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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. @sraboni_web - Gig favorites have no impact on you, as a seller. It doesn't help you in any way. It is simply an organization tool for buyers to keep track of the gigs that they use or like. It doesn't increase your visibility in search or your impressions, clicks, or sales.
  2. @mudasirbuzdar - I know how you feel ... I was a new seller, too, earlier this year. And I knew nothing. I am still learning how to build a business. So I'm proof that even the most clueless can learn and grow their business. The forum has been a great resource for me and I hope you will find as much value in it as I have. Don't worry about proving to others if you can do it or not. For me, it was more important to prove to myself that I could learn and implement the business skills I needed to become a better seller on the platform.
  3. Hi @robyatjannat, getting your first 3 orders within a week's timeframe seems like you are doing pretty good. It takes most people longer to see their first 3 orders. Track your impressions, clicks, inquiries, and orders in the next two weeks to see how your gig is performing. Often the best way to improve your gig's performance is getting more orders, delivering good quality, and keeping your customers happy.
  4. This is what Fiverr is trying to do for those in Pakistan (see below). As @max3dmodel and @mdabdullah14251 mentioned, it's also important for your clients to know what is happening and if this will affect their orders. I know it make be difficult for those who don't have internet or electricity, but as soon as you can, try to reach out to Customer Support for help as they are mindful of the situation... and please stay safe!
  5. Dear God ... who are you? So many people are so sure of your identity, yet their descriptions of who you are differ greatly. You inspire millions to change the world for the better, yet some of history's darkest moments were brought about in your name. You are the greatest mystery of this world and many spend a lifetime trying to find you. If I really could ask you a question, this would be the question I'd ask. I'm not so sure, however, if this is the right question to ask.
  6. Welcome to the forum @doctoryousaf! You're in luck because It takes good marketing to connect with your clients. So put your marketing skills to use and find ways to attract buyers to your gig and gig page. How are you going to convince buyers to click on your gig, rather than the other 21,000+ sellers who are offering the same service?
  7. Hi @glen13 - Welcome to the forum! You can find your orders by clicking on the "Orders" tab in the top right corner of your screen: At the dropdown menu, click on "View all orders"" In the top right corner, you'll see a search box. I use that to find specific orders: To contact support, you can create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/buying-on-fiverr/my-orders/general-info/general-inquiry Or contact them by email here: support@fiverr.com
  8. @greengas - you've had your gig up for 5 days. When I posted my first gig, I didn't get my order for the first 2 weeks. Many sellers take weeks or even months to get their first order. Allow time to see how your gig is performing. It looks like you made changes on the 24th, 25th, and again on the 30th. Constantly making changes won't help your gig perform better. I would actually be elated if I had 4 clicks from only 49 impressions. That means people are interested in your gig. Watch your gig for the next week or so (don't make any changes) and see how it performs. It's normal to see fluctuations in daily impressions, especially when the impressions are lower.
  9. Yay! Finally a Buyer Brief buddy! 😊 I was starting to feel lonely in this - everyone else was complaining that Buyer Briefs were junk, while I was getting 3 relevant briefs a day. It did take a while to train the AI to know what I was looking for. It's also important to understand that Buyer Briefs are only set up for one type of service. You can only set one minimum price: I chose to train the AI to only send me Resumes. That means I had to mark all the other services I provide as "This is not a service I provide" (even if I did provide it). I think it took me 2 weeks to train the AI. @danno1950 - how long did it take for you to train the AI? And what type of briefs are you getting?
  10. Hi @s_akram, To get more clicks - your gig has to be attractive to the buyers who see your gig. Things that affect this include: your gig image, gig video, minimum price, title, number of reviews, and your average rating. To get more reviews - You need to have orders first. Since reviews are filled out voluntarily by the buyer, you either have to be really good or really bad enough that the buyer will want to leave a review. I'm guessing that you want the good reviews. So focus on delivering quality work and keeping your customers happy.
  11. Have you gotten any inquiries yet? All of my gigs are high competition as well. However, I was able to niche down by listening to the requests that were coming into my inbox. My first gig I posted was for proofreading and the first inquiry was "kind of" proofreading, but actually "data entry." So I created a data entry gig just for that one customer. Now that I look at it, it was a specific kind of data entry and I didn't list all the kinds of data entry possible. I listened to more customers who messaged me through my inbox and pretty soon, I had 7 gig set up, all for a specific type of buyer, with specific needs. If you focus on the customers who are messaging you in your inbox, likely there are others like them. And you only need a handful of good customers to do well on the platform. You don't need to cater to ALL types of buyers.
  12. Hi @illussions, normally when there's a sudden drop in impressions it's due to a negative private review that a buyer left. Buyers get to leave 3 reviews on each order (2 private and 1 public). The private reviews are weighed more heavily than the public review, and stay on your account for 60 days. It looks like your last negative review was about 60 days ago, so it might be dropping off your record soon. The best thing to do is to is focus on getting new orders, delivering quality work, and keeping your customers happy. All of these things will increase your visibility in search.
