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  1. i doing it already dear friend,
  2. dear forum,,i submitted all the truthful thing on my gig
  3. nice suggestion,, thanks
  4. thank you so much
  5. Actually, i share my gig on.social media( fb,google+linkding). and trying to active on fiver about 24 hour also,but i did not get a single knock from buyer,other hand,my gig rank going to be down, that's why i change gig title, tag and set up eye catching gig also,,but it's doesn't work yet,, so please help me what can i do for it???
  6. thanks a lot to all of you
  7. if i use data and wifi both for fiverr,it will be good for my account or not???
  8. yes,, you can do it, but research very clearly before change the title
  9. hello forum how it will be if i share my gig link on forum? the are any problem if i do it,,? so that people can see and tell me why i do not get any single message from buyer,,,, Can i share my gig link in forum so that you can tell me why i do not get any single message from Buyer yet.
  10. yes dear,,i am doing it
  11. thank you,but i am doing that,,,,
  12. nowadays in fiverr so difficult to get buyer request for new person, we have to just wait, i am mascot logo designer,,created amazing gig,but i did not get a singel message since open my gig,
  13. some spam message make me upset.i am trying to avoid that,and spam that people,, how can i save my account from that,,,please tell me,, maybe that's why i didn't get a single order since created my gig
  14. dear friend,, just selecte a nice title,create amazing & eye catching gig image,,then you can get order easily,, just wait, and work head, order find you
  15. no dear forum,it's help you to gig marketing
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