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Posts posted by Yoav.M

  1. While you’re deep in the data, it might be a good idea to take some time to think about the bigger picture.

    Success on Fiverr is all about standing out, attracting clients, and providing the best service out there.

    Watch our webinar recording for all the essential tips on how to succeed as a Data seller.

    Discussion topics:

    • Best practices on Fiverr
    • Specific tips in Data services
    • What to include in your Gig page
    • How to optimize your Gig image
    • How to set expectations for success

    Meet the speakers:

    Nimit Bhardwaj is an analytics and product management expert with experience working at top companies like BCG and SWIFT.

    Aidan Dugan is Fiverr’s Data & Business Vertical Manager who drives innovation across the organization with his data-driven approach and FinTech background.

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  2. Joining Forces With Generative AI

    How to use the latest advancements to supercharge your success.

    Check out our webinar to discover how freelancers can unlock the power of AI to maximize productivity and profitability.

    https://www.fiverr.com/content/rt/generative-ai-tools - Watch it online here!


    Meet the speakers:

    David Tabachnikov is the creator of Hacking Modern Life, a YouTube channel devoted to helping people streamline and optimize their lives with technology. With his expertise in emerging technologies, David educates both novices and techies alike to maximize their digital lives and enjoy them to the fullest. Whether it's a new device, app, or platform, David can guide you through the sometimes complex process of mastering the latest tech.

    Asaf Azar is Fiverr’s Programming & Tech Vertical Manager. With diverse experience in programming, cybersecurity, product management, and business development, Asaf has built and scaled a range of tech products. Asaf recently joined Fiverr with a mission to make technology services accessible to businesses of all sizes, while helping sellers monetize and grow.

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  3. In order to understand what are the prohibitions and what are the restrictions of using generative AI tools, as part of working on the platform as sellers, you should regularly check the Fiverr Community Guidelines page, as I already stated in the previous post.

    Also, in the near future, there may be a webinar with clearer guidelines regarding what is allowed and what is not allowed for sellers on the platform with a dedicated time for Q&A.

    It must be remembered that we are not able to talk about every issue - except only with the approval or representation of our legal team.

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  4. Hi @catwriter, thanks for your kind message.

    Sure, so, for your first question - you can use ChatGPT or other AI Generative Tool to write gig descriptions - but you must add a clear note that this description was written by the help of an AI Generative Tool.

    As for your second question - currently no - this will be cleared and updated in our 'Community Guidelines' page soon.

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  5. Hello everyone,

    And especially to - @zeus777, @moikchap, @vickiespencer, @theratypist, @vibronx, @coerdelion, @mandyzines, @droberts1990, @breals, @vickieito, @terrygrantvo, @catwriter, @donnovan86, @melanielm, @cre8iveartwork@newsmike

    I would like to thank you all for the interest, your time, and typed insights here or during the webinar.

    Since we are all about the truth and accuracy , I'll ask you all, and especially - @newsmiketo pay attention, or to make clear on your posts that you're stating the exact content.

    Otherwise , you will keep misleading the audience here, and this is a wrong and bad behavior.

    @newsmikementioned in one of his posts - "We're AI content writing. Goal is to reduce costs. Now you can add AI to replace humans."

    This is simply not true. We emphasized several times that AI cannot replace humans. AI tools might help reduce the time and investment, but those tools are absolutely not a replacement for humans.

    Some of you here claimed that we didn’t answer your questions. Well, obviously, as we announced clearly on the beginning of the webinar, and as we do always, there’s not enough time to respond to all questions. We received about 30 questions, and some were answered during the webinar by me, as I was able to type back (without the need to answer live). Long questions usually can't be addressed unfortunately , since we have between 5 to 10 minutes to answer your questions. 

    As I mentioned to several sellers' questions during the webinar, and now again, this is the updated 'Community Guidelines' page with clear statements about AI - https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property 

    And in general, as we also stated during the webinar, all sellers who want to use AI Generative Tools for the sake of their gigs:

    You must make it clear on your gigs' descriptions that this will be done + make sure that your buyers are aware of it during every order + confirmed this.

    To summarize, and simply in order to allow you all, please watch the attached webinar’s recording.



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  6. @vickieito & @maheennadeem814 - Thanks for your support, once again.

    @newsmike - Thanks for your message. I will ask you not to claim such things before the actual webinar had happened, since you're raising matters which are not necessarily true, and might provoke negative bias about Fiverr in the forum and also distort the truth.

    The Generative AI Tools webinar will be held on February 22nd, and if you will choose to join it, the presented content will help you understand better what is Fiverr's official opinions about the AI tools, and the connection to our platform and sellers gigs.

    • Like 14
  7. Hello everyone,

    Thanks so much for your concern, your insights, and your suggestions.

    Regarding Buyers' Requests - It's crucial for me to emphasize that I'm just the messenger in this particular case - Fiverr management together with the Product teams had decided to currently make the transition to a platform without buyer request. I'm certain that this matter is not suitable for all sellers, but unfortunately , these kinds of issues when not everyone agrees on a topic had happened already and will probably occur in the future again. I'm just asking you all to understand that we are trying to make all of our sellers community satisfied and positive, but as happens sometimes in the real world, it's not that easy. Just please keep in mind that we have a mutual interest - we want you to stay happy on our platform and keep being successful. 

