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  1. Today I should have become Top Level Seller! Couldn't wait to log in and check. Yet with the new rating system, I'm Level 0. Crushed.
  2. After 1 month, I was able to promote my gigs again, however, all impressions across all gigs are still at 0 for the last two weeks and my gigs are no longer showing up in search.
  3. I did. My promotable gigs now show as "unqualified." About 30 days after that, my gigs all disappeared from search as well. I went from 40 orders a month, nearly all 5 star reviews to 0 impressions and no orders, no briefs. According to this forum, this means we received a negative private review and it may take 2-3 months for our accounts to recover.
  4. Once in awhile during slow times I will promote a gig or two. However, today I noticed my gigs are showing up as greyed out and marked "Unqualified." When I hover over unqualified it reads: "This gig cannot be promoted right now, due to possible quality issues." I have 5 star ratings on this gig. What can I do here?
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