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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 17 hours ago, coerdelion said:

    Please try to understand that I am not a newbie - I think I mentioned that before ... ?

    Why do you keep thinking that I'm treating you as a newbie?

    I'm really not trying to do that - I'm very conscientious of that since you mention it to me every time. I actually tried to avoid responding directly to you because I know I do irk you for some reason. I don't like doing that. I was just trying to be helpful and called over @Trisha_Fiverr to provide answers to you and over 10+ other Seller Plus members who have been in limbo since Fiverr started making updates to the Early Payout feature.

    Just wanted to let you know that you have my greatest respect - I'm very aware that you are one of the longest-standing sellers active here on the forum. I'm sorry that my comments always seem to rub you the wrong way.

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  2. 8 hours ago, pramodchoudh188 said:

    Hello community members, Here I am asking questions behalf of my friend. My friend fiverr seller account is disabled before 3 Months. Fiverr support wrote you will get fund after 90 days. But he was not receiving any mail from fiverr. today almost more than 100 days. he can't contact fiverr support due to account disabled. 

    Anybody has idea about this matter. if you have any idea about this process then guide me. I will message to him.

    Thanks in advance.

    @Lena, can you help @pramodchoudh188 and his friend?

    • Like 9
  3. 2 hours ago, zuzana_mukumayi said:

    Perhaps it also depends on the value of the total orders?

    I don't think it would be that - I started with $5, $15, and $30 prices and aggressively increased my prices when I got 67 orders in one month (with an average of $15 per order). Having that many orders helped me to grow from New Seller to Level 2 within four months since I already had a "seasoned" buyer account. I wouldn't have been able to grow so fast if Fiverr placed an 11-order limit on me.

    This is the first time I've ever seen Fiverr place a limit for someone doing "too good." It shouldn't happen. I've only seen Fiverr reward sellers for good performance. Can you show a screenshot of what that agent said (blocking out their name)? I'd like to see that limit removed for you.

    • Like 9
  4. 4 hours ago, coerdelion said:

    When i signed up to seller plus, there was no limit to early payout - nothing about "specific sellers" or having to be eligible in some way.  It was part of the package.  I have just poined out to CS that not having it in those circumstances is technically breach of contract. 

    I was told it would be back shortly.  I've been patient. Now I feel peeved.


    @Trisha_Fiverr - There are many Seller Plus members in limbo right now because there hasn't been an update on the Early payout. The last we heard was this feature was that several Seller Plus members would lose access to this feature for a short amount of time (2 weeks in July). I reached out to @noahd_success in August and he said that we would get an update as soon as new information was available. At that point, it was understood that our access to this feature was related to our performance (again, it was believed to be a temporary thing as the Early Payout feature was being updated).

    However, it is now September, and I've seen many Seller Plus members on the forum saying that they still don't have this feature and they are wondering if they will ever get it back (or if there is a new, permanent rule that paying Seller Plus members may not be eligible to have this feature due to performance). Can you provide an update clarifying what will happen with this feature?

    I understand that Fiverr can make changes at any time:





    However, even though "prior notice" is only required for program changes, Seller Plus members should at least be notified of changes to features that are included in the program, so that they can be aware of these changes.

    • Like 8
  5. 8 hours ago, imeshekanayake said:

    Doesn't it help to become a manually selected Top rated seller in Fiverr?

    2 minutes ago, abddullah_jisan said:

    Benefits for sellers may include increased visibility

    24 minutes ago, coerdelion said:


    These are both myths, as pointed out by @coerdelion.

    The TRS badge is based on seller performance - there are a lot of quality metrics that you have to hit as a seller that are not visible on your dashboard (such as your Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR), which depends heavily on the private reviews that you get but never see). If you don't hit those hidden metrics, your account won't even be considered for TRS.

    8 hours ago, imeshekanayake said:

    I've heard that even when you complete the requirements, you don't get promoted like Level 1 and 2, the Fiverr staff manually observes your profile and promote you afterwards.

