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  1. @priyank_mod I have seen some people claiming on reddit that it helps gig placement, which is something that I am not aware of. So thats why I decide to post here.
  2. Hello Fiverr Community, What do you think about Fiverr Seller Plus?? What are the key advantages it provides that are not mentioned? Please give me suggestions
  3. I was good enough to maintain my rating at 5.00. So recently, a client of mine gave me a false rating of 4.0, which resulted in dropping my rating instantly to 4.9 in my profile. after that, I tried my best to get 5stars by providing the best services possible and I have successfully gained four (4) 5star ratings. But its been a week since that happened. But my profile rating didn't even update instantly. While I tried to contact Fiverr support, they told me it may take two weeks to settle down. But my question here is, why is the system work this way?? I mean, is this even fair?? When you are getting low ratings, your profile rating is dropping instantly, and while you are trying to fix it, it takes more time than usual. Oh My orders has been also dropped after this incident. Impression, clicks everything is falling apart. I need proper explanation from you guys. Please help me. TIA
  4. All these time how come I didn't notice it! This is so useful to me! Many many thanks to you for showing me the right direction and correcting me.! You are awesome!
  5. omg! I thought this is how it works, Besides putting and optimizing gig and profiles.
  6. I have provided 4 extensions for the project and 1revision going on.. I am concerned if it is going to create a bad impact on my gig or profile. What do you guys think?
  7. If I don't maintain maximum hours, aren't they going to derank m gig?
  8. Its been 30days plus, I am not getting any new orders from new clients Fiverr after achieving level 1. What should I do? I try to stay active for long hours. Also getting orders from my repeat clients but no new clients. Need solution
  9. 1. Stay updated on industry trends. 2. Regularly update your gig descriptions and offerings to stay competitive.
  10. If you are facing a buyer with rude behavior simply discuss the project and do it. And if things get toxic, do not make the conversation lengthy, mention some valid points to you buyer and seek for Fiverr support team for order cancelation or dispute. Then again do not misbehave or do not talk irrelevant topics in the argument.
  11. Don’t give up, Just keep going (2)
  12. Should I get Seller Plus? I have completed 8orders and Now thinking of taking seller plus. But at this stage does it even worth it?
  13. I don't know the fact. But if they don't allow this, I think they should. Here's why- 1. If I ask for any Trustpilot reviews to my client's, It will depend on them weather they would love to do it or not. 2. I'm not forcing them. 3. I'm not even manipulating them. 4. As a seller, I have the rights to selfbrand myself. This way It'll be easier for buyers to build trust on my service. What do you guys think about this. Share your thoughts and please educate me If I'm wrong. Thanks!
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