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What are your goals for the last 6 months of 2022?


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I started setting goals for myself a couple of years ago and find they can help keep me focused and on track.

I try to set both personal and professional goals, but innevitably the two always seem to be linked.

I also try to set a few different goals, that way I have a few different things to aim for.

I used to do this yearly but now I revisit it every 6 months as I find life can change quickly!

So, as we approach the last 6 months of the year, what do you hope to achieve by the end of 2022?

It would be great to revisit this post at the end of the year and see how we've done!

Writing them down can help make you realise what's important, and to keep you accountable.

My goals and progress so far for 2022:

  1. Apply for Fiverr Pro                                            DONE! (But I regret not putting in more effort into my application!)
  2. Get accepted for Fiverr Pro                              In progress, let's see
  3. Have a 5 figure Fiverr revenue month               Moving in the right direction, but a way off still!
  4. Launch 3 or more new gigs                               2 launched, 1 (or more!) to go.
  5. Achieve TRS status                                             DONE!
  6. Launch my marketplace startup                       In progress (due July)
  7. Have real paid customers using marketplace   Let's see!
  8. (Potentially) gain funding for my startup           Nothing yet, it's not vital but would help!
  9. Find an accountant                                           Found someone, just need to hand over / give them what they need
  10. Quit smoking for good (I know, I know!)            I achieved this in February, then failed in April. 


I have ten goals, and I want to achieve at least half of them!

So, what are your goals? Are you going to set some? How are you getting on with them?


I love these topics, though I think I only have a couple of goals this time round (haven't... really thought about them!)
So, to start off (because everything I say needs the backstory), 2021 was basically the start of me as an actual full-time writer, so this year is my second year truly doing what I love (and sometimes suffering from it.) Because of that, these two years have been chaotic so far (both work-wise and just in general.) 

But work wise, I want to...

1. Take a couple of courses on other aspects of game designs (and just in general, work on more types of games.)

2. Earn at least twice as much as I did in 2021 - so far I've earned just about the same amount as I did last year, so I think that's a realistic goal.

3. Raise my prices one more time (I've been increasing them gradually, one last time will be 'it' for me at the moment. 

4. Start working on personal stuff and just in general set up my portfolio/blog the way it should have been done ages ago (no progress on this one.)

5. Set up a few more game-focused gigs (working on it!)

6. Set up a more comfortable work-station (this will be carried out after holidays. Currently figuring out the logistics of bringing my chair out here but also looking into shared office spaces for some mixing and mingling as the freelancer life gets lonely!)

I think these are mostly what I hope to do for now. Personal goals I have a ton as well, but they keep shifting because things are changing so quickly!

One main thing would be... learning to sleep better when it's SO DANG LIGHT outside... or finding some better curtains!)


Nice one. Let me try:

- I have reached my economic goals for this year. It was a fast first 5 months. It wasnt a hard goal, didint set my expectations high enough i think.

- I need to make a strong pressence in some social media platforms and artstation. I know my work is good, but reaching to the masses is a different game. A game apperantly im not good at. So i have no idea how to achieve that goal. I have watched some youtube videos about it. But still unsure how to apply those methods myself. I have an okay income from freelance platforms and my day job. But i want different baskets to put my eggs. So social media can be a good window.

- I will lose the weight i have gained in the pandemic, trough boxing, which goes well for now.

- Get better at drawing by practice. I have came a long way this year, just need to push a little more. Its satisfactory for myself too.

For fiverr;

- I just need a little bit more so i can head on to the TRS. I will get there in 3 months or something. Will set my next goals according to that. Only thing is, i need to be accepted, which i dont know how much time it will take. But i have a seller plus membership. It may help.

This year is not going to be the most exciting one for me. I need to grind, thats what i need to do. Next year i will collect the fruits. I will leave the dayjob(construction) and go full time with arts trough freelance. At least thats the goal.



Great topic William!

My list for the last months of 2022...

I am going to finish two courses:

- Style editing (Spanish)

- Legal, contracts and financial translation (from English to Spanish)

I am doing both courses at the University of Madrid... very hard but amazing courses, I have been learning a lot so far! 😅

Also, I plan to buy a new apartment as an investment, change my car and take my three kids to Disney (FL) for their birthday which is the 20, 21 and 24 of October 😂

8 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

So, what are your goals? Are you going to set some? How are you getting on with them?

