of legends for so long time and world of warcraft before. I liked to communicate with other people in using english and even sometimes in real life when forgeigners come in my country, but I wasn't very good at first. Then in 2015 I have met in league of legends, a group of foreigners from Finland, Germany, Spain, Koweit, Serbia, and then they have invited me to play games and wanted to be on s***e with me, when discord didn't exist yet, or it was the discod begining. First time I arrived on a call with foreigners, I had just some English basis from school, but I didn't understand anything what they say, was google translating most of things they wrote in chat trying to communicate..... But I kept playing with them and came to vocal convs with them, days, weeks, months passed, more time passed and more I became better at understanding in vocal, at writting and also developped more vocabulary. We also had a whatsapp group to talk about everything, we were there, 2 years passed and those people were like friends to me until one of the finnish person decided to meet me in real life in coming at my home, we spent a good summer in 2017, we hanged together, went bars, beach etc then he also came again in 2018 for the final football world cup, huge moment too. And this is how I learnt English, and during all this time I was still meeting foreigners sometimes in my country 🤷‍♂️
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