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  1. Thank you for the tips. i faced experience like this and some clients requested directly to reduce the price and he will provide more orders. according to my experience this type of clients will not place more orders and not a genuine buyers. simple ideas of this kind of clients is they want to do only one order from you. but their budget not meet your price. so as a designer i can do cheap design for low budget.
  2. Some Buyers don't like to review the service if it was in his satisfaction level. That reason come due to many reasons. According to my experience it is not good to request it
  3. I wanted to be a Doctor when i as a student but not qualified to do it and have to study Agriculture. but as a freelancer i love graphic designing works it is not a job. only a hobby
  4. will it help to order cancellation rate?
  5. I think time zones difference will affect to the seller and buyer from different zones and most of sellers in fiverr from Asian countries like India Pakistan and buyers are from USA UK like so why you need to pay attention during your sleeping time in midnight because your main client base may start the works at this time
  6. im also pad 29.95 USD and is another best way without paypal
  7. No is the answer, don't go to force him to accept the offer
  8. i'm also thinking about it, and i think it is very important to save both seller's and buyer's time to brief and what buyer want to grab and seller can get idea about the job and if he cant do it he can reject the job, So it will help to reduce order cancellation rate.
  9. Fiverr is a freelancing site and you have any skill to sell as a service or product. also you should compete with other sellers and that mean ordinary level of skill is not enough to compete with others, but you have creativity in any field you can improve it and can join as a new seller
  10. Yes i'm also thinks that 1000% satisfied buyers automatically leave a reviews.
  11. i think we always respect to the buyers reactions and if he/ she not want to leave a review i'm not going to force him, also some clients always wants to hide the identity of the seller due to lot of reasons, any way it is better to respect their rights
  12. i thin it was a problem with the gig
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