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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @rahima_begum_01! Welcome to the forum! Since you are into data, you might enjoy reading how Fiverr's algorithm works (and gain insight on how you can improve these metrics). Here are great articles to get started with: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ For improving your business, here's a post with useful links from @williambryan392 and @imagination7413: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  2. Welcome to the forum, @lonearrow! Sorry for your frustration! It might just be bad timing. There are a lot of updates going on right now, so many normal functions are appearing buggy. It seems like you arrived in the middle of all of them. Videos are reviewed manually and this process depends on how busy the team is. Sometimes my video is "processed" in a few minutes. Other times, it does take several days. No, this one might be a bug due to the updates going on. If it still persists, you can create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/report-bug This was an automatic process and sometimes it's wrong. You can contact Fiverr Customer Support on this one. Here's a link for you to create a ticket: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/update-my-account/change-profile-picture/create-ticket
  3. Glad to see you are okay, @rabihumakhan! I take it that you were able to relocate safely?
  4. I get about 5 a day, and it seems to be increasing. I also started noticing sellers starting to post their services on Buyer Briefs as well (but I report that as spam immediately).
  5. Hi @designcity32, This article has a lot of helpful information on Buyer Requests: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/159742-buyer-requests-leadership-suggestions-on-buyer-request-complaints-few-requests-br-faqs-times-issues-etc/ This is what a buyer looks for when sellers make offers on their request: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/205473-buyers-request-39-offers-should-you-bid-%E2%9D%93/
  6. My gigs are all so different, so that's the only reason why I only train the AI to go for resumes. The price doesn't make sense for my other gigs. I'll have to give that a try...resumes are the simplest gig to train AI on. I'll see if I can train it for more complex gigs.
  7. Hi @dev_jaed_hassan, Stop worrying about how to rank your gig - think "relevance" not SEO. This article here should help you understand how to improve your impressions so that buyers can find you in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ If you want to do some marketing, this article is very helpful: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  8. If your gigs are doing well, you don't need to make any changes. Not all the time. My visibility in search increased after I reached Level 1, so it'll be different for each seller. Monitor your performance. If you're doing well, stay the course. If you see your impressions dropping, you can make adjustments to your business then. If your gig's impression is dropping, don't just make "gig modification." The drops in impression is usually due to the fact that you've leveled up, and now are competing against more serious sellers. So you need to up your game. Improve your seller metrics. Get more orders. Deliver high quality and keep your customers happy. This article may be helpful: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/
  9. Hi @mttoufiq, Here are some good articles to help you pull yourself out of the sales slump: Here are tips to get more orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/ Here's how to increase your conversion rate: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/263159-many-clicks-but-no-sales-read-this-a-guide-to-improve-conversion-rate/ Here are some great tips on how to market yourself: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104668-marketing-yourself-just-do-it-heres-how-upyour/
  10. Hi @it_alim - Welcome to the fourm! Short answer for #1 - No. @frank_d said it best: Here's @frank_d's whole article. It's a very good read: Again, see the above quote and article. Think "relevance" not SEO. Make sure your design is attractive so buyers will want to click on your gig, and not your competition. Fiverr states that your gig video can increase buyer engagement with your gigs by 40%. Why would you want to change your tags and keywords every 3/4 days? Changing your gig that often doesn't allow your gig to gain traction in the marketplace. Make changes, then monitor to see how your gigs are performing. If they are not performing well, then make additional changes. If they are doing well, you don't need to make any changes. Read the above article. Fiverr is a matching service, matching buyers with relevant sellers. Each buyer will have unique matches, so what you see in search won't be what a buyer sees in search. Fiverr will give you an initial boost as a new seller, so you'll be visible to more buyers when you are first starting out. However, if those don't convert to orders and happy customers, Fiverr won't see your gig as relevant. As a result, you won't be as visible in search as your competition. Focus on improving your seller performance and metrics so that your gig will be seen as relevant when buyers search for your services.
  11. Hey @graphixunlimite - I tried to send you a $0 tip... did you get it? 😉 It's a Friday night in Japan and I'm feeling pretty generous right now. $0 tips for everyone!!!
  12. That would be @imagination7413! 😊 I like this new title, too! Hopefully we'll find some more seller who are patiently teaching the AI to send them briefs!
  13. Hi @furyy123 - This value is based on your last 60 days of activity, so I don't know if that has anything to do with the fact that you can't see that value yet. Your account is still newer than 60 days. It doesn't hurt for you to ask this question to Customer Support. You can create a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/selling-on-fiverr/seller-dashboard-and-statistics/dashboard/create-ticket
  14. Welcome to the forum @aliciaarroyo6! If you're planning on making this your full-time job, don't expect it to happen quickly. It takes time to build a business. Business also fluctuates each month, so you need to have extra in reserves to cover the months that you may have no orders or a few orders. I was lucky to be able to replace my day job fairly quickly and maintain a steady stream of orders. It has been great working from home and being present for my kids. Spam is really bad here. The best thing to do is respond with a "Hi" or "No" and mark them as spam to block them. Don't waste your time talking with them. I would leave the last two sentences out of your bio because it sounds like you are begging for work - instead, showcase your skills so that buyers will want to order from you! Here's a great article to help you get started with your Fiverr business: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  15. Isn't the forum with its badges addictive enough? And the best part... it's free! (There are no prizes at the end.)
