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About vibronx

  • Birthday 02/07/1993


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  1. Well, I don't think you're here to have your mind changed. You have already made it up. And it doesn't matter that I have more experience than you because you clearly don't care. Anyway, I'm not saying that all the orders delivered were bad. Maybe they were all truly perfect. I can't know that. I'm saying that based on what I see, as a translator myself, there's a chance that things weren't completely perfect. Also, their prices are very low. Buyers at that price level usually do not care much about quality. Additionally, how can a buyer check the quality of the translation unless they know the language themselves or know somebody who does? It's impossible. So, buyers like these might return, never knowing that they got subpar work. The ones who realize, though, they might leave negative private feedback.
  2. Lol. Of course, I care. I have bought 300 gigs on here, and let me tell you that just because someone has a lot of reviews, it doesn't mean they're actually good at what they offer. And that goes for people with thousands of reviews, too. So small details like these DO matter when choosing a seller.
  3. Well, looking at their bio and gig description, I would say that they show a lack of attention to detail (typos, etc.), so I'm not exactly surprised since that's a big part of being a translator. And what do you mean by justifying it with private feedback? I'm not justifying anything. It's simply the truth.
  4. As long as they're red cells and not Swedish cells. - - - (I'm kidding about the Swedish thing, don't ban me!!!)
  5. I identify as Danish and as a hater of Swedes (jk... maybe...)
  6. Not all of them have to leave bad private feedback. You just have to get more negative private feedback than your competitors (I think this was stated around the time of the announcement, or am I wrong????). Also, it's easier for buyers to be honest in the private feedback as it doesn't feel like they're saying it right to the seller's face. As a buyer, I know that if I have had a bad experience, I will not leave a public review, but I will absolutely use the private feedback form to express what I really feel.
  7. Yes. A negotiation isn’t a negotiation if both parties aren’t willing to bring something to the table. If you want a discount, I need something in exchange for that. The main thing a buyer can give you is more time. But I don’t generally give discounts. I have a price and I stick to it because that’s the lowest price I’m willing to work for. I won’t consider a lower price unless I get substantially more time to complete it. Any other requests for discount are met with a simple “no.”
  8. Liking posts on the forum won’t get you orders. I’m saying this in the nicest way possible, but you’re wasting your time right now. Please stop. EDIT: And the serial liking continues…
  9. Buyers give private feedback too, and they seem to matter more for your success score than your public reviews.
  10. This almost has to be trolling. 😂 No order ever has to be placed on Gmail or anywhere else that isn’t Fiverr.
  11. I agree. I don't like it either. I wish Fiverr would get rid of it.
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