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About vibronx

  • Birthday 02/07/1993


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  1. Wow, that’s the most subtle ad ever! 🙄
  2. Ask your client. Your client has full ownership of the game and can do what they want with it unless you stated otherwise on your gig page. EDIT: Funny that the correct answer didn’t get marked as the solution. 😂
  3. I’ve never really used social media to post personal things. In fact, I only have a personal Facebook and that’s it. I don’t post on that either. I mostly use social media for business. I have Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok accounts to promote my video game. I haven’t gone all in on the promotion yet, so I still consider myself a newbie on those platforms (though, I’m light years ahead of most of the digital marketing experts on Fiverr.) I have a decently successful YouTube channel with 94,000 subscribers. I earned a lot of money on that but I sadly got demonetized two years ago (which was fair to be honest) and haven’t posted since. I’ll rebrand it to be focused on the video game I’m developing and delete all the old videos that got me demonetized. And then I hope to finally get that silver play button! Also, I lurk on Reddit, but let’s just say I don’t agree with the hive mind all too often. 😅
  4. My God, why would you write this 💩? Oh, wait... I know! Because it will help you get ODERS plzzzz!!!!!!!!
  5. Some tips so you don’t have to ask next time something like this happens: Use common sense: Why would Fiverr request a seller’s email on the order page? What would be the point? And if a seller’s email was really needed for a buyer to make an order, Fiverr would already have it registered from when you signed up, so there would be no need for Fiverr to ask a buyer to request the seller’s email. Look at email addresses: Fiverr wouldn’t send an email from some random iCloud address. It would come from an address ending in @fiverr.com Look for errors in the email: “Good day .” Do you think an official message from Fiverr would have a space before the punctuation?
  6. Hi, fellow Dane. I can see that you've gotten most of your sales from your translation gig. I read your gig description, and to be honest, I think most buyers would be put off by your English level. Based on the description, you don't seem totally fluent. Also, you keep mentioning that you got a 12 in English. Where did you get that grade? High school? You never mention it. So I suggest improving your English and your gig description.
  7. @sb_shathi I have noticed that you've been liking posts on the forum for hours on end. In fact, you've liked more than 100,000 comments in total. I'm just here to tell you that this is not going to bring you orders, as you probably already realized. Please don't waste your life (said in the kindest possible way).
  8. It would bring a lot of new users too! It's a no-brainer, Fiber!
  9. It's Christ Chan now. Or Jesus CHRIST-ine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime! ⚡💙⚡
  10. Just kidding... 😅 Well, Dragon Ball had a huge impact on my life, so I'll attach some art from that. (Funny how AI bros thought it was appropriate to "honor" Akira Toriyama's passing by posting tons of AI art all across social media.)
  11. I agree with this. Both boomers and zoomers are likely to fall for scams. https://www.vox.com/technology/23882304/gen-z-vs-boomers-scams-hacks I don't believe zoomers generally are as tech-literate as they are made out to be, especially when it comes to computers.
  12. I realized that since George R.R. Martin will never finish Winds of Winter, there will never be any proof that Stannis the Mannis, the rightful king of Westeros, didn't end up removing the usurper from the throne.
  13. Not all of them. I have never asked for a review or even mentioned a review in my time on Fiverr. Yet, without guiding my buyers, I have only received a single 4.7-star review in the last two years. I think it comes down to being able to spot red flags in buyers. We're competitors, OP, and I can see that one of your recent 4.3-star reviews came from a buyer that I turned down because he seemed like he would be too demanding. It's about learning what signs to look for.
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