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Is it important to be online?



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Let me channel my inner @vickieito and try to be helpful instead, as I see us being told off if we continue.

Dear @sofia2568, this topic has been discussed many many times. Staying online on Fiverr does not guarantee orders.

Please learn to use the forum's search function to find relevant topics.

Additionally, here are some resources to get you started on how Fiverr works:


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14 hours ago, experdesigner_a said:

yes indeed!

14 hours ago, rudra_dey said:

As far as is good to stay online

14 hours ago, stalkborn said:

yes ofcourse its really important to keep online just for check any order yet 

3 hours ago, hamzamohamma611 said:

It is essential to stay online in order to check on any orders that have been placed.

3 hours ago, damith9393 said:


No, it is not. Staying online does not guarantee new orders. I promise you, sitting around, online, waiting for orders to arrive, is not how successful sellers earn their orders. Buyers can choose to hire you at any time, even when you are offline, so there is absolutely no benefit to sitting around waiting for someone to see you online, and hire you. 

I, myself, have earned thousands of orders over the years, and hardly any were gained because a buyer saw me online. Most buyers, if they are serious about their project needs, will more likely bookmark your gig -- along with gigs of your competitors, and then compare services over a period of time. They will then come back, and contact the sellers who offer the best services within the buyer's project conditions.

Fiverr is a competitive freelance services marketplace, not a job search website.

You are not going to get all sorts of instant orders, just because you sit around expecting people to see you. That is not consistent with general buyer bahavior.

14 hours ago, fivestars01 said:

but not important for gig rank

There is no such thing as gig rank on Fiverr. That's not how Fiverr works. Gigs are specifically matched to likely buyers, they are not ranked for everyone to see, in a search engine setting. 


Edited by jonbaas
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6 minutes ago, umairismail said:

Yes, you can get notification on app but it will not show you online. 

I am telling you this because of my personal experience, I left my laptop and my account 24/7.

You don’t have to be online to get messages and clients contacting you. 
And how many orders did you get? 
I can tell you for a fact as a person that did 2000+ orders that staying online is completely useless. 


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6 minutes ago, raselmridha55 said:

If you stay active in fiverr almost 10hours per day, as a seller your gig will be ranked on the first page i think

Is that a joke?  

If you don't know the answer don't make it up, otherwise you're just embarrassing yourself. 

For clarity.  You will NOT rank highly on Fiverr for staying online for 10 hours a day. 

Less typing and more reading please?  @raselmridha55

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13 hours ago, sharp_art said:

how can i active  Online in fiver 24 hour by mobile phone,!it's possible,please tell.me about it with full details,, 

You are asking how to dishonestly make it "appear that you are online" while you are not?  How about not lying, and just trying to be honest about things? 

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2 hours ago, thomasjakobtune said:

I mean, it's nice to see that a seller is online, hence more plausible that people click on it? No?

In my experience, no. It might give you an edge if the buyer bothers with the "Online seller" filter in search, but it's a myth that being online all the time will make you succesful. 

As a top rated seller, I've never made an effort to be online. However, I will always respond to messages right away during my work hours. I use the app if I'm not at my desk.

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26 minutes ago, creativejoynal said:


If there are 10 thousand people in your niche, and everyone is online all the time (because they were told to do so) what benefit do you think being online can pose to ALL 10 thousand people? They won't magically all be on first page in search (yes, search is fluid, but even then) or anything like that. 


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2 hours ago, abdsells247 said:


Suppose you awake at 8:00am and sleep at 10:00pm. Interval is around 10 hours.

Within that interval, what should we do ?
1. Keep looking/searching(briefs) for new jobs and clients

2. Sleep whole 10 hours

More you move your hands, the more there are chances of getting good jobs.

But remember, just watching pc and doing no work is same as sleeping.

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8 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

For now all they do is lifting their finger to press a mouse 😂 also some sort of “active” 

If they do this 14,878 times then they will burn off 1 whole calorie.  

So this is an effective way to stay active. 

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It is true that when you are online, people are more likely to click on your gig. BUT, its a myth to stay online all the time, because you cannot ANSWER your client properly. Be online at reasonable hours, answer promptly and answer buyer requests. You can also be active on the forum.

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