    I've met all the requirements and haven't even been considered for TRS because my BRS was affected by one cancelation (so Fiverr wouldn't even consider me for TRS for another 3 months ... but by then, even though my BRS was great, another hidden quality metric was affecting my eligibility to even be considered for TRS). So if it wasn't one thing, it was another - and Fiverr requires that you show improvement before you can even qualify for Fiverr's team to manually look at your profile.

    Fiverr already made an official statement that there are no benefits for your gig by being active on the forum:


    As I’ve said in the past, and I will continue to say: Your participation here in the forum DOES NOT affect your Fiverr seller Gigs, sales, or rankings in anyway.


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  6. 1 hour ago, maria_kassimova said:

    also my level moved from top seller to New seller.

    That would do it - when my account was shut down by a hacker, even though all visible stats were restored, I didn't qualify for the Seller Plus program for another month (and my Early Payout feature was also affected up until last month - so 4 months total).

    12 minutes ago, maria_kassimova said:

    I texted the support team, but they haven't answered yet. 

    Most likely they will say what I just told you - that it's based on your eligibility and can change on a daily basis. This is the template response that CS and Seller Plus managers are using in their responses since July 7th:



    This is what is on the Help Center: (courtesy of @donnovan86)



    We requested an update from Fiverr on August 11th and they said they would provide an update as soon as they hear anything new (so nothing new yet).

    • Like 11
  7. Hi @lutfor13 & @maria_kassimova - Your eligibility for the Early Payout can change on a daily basis and is based on your seller performance.

    I had it off and on for the whole month of August due to hidden quality metrics that were affected when I had my account shut down by a hacker. All visible seller stats were 100% and my Success Manager told me my Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR) also looked good. August was also my best month as a seller since I started on this platform, with several Fiverr's Choice and Promoted orders, so I'm not sure what hidden quality metrics disqualified me from having the Early Payout.

    I had it one day and then didn't the next day (in the months of July & August). The last several weeks have been looking really good, and I haven't seen the Early Payout feature disappear yet.

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  8. 15 minutes ago, sum1raj said:

    I want to know if can a buyer cancel order after 15 days through resolution center even after a seller has withdrawn that amount. Is the order going to get marked as cancelled in the seller's profile?

    Buyers only have 14 days to cancel an order, so if it's after 15 days, they will have to have a really good reason to cancel (or do it the "wrong" way - via chargeback - and get banned). In any case, if the order is canceled, it will show up as canceled on the seller's profile (and the amount will be deducted from the seller's Earnings). If there aren't any Earnings, it'll show up as a negative balance.

    • Like 16
  9. 35 minutes ago, optimizy said:

    I have seen many gig have hide their ratings and order completed and also how many reviews they have got

    This is because they have zero reviews. Some sellers may have completed orders, but if no reviews are showing, no one rated that gig.

    28 minutes ago, optimizy said:

    i think a reason buyers dont work with new sellers or having only one order completed.

    I'd rather buy from a new seller with one 5-star review than with a seller with none.

    11 minutes ago, optimizy said:

    Any suggestion for second order. 

    Offer services that will keep your buyers coming back. I found out my first buyer (for proofreading) also wanted data entry and virtual assistance. So I set up those gigs and immediately got 2 more orders. Then another buyer came and ended up ordering 6 back-to-back orders for data entry. Other buyers requested editing and writing instead of proofreading, so I started offering those services as well. From listening to my buyers, I have been able to consistently average 3-5 orders for new buyers with that amount repeated on a monthly basis for my long-term, repeat customers.

    14 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

    Go for your second order.

    This is awesome advice - @filipdevaere is right. If you are always thinking of your next order, you will always be in business.

    • Like 11
  10. 3 minutes ago, zuzana_mukumayi said:

    So basically being removed from search because my gig was too successful and had too many orders (11).

