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About Lyndsey_Fiverr

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  1. Fantastic suggestion, and something we're working on this year, is diversifying the content and the learning opportunities within our community and providing more opportunities for fellow freelancers to meet each other! Thank you so much for contributing 🫶🏼
  2. Hi there! For this, you'll need to reach out to our Customer Support team, which you can do by submitting a ticket with this information here! The team can take a look into why your account was not verified and let you know next steps.
  3. My babies, Sampson & Sorrel 🖤🐈‍⬛
  4. Hey @rawque_gulia, thank you for bringing this up, we are currently working on flagging any spam users in the forum as well, and have taken steps that will hopefully make these posts less frequent. We appreciate you speaking up on it, and don't hesitate to DM me should you continue to see the influx of these posts next week.
  5. This is again, such fantastic insight, and I love seeing your seller experience here at Fiverr. Thank you so much for sharing!
  6. Thank you SO much for sharing this, and what an incredible journey you've had. We hope you'll share the studio space when you're all set up, and wish you nothing but the best in this new chapter of your business.
  7. Hi everyone! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Kesha is out at the moment but I am more than happy to elaborate on this. We had a bug on the IOS app, but as of Sunday, we released an update that should resolve this issue, and limit the confusion. We'll make an official post regarding this soon!
  8. Thank you everyone for contributing to the conversation on our new level system. We understand that this is a big change, and want to assure you that we will be considering your thoughts throughout this testing period. I want to also note that the goal of this new system is to improve the levels presented to buyers and make it more user-friendly for all sellers on the platform to understand their standing, score breakdown, and overall performance. For anyone with questions on how to improve your success score, we strongly encourage you to reach out to Customer Support, or if you have one, your Customer Success Manager for further insights. We also have several articles available in our Help Center to navigate these new changes. If you're receiving a message that you are not eligible for the new level system, we are unfortunately not able to provide insight here on the forum and urge you to reach out to Customer Support so that they can help you further. We appreciate your patience and understanding as our forum team works to address concerns as able, and as we transition to the new level system.
  9. Hi! When this new level system is live, buyers will only be able to see your level and your overall rating. Success scores are something only you as a freelancer will be able to see. It's important to note, however, that your overall level, which buyers can see in the marketplace, is influenced by your success score.
  10. I assure you that all comments on this thread will be passed onto the appropriate teams, and we greatly appreciate everyone's feedback and engagement on our threads!
  11. Hi, @arianelaurent! Deleting the Gig will remove the score of the deleted gig from the overall success score, but please note that deleting a Gig will also remove all Gig information and history. We'd also urge you to keep in mind that deleting a Gig and opening a new Gig may result in lower visibility for this new Gig.
  12. Hi @tomascello I would encourage you to you reach out to Customer Service, or your Customer Success Manager if applicable. On the forum, we are not able to give insights into your specific profile or warnings. Should you have any questions about the changes to the level evaluation system or about the forum we are more than happy to shed more light.
  13. Hi all, we are working with the appropriate teams to pinpoint what this messaging entails and how to best advise you moving forward with this warning. We will update the community as soon as we can, and apologize for any stress this has caused.
  14. Hi @adanaik, I am so sorry for any stress this is causing. We are currently working with the appropriate teams to decipher if this message is a bug or to give feedback on next steps. We will update the forum with more information on this pop-up banner as soon as we are able, and appreciate your patience.
  15. This message was not to say that the AI can misinterpret, and I would like to assure you that these scores are made up not only by an AI but also by internal evaluation from the Fiverr team. Should a seller like yourself feel the score giving was misjudged, then at that point you can reach out to our Customer Support to flag this issue and have it reviewed by the appropriate teams.
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