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About ashleymahan217

  • Birthday 02/17/1990


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  1. Hey there!

    Great news! I'm currently running an exclusive offer on my professional video editing services. For a limited time, I'm providing high-quality editing at an incredibly affordable price.

    If you're ready to take your projects to the next level without breaking the bank, look no further. Check out my Fiverr gig: [https://www.fiverr.com/s/LzVv4p], and let's bring your vision to life!

    Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there's anything specific you'd like to discuss. I'm here to help you create stunning videos.

    Best regards,
    Professional Video Editor

  2. Great idea! It sounds like this is what we're going to have to start doing. I just cancelled 3 subscriptions from a buyer who wouldn't even post the instructions until they talked to me on Zoom. I told them I couldn't Zoom, and they immediately cancelled it all. I guess now I know why. @newsmike Thanks for keeping us in the loop! It's much appreciated!
  3. I would imagine that the government wants them to...jobs will help their economy but I assume that jobs receiving pay from other countries is more profitable...especially the countries with a higher exchange rate? That's just a guess - I'm no economic or political expert...
  4. Agreed....I mean, if reading and understanding rules is an issue for someone - how can they hope to read instructions and follow them, communicate effectively, and produce a great product? If one can't read the rules...one shouldn't be advertising that they can do the job. If one can't take responsibility or make amends (as @newsmike rightly said, they could have offered to reimburse people), one shouldn't be a freelancer as their own boss. I feel for these people, but I also feel for all of us who have had to work our way through legitimately. Faking reviews is an obvious no no.....It's the equivalent of saying, "I stole, he made me and talked me into it. I didn't know better." *shrugs*
  5. Hey Ashley! Long time no see! How are things going?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vickieito


      Just saw the quote! I love it!

    3. ashleymahan217


      So there is a limit on here...just not on the emojis haha - that's funny...but wait - I've replied to you multiple times now...is it one status update like "1 person"?


    4. vickieito


      I saw that! I saw you were posting and sending private messages, too. I guess you have more privileges than I had when I became a forum Grand Master! Maybe because you've hit the 1-year mark now? You should see what limits you have, if you have any.

  6. This is so crazy to me! I never knew there was an issue of sellers stealing gig descriptions and such...I always just figured that they're hard to make different sometimes..but exact replicas AND charging more?! (it is kind of funny - how mad would you be if he succeeded in getting paid for his endeavors?!) Anyways, you should take it as a compliment like @catwritersaid; I guess? He really, really, really wanted to be like you!
  7. I never knew they copied your gig descriptions! That's crazy. And to think, here I am trying so hard to make something LIKE your page when this whole time I could've just copied it and put my name on it. I once tried to help a foreigner fix their profile description. I told him to try and put something more like "yada yada (insert your skills here) yada yada." He ended up copying the whole thing and putting the "insert your skills here" part instead of actually listing his skills. I'm like "yeahhh that's better, no one will know you copied that & that you don't actually speak fluent English" lol. (I didn't really, I helped him fix it bc I'm a good person but it's funny to think about him leaving it like that)
  8. I have to agree to disagree with you, @vickieito. @donnovan86 has the best answer. Don't let them get away with it! Equal review rights for all!
  9. It hasn't happened to me specifically on Fiverr but vice-versa. Upwork frequently has buyers looking for people to give them good Fiverr reviews. The buyer gives the seller the exact words to state in the review and everything. It sucks to know we've worked so hard for our reviews while others are getting them from family/friends and buying them. Though I believe Fiverr is supposed to take measures to detect and remove these fake reviews. You should've reported it, but have no doubt, they would've made a new account and done so again. What do you say, @vickieito? Have you ever seen Fiverr do something about these reviews?
  10. I didn't know this, they have a coupon option?! So, do you think the Fiverr Plus is worth the cost in the end? (for you personally - has it been profitable and beneficial?)
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