  16. That would be VERY nice! ... unless, of course, I was the buyer and it was coming out of my pocket! 😮 Also, if newbies (or newbies-to-be) heard that Fiverr had a slot machine, it could be a very dangerous thing...
  17. That happens to me, too @smashradio! Sometimes I'll even thank the buyer for the "generous" tip, before checking the amount and seeing the "$0." Luckily, it always corrects itself after refreshing!
  18. Hi @minavideos, Normally a sudden drop in impressions is due to a negative private review. Buyers leave 3 reviews on each order (2 private and 1 public). Private reviews are weighed more heavily than public ones. Buyers can also leave private reviews on canceled orders. Here's the experience of a top-rated seller who also faced this problem: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/288420-hidden-private-feedback-is-the-worst-idea/ I hope you'll find these two resources helpful as you try to improve your seller metrics so that you can improve your visibility in search: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/
  19. I'm glad that I could help you @timothykoen! Good luck with your new gig ...and let me know if there's anything else that I can help you with!
  20. Hi @osuddho, Why don't you give it a try? You can pay for a month and decide if it's worth it to you. I'm on Seller Plus and I love the benefits that come with the program. Here are a few of the benefits Seller Plus members enjoy (with new features are added often): A dedicated success manager that you can email at any time with your questions (you also have monthly Zoom calls) Get paid as soon as an order closes (with a 1% fee) or in 7 days Send your buyers coupons to encourage more sales and build customer loyalty Get quicker customer service Buyer Insights for all your buyers (their buying history, ratings they give their sellers, their order completion rate, their tipping frequency with you, the average cost of their orders, and more) Advanced Analytics Dashboard for greater insight into your business Negative Keywords to filter out certain buyers A free month of learning on CreativeLive Resources for improving your business and leveling up Access to the Seller Plus forum
  21. Hi @farshidesign, Here's what you can do when first getting started: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286042-📈-fiverr-simplified-two-tips-to-selling-more-earning-more/ Here's a list of things you can optimize: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/ Here's a spring (or fall 😊) checklist to help you: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/277860-spring-gig-checklist-for-sellers/ This in-depth article gives you details on what happens when you publish a new gig: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/274399-what-happens-when-you-publish-a-new-gig-a-pro-sellers-guide/ Here's great advice if you are looking to get that first order: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/211706-are-you-a-new-seller-this-is-how-you-get-more-orders/ (Note: This category is not for sellers to ask for advice. It's for experienced sellers to share their tips. You can post your questions in "Fiverr Questions" and "Fiverr FAQ." 😉)
  22. Hi @favourik! Great topic! 😊 I also really enjoy working on Fiverr's platform and mingling with other sellers on the forum. I decided to go with Fiverr for several reasons. I telecommuted a bit during the pandemic and liked how it allowed me to homeschool my kids and take care of family matters better. I also have moderately-severe hearing loss and it has been getting worse over the years. So I was looking for work that wasn't so dependent on my hearing. With Fiverr, I liked that - I could simply be a seller, without having to give myself a label, such as "data entry specialist." I could set up gigs in different categories and offer different services - from writing, research, design, virtual assisting, data entry, and beta reading. I could be appreciated and rewarded for my work, with constant feedback to improve my skills and business through customer interactions and seller metrics. Buyers could come to me to discuss their projects and not the other way around. I don't have to bid on projects or do my own marketing. Transactions are so simple - Fiverr takes care of the payments and I don't need to worry about invoicing or payments. I can just focus on delivering quality work and keeping my customers happy. I could truly work from anywhere at any time - my gigs don't require me to talk on the phone or communicate via video conferencing. I could set and change my own prices and work hours. Want a raise? Boom. Raise approved. ✔️ Need to run an errand? Sure, go on ahead!😊
  23. Hi @ayaz_1168, Welcome to the forum! Getting that first order can be tough. Here's an article that's packed with lots of tips and articles to help you grow your business:
  24. Hi @zakiakhan321 - instead of focusing on getting impressions, focus on getting orders. After all, you want orders, not just impressions. Share your gig links with those you know, who may need your services. Send in offers to buyer request and buyer briefs. Check out your competition to see if there's anything you can do better than they are doing, so that customers will come to you. Niche down and focus your gigs on a specific customer so that you aren't competing against every single Wordpress developer out there.
  25. The level in itself, does not give you more impressions or higher visibility in search. Your seller performance plays a huge role in how easily you are found in search. Yes. You can learn about these features here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010560118-Achieving-levels?segment=seller Being a leveled seller gives you the above mentioned features, which can increase your earning potential. It also gives you credibility as a seller, especially if you have the top-rated seller badge or are a Pro seller.
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