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  1. So you have posted in the website development topic the question of 'what is website development?' I thnk we probably all know what it is don't you think? Your quest for forum badges isn't going too well is it????
  2. If you don't know the answer, please don't make it up! It's better to sit back and read other comments from more experienced freelancers, than commenting for the sake of forum badges!
  3. Good spot @smartdezigns The topics are the same - word for word..... He must have a very old family 😀
  4. @dendy_designs Unfortunatly this is a forum, no customer service staff frequent here. I suggest you wait for CS to get back to you via your ticket and go from there. Maybe @Lena and @milos_siena Can shed more light?
  5. Your username is onlyseo ????????????? Isn't this what you do / or claim to do?
  6. I have the same issue. Must be a bug! I have reported it from my end
  7. breals

    Am I doing good?

    All that really matters is the ability to convert sales. Why are you concerned about impressions? Asking someone to predict a random number is completely pointless, as your impressions are based on many diffeent factors. Also, Fiverr gives all new profiles an initial boost when you first start. Over the coming weeks you will see these numbers drop considerably as you find your position in the food chain.
  8. Everyone knows that Wales is the world leader in expert Fiverr freelancers 😀 Bonus points for people who didn't have to Google 'where is Wales'?
  9. Hey Alex, there seems to be spam everywhere at the minute. If the message came through the usual channels (Not automatically detected as spam) Send a quick message to say you've reported them (Just in case it affects your response rate) then block them. There is nothing more you need to do!
  10. Nope. The Fiverr forum and main site are two completely different platforms. There really is no benefit to staying online 24/7 other than to exhaust you. If your customers like your gig they will contact you.
  11. You have 0 orders on Fiverr. How can you possible advise others on how to gain more orders? You posted a topic on the same subject asking for help only a few hours ago. Now you're the expert! Wow! You're a quick learner. 😀 Stop talking rubbish!!!!! How can you possibly believe this is the case when you have only achieved 25 orders in 6 years? To all new sellers. This is the type of advise that you get from freelancers who are more concerned about getting forum badges than you're own improvement. Please take the time to read the posts from the people who actually know way they are talking about. this includes the freelancers I have highlighted above. Unless you can walk the walk, then don't bother trying to talk the talk!
  12. 1. You're offering custom and unique banners, but are using template?. This is misleading your potential customers. They are not stupid and will be able to see this straight away. 2. You can not offer a satisfaction guarantee. this is for your customers to decide through the feedback process. 3. You claim to speak English, French, Spanish and German. Really????? If your customers don't trust what you say, they will not order from you!
  13. This is the type of thread that will make me feel isolated if I don't agree with every other 'expart' on here. Active online 25/7 Good gig marketing, 'the facebook' is best. Stay active Fiber forum. Remember to use the special forum hashtag. #rankmeforfree
  14. @mahi1nsarkar Have a read of this. It's a post of hints and tips I put together for aspiring wbsite designers.
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