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Important Updates: Level System (now live!) and Ratings & Reviews (testing changes)

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2 minutes ago, riaus_g said:

What are gig scores, and how are they calculated?

It's calculated by all of those private reviews they started asking buyers to leave. As a buyer, once an order is complete and you've left the seller a review, fiverr then asks them to give a secret review which is like a "shh, we wont tell the seller, we just want to know what you REALLY think of them"... Well now that's counting against you. So every little dissatisfaction they've had since day one will count against you. Every cancelation, every late delivery. It all now counts against you and not just the past 60 days.

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21 minutes ago, cheftychefty said:

This is crazy. This is the first time in almost 7 years that I signed up to comment on the forums.

I have been a level two seller and have made over $200,000 on fiverr and today I got the update that said I am now level 0 and that ALL of my orders have room for improvement and I am now a level 0 with a metric of 4.

Are you kidding me? I have a house that I pay a mortgage for as the sole provider for me and my family. I pay the $20 a month for the fiverr plus or whatever it's called and now I can no longer access my funds within 7 days? I can no longer promote my gigs? You guys stripped away every feature I had as a level two seller and then held "private reviews" against me as I grew as an artist.

10% of my lifetime orders were cancelations and now those will all count against me even harder? I've climbed tooth and nail to get to level two and maintain it over the years  and now I have to worry about how I'm going to make a paycheck all over again. 

This isn't like the dev team just decided to try a new function that was harmless. You've quite literally turned the entire seller platform upside down and hindered/damaged the ability for millions of workers to get money.

How do you guys sleep at night? That's just crazy to me.

This explains why I haven't been getting orders regularly for the past 40 days. I was talking to my partner and was telling her how weird it was that I wasn't getting orders as regularly and may have to get a second job.

Now it all makes sense. 

I hope Fiverr staff are taking notes here. This is exactly what I was talking about in my enormous post on page 6. Behind all the chintz and smiles of the product release is a lot of pain and suffering.

I stand in solidarity with you, @cheftychefty! Not that it will help much, but y'know.



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33 minutes ago, cheftychefty said:

This is crazy. This is the first time in almost 7 years that I signed up to comment on the forums.

I have been a level two seller and have made over $200,000 on fiverr and today I got the update that said I am now level 0 and that ALL of my orders have room for improvement and I am now a level 0 with a metric of 4.

Are you kidding me? I have a house that I pay a mortgage for as the sole provider for me and my family. I pay the $20 a month for the fiverr plus or whatever it's called and now I can no longer access my funds within 7 days? I can no longer promote my gigs? You guys stripped away every feature I had as a level two seller and then held "private reviews" against me as I grew as an artist.

10% of my lifetime orders were cancelations and now those will all count against me even harder? I've climbed tooth and nail to get to level two and maintain it over the years  and now I have to worry about how I'm going to make a paycheck all over again. 

This isn't like the dev team just decided to try a new function that was harmless. You've quite literally turned the entire seller platform upside down and hindered/damaged the ability for millions of workers to get money.

How do you guys sleep at night? That's just crazy to me.

This explains why I haven't been getting orders regularly for the past 40 days. I was talking to my partner and was telling her how weird it was that I wasn't getting orders as regularly and may have to get a second job.

Now it all makes sense. 

This is so bad for most people. I think we need to start taking our business somewhere else. I got all the points, but this doesn't feel right. I will remain very cautious. 

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Looking at the new dashboard, I discovered that my response rate is 97%. It was 100% yesterday, and I know that I've replied to all the messages in the last few days.

So I contacted Fiverr CS to ask them to tell me which message I hadn't replied to.

I received a very sympathetic and prompt response:
I've taken a look at your account, and I'm happy to inform you that your response Rate is currently at 100%! That's fantastic news!

But, the response rate on the new dashboard is 97%.

I don't really care about the response rate... but when I see all the problems of inconsistency that some people are raising, I conclude that it's going to be complicated if this system isn't yet ready to calculate a response rate correctly and if the fiverr team doesn't see the same thing as the sellers on the dashboard.

response 97.JPG

Edited by carineb
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2 hours ago, Kesha said:

Hi @ahsansuhaib! Today launched the first phase of the new leveling and rating system. In this phase, your new level is still private and only viewable to you. New levels, along with the respective badge, will go live on March 14. 

Hope you start working on system in those few weeks as it's not working at all now

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The only thing missing for me to become a top-rated seller was the 10k earned on the platform, for all the other criteria that are inside my reach/control I managed to keep it high standard. And now that I'm close to this 10k earned, there is this new criterion ''Success Score™️'' and somehow I'm below it already, from what I see there is no actual way for me to control it since at the end of the platform set this number. Also, it feels very subjective.

One thing I noticed that is putting my ''Success Score™️'' number down, is one of my so-called ''Gigs'' that has a flag with something like ''Value for money''. What is Fiverr trying to say here? like my service/job does not reflect the price I set for it? Hmm, that seems Subjective since I got more than 57 positive 5-star average feedback.

