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  1. Thank you so much ❤️❤️
  2. By God's blessings I have completed work number 5.
  3. With the blessings of God, I have completed the work number four.
  4. By God's grace. I have completed the 3 number order.
  5. By God's grace I have completed the second order.
  6. Yes. But Fiverr may be focus on gig SEO. Fiverr decreased ranking of leveled seller and I'm noticing in the first page that there are more new seller than before. It sounds good for new seller. Maybe Fiverr currently focuses to new seller. I'm trying to figure out this opportunity.
  7. out of your last 5 reviews only 2 of them are 5 starhee will be 20000 sellers who have their last 5 reviews as 5 stara, ybe you need to treat your customers better.
  8. Can we use someone's paypal to withdraw money which paypal doesn't added on fiverr ever?
  9. If you have less than 7 gigs in your account then you can give this gig to rake. Create new gig Thanks ❤️❤️
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