Goals are great! I've been setting some more or less realistic goals. I have a habit of being brutally honest with myself about my goals. So here it goes. 

Apply for Fiverr Pro  

Working on it. Not going to apply until I have everything planned and nailed down. 

Have a six-figure income (including projects outside of Fiverr)

Nearly there. 

Launch at least one new gig


Improve my skills in customer relations

Looking at course options

Completely refurbish the home office

Ideas in motion!

Build my new, dedicated home theater

Just started!

Get more physical activity


Eat healthier

Also unlikely

Get a new tailor. My last one is getting old and is nearly blind at this point. 

Working on it. 

Do more work in the garden

Already started. 

Cut down on my gallon-a-day Coca Cola Zero consumption

Already in progress. I switched to Pepsi. 

37 minutes ago, spaintranslator said:

for their birthday which is the 20, 21 and 24 of October 😂

I'm guessing your anniversary is in late January? 


0. Buy a new mouse, current one is troubling since this evening.

1. Practice more CSS codes, specially CSS grids & Flex Box.

2. Practice some more HTML templete creation. 

3. Revice JS basics that I leaned in Jan/Feb. 

4. Continue Morning run. Currently my pace is 10km/2hr. looking for an improvement. Want to run 10km in 1.30hr. 

5. Become more religious. 


ooo I never set any goals because I end up not doing them anyway, but I think if I post stuff for people to see then maybe it will motivate me to do them because people are watching and cheering >u<

  • Study at least 1 hour a day, when it is not class time. (I procrastinate a lot, maybe this will help me focus on studying more)
  • Play less video games. Maximum 2 hours a day (I have a problem ;-;)
  • Make a wallpaper, phone theme and sticker set once a month (For a shop I have in a different website, and so that I keep drawing and practicing)
  • Learn beginner 3D modelling (I want to make 3D stuff of my doodles! Have to learn the blender donut tutorial 😮 )
  • Improve drawing anatomy (I am doing my best!)
  • Finish drawing all the assets for one area in a game I am making (I want to make a game for free as a hobby but I keep forgetting to do them :') )

I have one extra goal but this is for next year: start streaming 🙂 but I just try to prepare all the things I need for now!

I hope this is not hard for me to do!! 


On 6/6/2022 at 10:54 AM, smashradio said:

Goals are great! I've been setting some more or less realistic goals. I have a habit of being brutally honest with myself about my goals. So here it goes. 

Apply for Fiverr Pro  

Working on it. Not going to apply until I have everything planned and nailed down. 

Have a six-figure income (including projects outside of Fiverr)

Nearly there. 

Launch at least one new gig


Improve my skills in customer relations

Looking at course options

Completely refurbish the home office

Ideas in motion!

Build my new, dedicated home theater

Just started!

Get more physical activity


Eat healthier

Also unlikely

Get a new tailor. My last one is getting old and is nearly blind at this point. 

Working on it. 

Do more work in the garden

Already started. 

Cut down on my gallon-a-day Coca Cola Zero consumption

Already in progress. I switched to Pepsi. 

you need to add another line .... cut down on my gallon-a-day pepsi consumption. Signed, a fellow coke addict 🙂

On 6/6/2022 at 11:15 AM, newsmike said:

I'm guessing your anniversary is in late January? 

i'm laughing my ass off over here. i'm not sure anyone else has done the math for your comment!

6 minutes ago, poshlulla said:

you need to add another line .... cut down on my gallon-a-day pepsi consumption. Signed, a fellow coke addict 🙂


Hahaha. Yes, indeed. 😆


7 hours ago, newsmike said:

I'm guessing your anniversary is in late January? 

Good lord. I needed a good laugh. 

On 6/6/2022 at 11:15 AM, newsmike said:

I'm guessing your anniversary is in late January? 

Hahahaha!!! Yes, we got married Jan 10... lol

On 6/6/2022 at 6:15 PM, poshlulla said:

i'm laughing my ass off over here. i'm not sure anyone else has done the math for your comment!

hahahahahahahahaha 🤣


@katakatica @ozan_erdi @spaintranslator @smashradio @wp_kid @nomuffinsforyou @mikavirtanen @corsogr @visualstudios @azharul_raj

Thank you all for your contributions! We have some varied goals which is great! 