And also another Funny thing is that even though this ''Success Score™️''  grade was low, FIverr™️ found no problem with keeping it as a promotable gig on the ''Promoted gig™️'', and charging me for the inefficient/cold clicks. Sounds wrong to me honestly. 

I feel like it's just another barrier to keep me away from becoming a top-rated seller... smh... Just frustrated...

Not to mention, I will make another topic with my first impression on this ''seller plus: PREMIUM'' program that advertises a meeting with an assistant, but when I try to set it they are all unavailable during the period I paid for. lol



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12 minutes ago, carineb said:

But, the response rate on the new dashboard is 97%.

I think the response rate shown on the dashboard is all-time, whereas the current response rate within the past 2 months might be 100%. 

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I think this new score gives me lots of insight to see what is lacking in my gigs. I'm level 2 and I got a 10 success score but 2 of my gigs got 3 & 4 scores even if I got 5 stars rating on both... But after some checking, I got what is the problem. Fiverr gave all the details there...

* One of the gigs says: Conflict-free orders - yes, that's why I got very less orders on this gig, and lots of unrelated messages. Because the title is confusing, and my description is not enough. I fixed it now.

* The other one says: Client satisfaction - this also has a 5-star rating but one of the customers canceled the order because she accidentally ordered (as she said). And, I got an order that has been waiting for more than a year for requirements - no response at all... I need to contact Fiverr-help to end this unresponsive order.

All in all, I see where I can develop myself, and where I can focus more. I think this new system will help me more. I mean I just checked it for 2 hours and it helped me to develop my job better 🙂 

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5 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

I think the response rate shown on the dashboard is all-time, whereas the current response rate within the past 2 months might be 100%. 

Last 90 days

As I said above, I don't really care about the response rate.
What I find incredible is that CS tells me it's 100% when I see 97%.

last 90 days.JPG

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7 minutes ago, eduardoquiles said:

The only thing missing for me to become a top-rated seller was the 10k earned on the platform, for all the other criteria that are inside my reach/control I managed to keep it high standard. And now that I'm close to this 10k earned, there is this new criterion ''Success Score™️'' and somehow I'm below it already, from what I see there is no actual way for me to control it since at the end of the platform set this number. Also, it feels very subjective.

One thing I noticed that is putting my ''Success Score™️'' number down, is one of my so-called ''Gigs'' that has a flag with something like ''Value for money''. What is Fiverr trying to say here? like my service/job does not reflect the price I set for it? Hmm, that seems Subjective since I got more than 57 positive 5-star average feedback.

And also another Funny thing is that even though this ''Success Score™️''  grade was low, FIverr™️ found no problem with keeping it as a promotable gig on the ''Promoted gig™️'', and charging me for the inefficient/cold clicks. Sounds wrong to me honestly. 

I feel like it's just another barrier to keep me away from becoming a top-rated seller... smh... Just frustrated...

Not to mention, I will make another topic with my first impression on this ''seller plus: PREMIUM'' program that advertises a meeting with an assistant, but when I try to set it they are all unavailable during the period I paid for. lol



Oh, your value for money problem is easy to solve. Your target market is basically kids.

Kids don't have a lot of money and don't like spending it. They may also be able to get the fortnite character drawn for free by some AI or another. Your service won't make them money.

I wouldn't expect to be made TRS with the Fortnite stuff either. That's dancing on the borders of copyright/IP violation...

Fiverr reviews are subjective. Help yourself to win half the battle by not targeting a broke and selfish audience that resents spending money. (in general). Oh, their parents buy it? Pester power...


That's also a young and broke audience, and there's no "may" about the lying about age. Your service is a luxury, a treat. What are you doing to make it feel like a luxury treat? Probably not enough, because your price point is too low to waste time on delivering the gold standard service that the new review system demands.

OTOH, I can drop $100 off the price of my gig and dial up my service to 1000% without blinking an eye (but I will moan about it, of course; I'm British) - knowing that I will help my client to make money and that the temporary loss is future profit from a return customer.

There's plenty to of things Fiverr is doing wrong, but we should also be careful to look at where our own strategies are failing. Mostly because the new system will absolutely destroy anyone who fails to take stock and adapt.

My new strategy is simply to lock my door and pick my clients (among other things).

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7 hours ago, smork said:

Waiting for this latest nightmare update to come.

So apparently I'm 8/10 and a glaring


Yet I maintain and have always maintained a 5 star average with glowing reviews all over the place.

Guessing this is the wildly unfairly and deeply insidious private reviews thing and some disgruntled client has attacked me privately?  I've had a couple cancellations made by support for problematic customers.

They don't tell me what it is and the way to improve it is some canned generic non-sense about being a "better seller", enough to drive someone crazy honestly.

I've been a TRS since 2015 and always maintained an a top level of service, I get rewarded for that by them threatening to demote me.  Wonderful.

