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What are your goals for the last 6 months of 2022?


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I've basically been idle since last September. I have a lot of catching up to do from my last year goals.

My main goal is to have a "one year" backlog of content set in scheduled releases on Patreon before the end of the year. I'll need to have 7 weeks worth done and out each month. I also want to have a special "cross-promotion" batch of content done before September as well, to release alongside a certain fan community anniversary. I probably have 10% of all the content done, but 90% of that first 7 week pack. Finally got back to making contacts to confirm sellers this weekend on what should be the last kind of "new" task where I have to learn what I'm even asking for and how to convey it in an understandable manner. With the task templates being mainly locked in by this first pass, the following batches should be a lot easier/faster.

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Loving this thread, let's look back in December! 

My main goal this year on health and fitness. The past years I've been chasing career and financial success, and I've so far succeeded as to my yearly targets on that (but of course we dont rest on our laurels).

But this year wanted to lock in on health and fitness. Not that my health is in a crisis or that I had a scare, I realized how nice it is to feel strong and have my health in order!!! 

I want to be able to benchpress and squat my bodyweight -- Halfway there, not sure if I can do this by December as strength gains for women are not as fast but I've definitely been improving quickly 🙂 

And I want to be able to run a 10k under an hour -- Still working on my pace, I'm still at 35-40 mins for a 5k, with more training I'll be able to get to the pace I need 😄 

Let's hit our goals 👊

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  • 3 months later...

Hey awesome people!

Hope you're all doing well?

Almost 3 months since this post was created, and a little over 3 months until the end of the year, how are we all getting on?

@katakatica @ozan_erdi @spaintranslator @smashradio @wp_kid @nomuffinsforyou @corsogr @visualstudios @vickiespencer @donnovan86 @vickieito @brillzart


@vickieito triggered my memory of this post and I wanted to check in! 😃


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15 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

Hey awesome people!

Hope you're all doing well?

Almost 3 months since this post was created, and a little over 3 months until the end of the year, how are we all getting on?

Hello again equally awesome william!

I have reached some of my goals!

- I have lost some weight. Well not exactly lost it but i have converted them into more useful muscles. which looks and feels better 😄 so i guess you can say that i lost it. Still have to do more.

- I also got better at drawing. Way better actually 😄 This one is i progressed the most. Now im preparing some collections themed "seven deadly sins" and "four horseman of apocalypse" and later on i will do known fairy tales like "pied piper of hamelin" or "little red riding hood" Its all gonna be dark and grotesque. I would love to share some of them here but they are not for everybody. So i shouldnt. Not here at least 😄 

- There is a little movement in social media stuff. But its slower than i wanted. I guess thats how it happens. But i can reach out to a slightly larget group of people. Still not eough to get me anywhere, but baby steps.

- I have done very less about fiverr. My stats just recovered like couple days ago. Graphics started to point upwards yesterday. Hopefully in couple weeks im gonna be fully functioning at fiverr again. 

- BUT i had a good suprise, im going to go to Paris in november for couple days. To present a game we have finished developing and testing. There will be some investors and big boys. That job i got from fiverr, started as drawing some vampires. Now im their art director and story writer. So i guess vampire wise, its going good 😄 lets see if im gonna be rich at november 😄 That is something new for me. I am excited.

Overall, im not where i want to be, but im still satisfied with what i got.

Thats it for now. I hope you guys did better! 



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27 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

Almost 3 months since this post was created, and a little over 3 months until the end of the year, how are we all getting on?


Oooh, a lot has happened!

1. I didn't take courses BUT I started working on a bigger variety of games (and played a lot more as well.) I'm also going for the PGA (it's a big game thing in Poland) in two weeks which is like - super exciting! 

2. I'm getting closer and closer 😄 I will definitely hit this goal, but now I'm hoping to do even more than that (though I feel like it's already been amazing so far. This month I'll hit a new personal milestone even if I get no more new orders so... I'm doing pretty good on that front. Though that is because:

3. This happened. Twice, in the end, once before vacation and the next time right after I hit TRS. It's been... great. Definitely less work but I earn the same/more than ever, so it was the right call. Obviously at this point I sometimes get the 'but why so pricy' question but most people are OK to pay well for quality writing, which this post might not be as I can barely see through my glasses 😄 BECAUSE I raised my prices, I have more time to just... be. Exist, have fun, even just work on some of my own stuff. 

4. So..no amazing portfolio yet, but a bunch of stuff I've worked on is coming out soon which is great! I did started on a personal project - slowly - and it will be awesome!

5. Started this, currently working on a few new ones! Some extra-special ones for the holiday included.
6. YES. So this was done maybe... last week or something? It took a while to figure it out because logistics but now I have my own 'spot'. Soon there will be fairylights and some decoration, but even just having double screens and a fixed space for my laptop and all is amazing. 

And yes, we did get curtains. They are awesome.

I've been generally well over the past few months - had some ups and downs work-wise, definitely got a bad private review here and there but business has still expanded greatly. I love writing and the fact that I make money out of it still feels insane to me but I think I'm slowly growing into the 'yeah, I'm genuinely good at this' thing. My mental health (it's important, though I didn't mention this in the previous post!) has also gotten way better, but that makes a LOT of sense when it's been nearly half a year now that I don't work late into the night/early into the morning seven days a week (okay, it wasn't THIS bad, but...) AND don't commute 4 hours twice a week. Stockholm is a very chill city with decent food (though expensive) and a lot of fun stuff to do so... it was the right call to move here!)  


