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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience, @filipdevaere! I agree - preparation, skills, providing unique (and excellent) services, and a good command of the English language are all critical for success. Your story is a great one - and one that newbie sellers should read - because it shows how much work and effort goes into starting a business on Fiverr. This preparation starts way before you start posting any gigs. I created an account in June 2019, with hopes of doing something with my technical background, mostly with writing standard operating procedures and creating related forms, but quickly scratched that idea when I only saw a handful of services providing what I wanted to do, and at ridiculously low prices. I decided to take a different route, and spent the next 2.5 years gaining teaching skills needed to create my curriculum design gig, since I already had the skills developing training programs for manufacturing companies. I created my first gig in Nov 2021 and had 7 gigs up by Dec. I actually set up most of my gigs in "high competition categories," such as data entry, virtual assisting, resume writing, proofreading, etc., but it worked well for me because I niched down enough to attract certain buyers geared towards technical writing, research, and education. This is why I have so much respect for what you do. You dominate your market with your level of expertise and quality. No one can match what you do. Thanks again for sharing your story!
  2. Congratulations, @filipdevaere! That isn't an easy feat, especially with the complex nature of your gigs. Great job! I also enjoy writing procedures, product specifications, and equipment manuals, so I love your portfolio and really appreciate the quality of work that you do!
  3. Hi @gisellevargas, Yes, that happens a lot. Buyers will ask a question, then disappear and never reply to your response. Buyers will ask for a quote, but never accept it. Sometimes, they'll even place the order, but won't even put in the order requirements to start the order for months. The best thing to do is to just move on and go about your business as normal. Buyers will talk to you if they are interested, they will place an order if they want to buy, and they will fill out the order requirements whenever they are ready. Let them come to you when they are ready, and on their own timetable.
  4. Hi @kristinnatalis, You need to add the price as a "gig extra." (Don't go through the Resolution Center.) Click on the drop down menu at the bottom of the order chats labeled "Offer more extras." Select "Add custom extra," the details, and price. The buyer can then accept the gig extra and pay for it.
  5. Hi @ayomideakinbola - When you sent me a private message, I sent you three links to articles on the forum that should help you. Responding right away with the same question and then posting this same question minutes later on the forum tells me that you have not yet read the information that was given to you. The forum is only as helpful as you are willing to read, study, and apply the things you learn here.
  6. Hi @sarabarkat - Gig impressions are only updated once a day. It may appear like it dropped at the beginning of the day, sometimes the values are even at zero. However, when the daily numbers are updated, the impressions usually jump up to where it's supposed to be at.
  7. @arturbe91 - Negative private reviews stay on your account for 60 days. However, if your orders decrease because of it, that can also affect you since impressions are related to your seller performance compared to others in your category. If there are other sellers who are closing on more orders than you, and doing better on all other metrics, they'll be shown higher up in search than you. However, if you are mostly working with repeat buyers and your orders aren't affected by the decrease in impressions, then you'll recover faster.
  8. Welcome to the forum, @arturbe91! And congratulations on almost reaching all the metrics for TRS nomination! A decrease in impressions is usually due to a negative private review. For each order, buyers are asked to leave 3 reviews - 2 private and 1 public. The private reviews are weighed more heavily than the public review. The 2nd private review can also be completed up to 14 days after the delivery...so a lot can change during that time. Customers can look at the delivery more in depth and have different opinions about their orders. I'm not saying this is the reason for your drop in impressions, but it is a likely reason. If you are a Seller Plus member, your Success Manager can give you better insight on the cause.
  9. You can't. I've asked for a m0d to move your post for you. 😊
  10. @abdullahbdbd - can you clarify what you mean? I see you are a new seller who just joined the platform last month. It can take a while to get your first order.
  11. Hi @minhaz_tech - gig links can't be shared in this category .... you may share them in "My Fiverr Gigs" and "Improve My Gig." I've asked for you post to be moved to the correct category. About your gig - I noticed that you are asking for your client's log-in information for their Shopify accounts. I believe this is against Shopify's ToS - Shopify requires that third party be given collaborator accounts with admin access rather than using the customer's login. If it's against Shopify's ToS, it's against Fiverr's ToS. I believe the same is true for the other platforms you work out of - Wordpress, Wix, etc. You might want to double check their terms of service as well. There are multiple grammar errors in your profile bio and gig description. Since you list yourself as fluent in English, I suggest you thoroughly proofread all your text in your profile bio and gig description I think it's great that you have a gig video, but try to include a thumbnail image on the first slide of your video so that buyers know exactly what services you are offering. I also noticed that you are new seller that just started out last month. It can take a while for you to get your first order. If you haven't already, start making offers to Buyer Requests and Buyer Briefs and share your gig links with those who are in your circle of influence.