Amen to that. I am in a similar situation as you are.... not TRS (I've been a relatively consistent level 2), but the rest is similar. Client Satisfaction needs a better calculation, and not dependant upon private reviews.

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Just now, visualstudios said:

New? Welcome to the club. That has been the only valid strategy since we got request to order, thank god.

Yeah I'm heading in this direction I think as well. The other thing I started doing is not providing reviews anymore as I honestly don't want to see these new ratings coming in.   We are all human and when you see your reviews plummet for no clear reason it can start to wain on your confidence which will effect the quality of your work.   I'm just going to keep providing excellent service/quality work and just avoid the whole review system all together.  Yeah...time to be an Ostrich.  

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5 hours ago, zeecreations said:

Last year you introduced a new review system and lowered the threshold to 4.2 avg stars in 60 days. 

Now you increased it back to 4.7 to maintain the level and also increased the time frame from 60 days to 2 years? Please mention the geniuses making these decisions. 

This, right here. THIS needs to be addressed. 

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This new system is surely bugged or something, I have hard time understanding how my "client's satisfication" is under "strong negative impact", while 99.8% reviews I've got are 5 stars and all of them had only positive things selected, none of them wrote anything negative. I've been top seller for years now, can't even remember how many and now, because of all my 5 star ratings unsatisfied clients I'm going down.

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5 hours ago, emmasuebowtique said:

I have a freaking level 0. What in the heck is going on here. I have 1100+ 5 star reviews. I qualify for top seller,  yet I just went from a level 2 to a level 0. Gigs that are my top performing gigs have a 4 success rate. My reviews on my profile are unbelievable, my clients absolutely adore me, I couldn't provide more perfect of service. I feel like I have exhausted all options at this point, the last 2 months on this platform have been a joke with all these changes. I pray this is a bug and the success rate is not accurate. 

Screenshot 2024-02-14 at 10.03.57 AM copy.jpg

Things like this make for a horrible situation, and make the hard work of many great sellers, as they work to improve over the years, feel completely unimportant and irrelevant. What was wrong with the 60-day "you can recover and improve" format? That was balanced and fair to every seller, new and old. Bad things happen. That let sellers learn and improve. The new system penalizes sellers for mistakes, bad reviews, and things they cannot control for two years! 😲

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16 minutes ago, mashas_studio said:

I've been top seller for years now, can't even remember how many and now, because of all my 5 star ratings unsatisfied clients I'm going down.

It's one of the many situations I've been talking about for years. A LOT of buyers just leave random reviews, sometimes publicly, but especially privately. That's because just like you, I had only good reviews from clients, yet it seems one of my gigs at least suffers from the same issue. It's not a huge deal but still, there's no real reason said regarding why this happens, and it's definitely a problem because if you don't know the issue, how are you supposed to fix that, am I right?

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4 hours ago, Kesha said:

Hi @simplyjam! The good news is the new levels are not yet live to buyers on the marketplace. Please take this time to explore the new system and work on your metrics. The new system and levels will go live on the marketplace on March 14. 

How does a seller improve a newly-imposed low success score in 30 days, when the score considers data from the last two years? This massively penalizes sellers with hundreds/thousands of sales during those years.

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I will check my sucess score very strictly - and when it drops i will avoid this customers in the future which i did the latest orders.

Cause then its obvious that they have given a not optimal private feedback.

And they should then try to find another seller for their stuff.

Am i allowed to confrontate a buyer with that and tell him that due that i will not do any business with him in the future again?

Or is this also against TOS?

Often buyers came to me again with small changes - but i also will not do this for them in the future.


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1 hour ago, cheftychefty said:

This is crazy....

I have been a level two seller and have made over $200,000 on fiverr and today I got the update that said I am now level 0 and that ALL of my orders have room for improvement and I am now a level 0 with a metric of 4.

Are you kidding me? I have a house that I pay a mortgage for as the sole provider for me and my family. I pay the $20 a month for the fiverr plus or whatever it's called and now I can no longer access my funds within 7 days? I can no longer promote my gigs? You guys stripped away every feature I had as a level two seller and then held "private reviews" against me as I grew as an artist.

10% of my lifetime orders were cancelations and now those will all count against me even harder? I've climbed tooth and nail to get to level two and maintain it over the years  and now I have to worry about how I'm going to make a paycheck all over again. 

This isn't like the dev team just decided to try a new function that was harmless. You've quite literally turned the entire seller platform upside down and hindered/damaged the ability for millions of workers to get money.

How do you guys sleep at night? That's just crazy to me.

This explains why I haven't been getting orders regularly for the past 40 days. I was talking to my partner and was telling her how weird it was that I wasn't getting orders as regularly and may have to get a second job.

Now it all makes sense. 

Again, ditto, for me as well. This does not feel fair to long-time profitable sellers who have more data to consider within the new system. I see this very thing happening to many established profitable sellers. 

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