  13. @donnovan86 - I would love to see you increase your rates tenfold so that you can get rid of all these terrible clients that you have to deal with!
  14. It looks like you have more jobs than in the past...you opened your account in 2016 and your 1 review was a week ago. So it seems like you have more activity now. How active were you before? Or are you talking about "before" being last week with the order and "now" is this week with no order? It's normal to have fluctuations in order. Sometimes you'll have lots of orders and other times, there can be a week or more between orders.
  15. If I had to pick... maybe the first one? It has "Guest Post" on top, whereas the 2nd image, it was hard to find what the service was ("Guest Post" was hidden in the middle). To be honest, I thought both images had too many words. I like simple gig images with 1-5 words.
  16. This point is HUGE. If you are offering services that involve a third party site - make sure you read their terms of service as well. Not just Fiverr's ToS. Fiverr doesn't have the time to tell you what the rules are for whatever third party you are using. For example, if you, as a seller are asking for your buyer's log-in information to complete the service, make sure that it's allowed by that third party service. In most cases, sharing user log-in and passwords are not allowed per their User Agreement or ToS. LinkedIn does not allow sharing login and passwords. Other web-based services - such as LMS learning platforms, Blue Host, and WordPress - also don't allow sharing log-in information, but they do allow you to create separate accounts with admin access. So please make sure you are doing things right. It's so easy to be so focused on Fiverr's ToS and Community Standards that we sometimes forget there are other rules that must be followed, too.
  17. Hi @marketingoes - Welcome to the forum! Your gig image doesn't affect your gig's visibility in search (but it does play a role in how many clicks you get). Most likely not seeing your gig was the result of you making many changes to your gig, not the gig image itself. When monitoring how a gig is performing on the marketplace, you shouldn't search for you gig - Fiverr is a matching service that is based on the buyer's preferences and buying habits. So what you see in search won't necessarily be what you buyer sees in search. You may see yourself on the first page, but a buyer might not see you at all. Search results are customized to each buyer and depend on your title, tags, and your seller performance compared to other sellers in your category. If you perform better than your competition, you'll be seen higher in search. And if buyers like what they see, then they'll click on your gig.
  18. This isn't really a restriction because you shouldn't be offering that service at all - it's more of a warning, or notice to buyers that they can't ask for certain services. For example, on my Research & Summaries gig, there's this notice: I don't see this as a restriction at all and I get a lot less inquiries about doing student work, since the buyers who do read this know that I can't do academic work. I prefer to have this notice on my gig because it makes my life easier when I have to talk to customers who don't read my gig. I can just reference the notice.
  19. Agreed. @dataraqib, you can get all the major changes done now. Then you can monitor to see how it performs after you've finished the changes. It doesn't make sense to monitor your impressions when you are making so many changes.
  20. Hi @dataraqib, I saw you made changes to your gig! However, many of the things I said previously, still remain true. I still think your gig image looks too busy with words and icons and adding a gig video would help your gig stand out. However, if you want, you can wait on making more changes so that you can actually track and see how your gig is performing. Track and monitor your impressions, clicks, and orders to see if you need to make any additional changes.
  21. @max3dmodel is right. Say "no," and mark the seller as spam to block him immediately:
  22. @hussienfahmy - I'm glad that things worked out well for you! Whenever you have questions or run into issues, get Customer Support involved. They are usually very helpful!
  23. Private reviews are only related to orders. However, buyers can "report" you in your inbox or order conversations. They can also open a support ticket to complain about you. I'm not sure what happened between you and your buyer, but if you are worried, you can also reach out to Customer Support for help.
  24. Hi @muttalibripon - "Withdrawal Initiated" means that you made an attempt to withdraw your Fiverr earnings. Both of your withdrawal attempts were followed by "Withdrawal Completed Successfully," which means the withdrawals were successful and the money should be in your withdrawal account. Based on your location, I'm guessing that account is your Payoneer account.
  25. @aqibsheikh77 - it can be frustrating when you are overloaded with work and clients end up unhappy with the work. Negative private reviews can stay on your account for 60 days, so you might see a decrease in impressions until those fall off of your record. So you aren't doomed - there is a way out of that. You just have to focus on delivering good work and keeping your customers happy so that you can bring your performance back up to where it was before. Right now Buyer Request is a mess and Fiverr recognizes it. Fiverr is actually in the middle of replacing Buyer Requests with Buyer Briefs. It's a slow process, but it'll take care of a lot of concerns that you have. You can read more about this here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284572-fiverr-is-updating-buyer-requests/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286972-new-feature-get-matched-with-buyers/ That's the problem. ALL freelancers are doing their best, so when it comes to how your gig performs in search, your performance as a seller does come into play. If other sellers have happier customers or more orders than you, their gigs will have better visibility in search. However, if you were to improve your numbers and performance, you could start turning that around. As your performance improves, so will your visibility in search. One or two negative reviews won't "doom" you unless you let them. You can control your business direction even when setbacks happen.
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