    That's odd!

    I know I've had over 30 orders in queue on one gig at a time and my impressions were not dropping (and I was wishing that it would!)- 11 seems like a low number, especially since you have nothing but 5-star reviews.

    Are you sure that there isn't an order-in-queue limit set on your gig? I always have this feature turned off.




    • Like 16
  11. 3 minutes ago, optimizy said:

    how can i hide gig rating and order on fiverr gig

    You can't  - this information is used to help build buyer trust (or help buyers know which sellers they should be careful of).

    • Like 11
  12. 14 minutes ago, henryrobert1 said:

    How can I change my phone number without security question

    You should be able to do it using the method on the Help Center:




    I was able to change my phone number by submitting a Help Desk ticket with CS - my account was in restricted mode until I could verify my account with a valid phone number (note: VoIP phones don't qualify).

    • Like 5
  13. 35 minutes ago, rafsansunny121 said:

    Fiverr is a life-changing dream for me  Thousands of unemployed youths like me dream of fulfilling their dreams through fiber.  Love is endless fiverr🥰

    32 minutes ago, dm_team360 said:

    Of course, many are becoming self-reliant by working in fiverr

    Sounds like it's time to get out the "honeymoon" phase! 😉

    The minute I posted my first gig, I realized that I had to roll my sleeves up and get to work. Fiverr is a business, and you have to put in effort in order to become self-reliant. However, it is possible. I was able to replace my teacher income and freelance full-time on Fiverr after my first 2 months on Fiverr.

    • Like 13
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  14. On 8/27/2023 at 7:09 AM, seorankworld said:

    My existing gigs have around 600+ impressions but only an average of 3 clicks. 

    Hi @seorankworld - If you have good impressions but low clicks, that means buyers see your gigs (so Fiverr is showing your gigs to buyers) ... but buyers aren't interested enough to click on your gigs. Your gig gallery (thumbnails, gig video, gig images, and 2 PDFs) play a huge role in making your gigs attractive enough so that buyers will click on your gig and visit your profile. You don't have gig videos or PDFs to showcase your services, so use them. Your thumbnails have too much text (and buyers won't read them all) - so reduce the text to 2-5 words that clearly describe your services.

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  15. Hi @abi_naaim, are you on Seller Plus Premium? If so, you can ask your Success Manager to put some pressure on the people approving your Top Client. With the help of my Success Manager, I got two clients approved in 2 days.

    Previously, I submitted 3 clients back in June of 2022, and one was approved within 3 weeks. The other 2 were never approved. They were in "pending" status for over a year. Then, Fiverr changed the Top Client requirements and stated that clients needed to be on their dropdown list in order to be added as Top Clients. When I reached out to CS, they told me those 2 clients would never be approved.

    So I deleted them and added the 2 Top Clients that were approved within 2 days.

    @abi_naaim, if you aren't on Seller Plus, you can try to reach out to CS to speed up the process if 3 weeks go by and your client is still in "pending" status.

    • Like 7
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  16. On 9/1/2023 at 8:03 AM, yonatansegev said:

    Is it purely about trust

    Hi @yonatansegev, Trust plays a huge role in business. If it isn't ratings, you will have to gain their trust in different ways, such as through your portfolio, gig videos, and client testimonials/pictures.

    On 9/1/2023 at 8:03 AM, yonatansegev said:

    or should buyers be open to exploring new sellers who might offer better deals?

    Buyers can be open to exploring new sellers who might offer great services (but that is a gamble and can cost the buyer a lot of money - I went that route and it didn't work for me). It cost me money because I didn't have the heart to cancel those orders (and also didn't leave reviews on those orders).

    On 9/1/2023 at 8:03 AM, yonatansegev said:

    despite my efforts to create an impressive gig with great visuals, detailed descriptions, and competitive pricing,
    it seems that buyers consistently opt for sellers with ratings.