Now, let's keep each other accountable and follow up on this thread as we achieve these milesones.

I may (annoyingly) remind you now and then over the next few months. Let's not get to the end of the year and not have made progress!

Good luck!

9 hours ago, williambryan392 said:

Now, let's keep each other accountable and follow up on this thread as we achieve these milesones.

Working on it! I know you all are very excited for this new channel, but a ton of orders came through now, so I'm having to delay the editing a bit. We do have the narration ready though :P


Let's see....

1. Stay alive and healthy. I've made it this far and survived the pandemic, I'm gonna stay healthy till the end.
2. Keep my TRS status just because. I'm not trying to increase my number of orders, but I'd like to maintain a certain number.
3. My friend told me that he is ready to adopt a cat, so I need to teach him everything he needs to know in order to become the best cat dad.
4. Try drawing more personal stuff that is unrelated to work.
5. TRY to learn how to use the sewing machine...?


Good luck to William and everyone else with their goals.

For me.. my main focus is my health. Everything else is achievable, but the past few months I've been energy drained and unhealthy. So I have just a primary goal, to get better health-wise. Maybe I can get back my TRS status, although I don't bank on that. As for Pro, despite the work I do, if I don't have higher prices I will never get that. So.. my focus is on health for the next few months. 

1 hour ago, zeus777 said:

5. TRY to learn how to use the sewing machine...?


Come to Montana, and I will teach you!



  • Maintain my TRS by continuing to provide quality services and customer care. 
  • Increase my prices yet again to earn more and spend less time working. Note: @newsmike is my financial advisor here. (Read his post on why we should raise our prices.)
  • Spend more time with my family participating in fun activities.
  • Spend some time on my hobbies. 
  • Have the house cleaning upkeep of my home done by someone besides myself and my husband. 
  • Get rid of the great quantity of excessive stuff we have collected over the years to perpetually get organized and make our everyday lives run more smoothly. In Sweden, they call it 'Death Cleaning' because your family has less to do when you leave this earth. 

Is the year already half over??! Is anyone else losing track of time? I went outside wearing a winter coat yesterday and realized it's almost summer. Time has been a blur since I started freelancing in November!

Let's see. Here are my goals for 2022:

1. Become a Level 1 Seller (done!)

2. Become a Level 2 Seller (done!)

3. Update all my gigs (including prices) - this is in process ( @vickiespencer - @newsmike is my unpaid financial advisor too!)

4. Start having weekends again and work half days - making progress towards this goal, but haven't gotten there yet (increasing prices has helped)

5. Lose weight that I gained since I started freelancing - Failing at this goal. Ever since I set it, my weight has gone up!


Ooo, this is a nice topic. It really got me thinking for a bit.

I will list both big and small goals of mine because I think both groups are important to have.

1. Achieve a certain following on social media.

2. Continue improving my digital art skills.

3. Write and complete at least one story on any platform.

4. Get at least one buyer on Fiverr.

5. Learn new skills and enhance the skills I know.

6. Continue focusing on myself and on my mental health. 💪

7. Spend time with friends and family and create some memories.

8. Be able to achieve an intermediate level for Dutch, and if not that exactly, then close to that level. 

I loved reading all of your goals by the way, everyone. They’re hella awesome! 😎

21 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Come to Montana, and I will teach you!

Dang it, don't tempt me! I'll end up showing up at your doorstep for Thanksgiving dinner, and you can teach me how to use the sewing machine AFTER I recover from the food coma 🤣BTW just to let you know, my sewing machine skills were so bad my home and economics teacher pretty much gave up on me.

And oh, not sure if this can be seen as a "goal," but I've been growing my hair out so I can donate it.
My hair is down to my waist now, I guess I can chop it off this year!


This is a fantastic topic! For me, I only started concentrating on freelancing in March this year. Although I have years of writing experience behind me. 

So here are my goals for the next six months: 

1. Get to Level One Seller (3 days to go and I should be there)

2. Get to Level Two Seller (fingers crossed!)

3. Earn a five figure sum for freelancing total for the year. 

4. Get 5,000 followers on Twitter (currently at 1100) 

5. Get 10,000 followers on Tiktok (currently at 4500)

6. Make £500 on Amazon KDP (a marginal amount really, but still a goal for me) 


That's it! Or at least that's all I can think of. 


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