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16 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

@vickieito triggered my memory of this post and I wanted to check in! 😃

Oh, goodness. I've been having my best month yet on Fiverr YTD ...but my health goals need some work. 😅 Here's my updated goal list for this year:

1. Become a Level 1 Seller (done!)

2. Become a Level 2 Seller (done!)

3. Update all my gigs (done!)

4. Start having weekends again and work half days - still working on this... I haven't gotten weekends yet, but I am free in the afternoons now.

5. Lose weight that I gained since I started freelancing - (done! ... but it's starting to creep up again, so I'm revisiting this one!)

New goal: Hit all the targets for TRS - it looks like I'm on track to achieving this!

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On 9/20/2022 at 3:50 AM, williambryan392 said:

Almost 3 months since this post was created, and a little over 3 months until the end of the year, how are we all getting on?

Well, let’s see…

1. Not necessarily, but I’m working on it.

2. Big yes, I’m really proud of myself!

3. I have written a story, haven’t finished it yet though. Will take a while, but I’m glad that I, at least, published a couple of chapters already.

4. Not yet, but I’m working on it as well!

5. I have learned a new skill and enhanced it, so I’m happy.

6. Big big big, humongous yes. 😁

7. Haha, of course. 😌

8. I’m getting closer. I need to practice more speaking and listening, otherwise then I’ll be all set. 

Overall, some ended up failing, some are in progress, some are completed. It do be like that sometimes.

On 9/20/2022 at 3:50 AM, williambryan392 said:

Hope you're all doing well?

I sure am, hopefully you are too!

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On 6/6/2022 at 9:23 PM, wp_kid said:

0. Buy a new mouse, current one is troubling since this evening.

☠️ Abandoned, I fixed mouse by changing some computer settings.


On 6/6/2022 at 9:23 PM, wp_kid said:

1. Practice more CSS codes, specially CSS grids & Flex Box.

💯 Did a lot of Flex Box things, I need to do some more work on Grids. Target accomplished 90%


On 6/6/2022 at 9:23 PM, wp_kid said:

2. Practice some more HTML templete creation. 

💯 Practiced more than 20 full templete. Target accomplished 100%


On 6/6/2022 at 9:23 PM, wp_kid said:

Revice JS basics that I leaned in Jan/Feb. 

Good so far,  Target 30% done. 


On 6/6/2022 at 9:23 PM, wp_kid said:

4. Continue Morning run. Currently my pace is 10km/2hr. looking for an improvement. Want to run 10km in 1.30hr. 

BAD at this. just 10% 😞 


On 6/6/2022 at 9:23 PM, wp_kid said:

5. Become more religious. 

No COmment 😁

For next remaining 3 months, will be focucing more template codings.

Lastly, I'm glad that  you have asked.

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Goals three months ago:

  • Maintain my TRS by continuing to provide quality services and customer care. ✔️
  • Increase my prices yet again to earn more and spend less time working. ✔️
  • Spend more time with my family participating in fun activities. ✔️
  • Spend some time on my hobbies. 🚫
  • Have the house cleaning/upkeep of my home done by someone other than myself and my husband. 🚫
  • Get rid of the great quantity of excessive stuff we have collected over the years to perpetually get organized and make our everyday lives run more smoothly. In Sweden, they call it "Death Cleaning" because your family has less to do when you leave this earth. — Progressing! 😊
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  • 2 weeks later...

Amazing goals! 😇 In the last 3 months for me this year the goals are:

-Being topfit (which means just regular workout every day, for example I love Pamela Reif & Tanju on YouTube)
-Improve quality of my gigs to better serve clients (yes I know it sounds cheezy but it´s just really true)
-Get level 1 and 2 seller status 
-Get revenue up to 10k 
-Connect more with Fiverr besties and learn from eachother 

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On 10/8/2022 at 1:48 AM, gmuhit_five said:

1. Become level two seller 

2. Gaining more skill on SQL DBA, Data warehouse, Power BI, UX design, JS, nopCommerce and ASP.NET Core

3. Become veteran in fiverr forum

4. Building up 3- 5 permanent client

5. Creating two new gig

These are great goals, thank you for sharing! I would suggest though that becoming a veteran on the forum not be high priority for you. You probably know this, but being active on the forum makes no difference to your success on Fiverr. All of your other goals will help you to be more successful, and make more $$$ on Fiverr!

Good luck!!

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The "last six months of the year"? 😯 That's half the freaking year! 😉

Anyway, since it's October now... my most imminent and practical goals are earning more, spending less, and following the now seemingly monthly recommendation letters from the gas company to study the ways of the Inuit, become an ascetic, and lower my room temperatures by yet another degree Celsius. 

More fun goals are beating my own record of number of consecutively studied days that my kanji app pretty successfully entices me with, enjoying November to the fullest (while still keeping the room temperatures to the absolute minimum ;)), actually playing that board game I bought months ago to play with a friend, and collecting more rewards in my LifeRPG app. Yeah, yay for playing, games, and gamification, more needed than ever in a darkening world... 🙂

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  • 2 months later...

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