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  8. @katakaticathanks for your engagement here in the Forum, and especially in this crucial thread. I'm grateful , as a Fiverr employee, for your devotion, your patience, your work, and your care. I wish we would be able to develop such a webinar or a circle for sellers, to discuss this highly relevant issues.

    Perhaps you can send me via a message in the inbox, some of the sellers who will be willing to participate in such a roundtable? 

    Since this is a relatively new field that we are trying to figure out how to approach, it is possible to start small, initially, but at least finally talk about this topic and try to hear everyone who is interested in contributing their insights, even if at the moment it is only about sharing and not yet discussing a specific solution.

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  9. Hi @mariashtelle1& @maitasun,

    Thanks for your posts and interest in Generative AI tools among the platform.

    On February 22nd we will host a webinar exactly on this topic with several experts, who will share about the variety of tools, the ability to use them on Fiverr, and the benefits for you.

    Joining Forces With Generative AI


    Yoav Marcus , Fiverr's Education & Engagement manager for sellers

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  10. Thanks @vickiespencer& @vickieito, I appreciate your care and help.

    We will try to take into account all of the mentioned concerns and issues in these posts, and hopefully we will answer most of the raised questions.

    We are intending to have a 10 minutes Q&A session before the end of the webinar, for all the sellers participating.

    Joining Forces With Generative AI


    Yoav Marcus , Fiverr's Education & Engagement manager for sellers

    • Like 13
  11. Dear Sellers,

    Thank you very much for your time and investment in writing about this important topic of mental health.

    Do anyone here know a seller with a professional background in the field?

    Are there any specific topics regarding mental health , which you would be keen to hear and learn from? 

    We are looking into the possibility of holding a webinar on the subject in the future for the sellers on the platform.

    @critzalide, @vibronx, @vickieito, @katakatica, @marykipper, @breals

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  12. Hi again @vishdrawings,

    Firstly, you're most welcome to join our future webinar about generative AI tools, which will elaborate exactly about this issue and much more - https://events.fiverr.com/joiningforceswithai

    Secondly, this is the link to where you can find the below explanation - https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property

    Also, please find the specific guidelines here below:


    Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated content.

    Fiverr embraces the use of new technology and allows content generated by users with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and programs.  

    However, whenever AI is a part of the work process, it should be proactively disclosed to  buyers through the Gig description, and/or during any order requirements discussion.

    Do not:

    • Mislead others about the nature of the work when it is not entirely human generated
    • Sell AI-generated content in bulk
    • Use AI tools to spread misinformation, create deepfakes, or generate faces of humans who do not exist
    • Use AI in a way that is biased or potentially discriminates against individuals 

    Sellers are responsible for ensuring they have all necessary rights to the content they create, including copyrights. If the content created and/or delivered on Fiverr with the help of AI is found to infringe or violate any copyrights, existing non-original standards, applicable law, or Fiverr Community Standards, such content will be removed from the platform, and the seller’s account may be permanently suspended. 

    If sellers use AI tools and/or programs to generate content or deliver services, they are obligated to comply with the respective tool and/or program’s terms of service and all applicable regulations.

    • Like 12
  13. @frank_d& @vickieitothanks so much for your support, guidance and patience, I appreciate it.

    And to everyone here, I apologize if you felt hurt or distressed by my post (FYI - @jonbaas, @maitasun, @terrygrantvo, @vibronx, @mabelma , @newsage).

    I'm Fiverr's Education and Engagement manager for sellers, and my only wish is to help you on the platform and ease your experience with us.

    Therefore, if you have any suggestions, ideas, requests for better or new educational assets - please let me know.


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  14. Hello everyone, 

    I'm writing you the following response to clarify that we have a webinar next week - 22.2 (11 am New York time) - with the purpose to provide useful and helpful information about AI. 

    We will share insights on the latest generative AI tools, the benefits of incorporating them into your work processes, and the best way to go about it. 

    Our desire is to ease your way, to make you feel supported and to help you become more successful with us.

    We want to enlighten your thoughts about the use of AI on Fiverr, and how it can be beneficial for you.
    Registration - https://events.fiverr.com/joiningforceswithai/CRM

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  15. Hello everyone, 

    I'm writing you the following response to clarify that we have a webinar next week - 22.2 (11 am New York time) - with the purpose to provide useful and helpful information about AI. 

    We will share insights on the latest generative AI tools, the benefits of incorporating them into your work processes, and the best way to go about it. 

    Our desire is to ease your way, to make you feel supported and to help you become more successful with us.

    We want to enlighten your thoughts about the use of AI on Fiverr, and how it can be beneficial for you.
    Registration - https://events.fiverr.com/joiningforceswithai/CRM

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  16. Hi everyone, as a Fiverr team representative who want to know how we can improve ourselves and offer new educational tools that will benefit you more with our platform, may I please ask if you are a member of our competing platforms and would be willing to share on educational assets you receive from them (webinars / courses / e-learnings / etc.)? 

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