  12. That's great to hear that your impressions are back on track, @civilengbro! It sounds like it was just a minor blip in impressions.
  13. Hi @illussions, does it matter if your gigs are on the last page, if you are getting orders? I would rather have orders than have my gig on the first page. Impressions mean nothing, if they don't convert to orders. Most of my orders come from my existing customers. Even if I had zero impressions, I would be in business because of my repeat customers. Focus on keeping your customers happy and take good care of them - because they will be taking care of you when your business is going slow. More orders and happy customers are the best way to increase your impressions and visibility in search. I found that when I focused on my customers (rather than impressions and finding myself in search), my impressions increased and I received Fiverr Choice badges because I was taking care of my customers. So focus on your customers first .... then Fiverr will start showing your gig to more buyers.
  14. @tareq_rahman009, buyers are not required to leave feedback and Fiverr's system already reminds buyers multiple times to leave feedback on their orders. You don't need to remind them again. Buyers are asked to leave 3 reviews on each order (2 private and 1 public). There are 2 alerts given for each review...so buyers are reminded 6 times to leave reviews for each order. If you then, also remind the buyer to leave a review, the buyer may become annoyed and leave a negative review (and if that negative review is a private one, it could cause a big drop in your impressions).
  15. Impressions are not just based on your performance, but the performance of other sellers. If other sellers have more orders than you, if they are responding to customers fasters than you are, if they have better reviews than you have, and are performing better than you in all of the seller metrics on your dashboard...they will be higher up in search than you are. This is based on the last 60 days of your performance. Also, private reviews (which you never see), also play a big role in the amount of impressions that you get. For every order, a buyer can leave 2 private reviews. They can also leave 1 private review on a canceled order. A buyer could give you a 5-star public review, but a really low private review. And that can cause impressions to plummet. What I mentioned above, is the solution.
  16. You need to focus on getting orders. If you can't get it through search, try to get them through Buyer Requests, Buyer Briefs, or through your own promotion efforts. Share your links with those you know, who many need your services.
  17. Hi @obr_design - you have been posting the same questions about gig impressions and clicks for the past two weeks. What have you been doing to improve these metrics? Have you been reading the articles and applying the advice given you by others on the forum? What's working? What isn't? Please let us know what methods you have been implementing over the past several weeks so that we can help you better.
  18. @abusalehrony30 - the number of gigs should not affect your impressions. I took a look at your profile and noticed that you are new seller that just started last month. Fiverr does initially give new sellers a boost in visibility. It might simply be that Fiverr is no longer providing that boost in impressions for you.
  19. Hi @hamzaamairi63, it was probably the 2.3 star review that you received 4 months ago that caused your impressions t go down, and as a result, less clicks, and orders. It can take a while to recover from a negative private review. The best way to recover is to get more orders and keep your customers happy - doing so will help improve your visibility in search. I would also add more portfolio images to all your gigs in the form of a PDF.
  20. Hi @tanhagraphics, Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers. If you see a decrease in impressions, it may be because you haven't gotten any orders yet. Try to get orders through Buyer Request, Buyer Briefs, and share your gig links with those you know who may use your services. More orders, with good reviews, will lead to better impressions.
  21. Hi @abusalehrony30, Normally a sudden drop in impressions are due to a negative private review. Can you clarify this statement, "after giving thirds"? I'm not sure what you mean there.
  22. This is what I see: (it was 4.8 30 minutes ago...and now it is 4.9)
  23. No, you can't change a subscription order. This is a big frustration if you finish earlier (and the reason why I stay away from subscriptions). The only way around it is to do a mini custom order in between the subscription orders. Canceling your subscriptions won't affect your seller metrics if you cancel at least 10 days before the next subscription starts. Otherwise, it will affect your seller metrics. You can read more about subscriptions here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017173498-Subscriptions
  24. Hi @arakasaproject - your rating is now at 4.8. It'll go up as you get more orders and keep your customers happy. You only have 7 reviews now, so it can take a while to bring you score back up to a 5.0.
  25. Hi @dataexpert82, your impressions went down because you've leveled up and are now competing against better sellers. Your impressions were good as a New Seller, because you were performing better than others in your category and level. Now that you are a Level 1 Seller, you are being compared to other sellers who are also performing well. If other sellers have more orders, better reviews, or happier customers, they will be shown higher up in search than you. The only way to do that is to outperform your competition. Be a better seller than they are. Respond faster, get more orders, deliver quality work, and keep your customers happy. The better you perform, the higher up in search you will be. You might also want to read these articles: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/148025-level-1-hell-pass-the-test-new-sellers/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/104901-getting-through-the-sales-slump-upyour/
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