    I think you are offering services that aren't really in demand. If I look up "Fitness Plans" on Fiverr, only 1,048 services show up ...and most of them include "fitness plan + meal plan."



    On the first page, there were 52 gigs shown, and only 5 were "fitness plans only" - the rest were "fitness + nutrition" and business-geared gigs (brandable workouts). So less than 10% of the gigs offer custom fitness plans without nutrition. That is only 100 gigs (and 2 of them are yours). 

    When I looked at the type of sellers offering fitness plans, this showed up:



    The only Top Rated Seller offers a "Fitness + Meal Plan."

    Of the 61 Level 2's, there were only 3-5 that were offering fitness only (some had optional meal plans, so I'm not sure if I should count them in the totals). I'm guessing the 48 Level 1's are similar, and the remaining 40 fitness-only gigs (including your 2) are with the New Sellers. With numbers that low, it might be some time before you get your first order.

    Most of the sellers had less than 50 orders (only averaging 0-3 orders a month), but the ones that had hundreds of orders were the ones that also had images of women in their portfolios. It appears that these high performers average 15-25 orders each month.

    • Like 8
  17. 4 hours ago, pro_designer946 said:

    Did Fiverr refund your lost earnings?

    Yes, but it took 2 days for CS to respond to each message I sent them - so it was a total of 6 days when I received compensation for my loss, and my seller level and stats were restored. It took 1 month to qualify for Seller Plus again, 2 months to get the Early Payout feature back, and a total of 4 months for my account to fully recover. 

    • Sad 1
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  18. 23 hours ago, gurgenbenashvil said:

    What skills are the most profitable ones for freelancers?

    The skills where you have a competitive edge over other sellers offering the same skills.

    The first gig I published was for proofreading. After a week, I still couldn't find myself in search and tried to find my gig using "Vickie" and "proofreading" as the keywords. Even that didn't pull me up ...I found out there was a another Vickie out there offering better proofreading services ➡️ @vickiespencer

    Luckily, I had some inquiries by then and that gave me inspiration to start up other gigs that capitalized on other skills that I had to offer. 

    23 hours ago, gurgenbenashvil said:

    Who do you think can earn the most in Fiverr?

    The sellers who are capitalizing on their strengths to stand out in the marketplace (note: this may not necessarily be what's "trending").

    Soon after my proofreading gig was up, I noticed 'Presentation Designs' was a trending gig (and one that you, @gurgenbenashvil, excel at). 😊

    However, I took down that gig last month - only 50% of the orders were being rated/closed by buyers, so many of them were auto-closing with no further feedback from my buyers. And feedback is one thing that I need to know how my services are performing in the marketplace. 

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  19. On 8/30/2023 at 7:54 AM, rabihumakhan said:

    What are your phobias and how do we overcome our phobias?

    I try not to verbalize or think about my phobias (because things always get worse if I talk about or think about them):


    When I was 12 years old, I told a little boy I was babysitting that I didn't like the Chucky doll (not knowing that he actually had one). So he pulled the Chucky doll out of a full toybox and terrorized me all night until the parents came home. Those two were inseparable that night. I can still feel the tiny hand of Chucky tapping me on the shoulder when I was making sandwiches for us to eat. They chased me around the house because I didn't want Chucky to touch me again.

    P.S. I don't like any dolls at all anymore.


    I also made the mistake of telling my daughter (when she was 4 years old) that I didn't like clowns. Since that time, Pennywise has been her favorite...

    ...Okay. I deleted that GIF! (Why am I searching for the very things I fear?!) 😅

    Back to this one:


    • Like 18
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  20. 17 hours ago, muhammadsalik12 said:

    While I may be a certified SEO expert, setting up my own website and generating direct traffic can be a long-term goal.

    Actually, with your expertise, creating a website and driving traffic to it may be a faster goal than trying to set yourself up on Fiverr.

    17 hours ago, muhammadsalik12 said:

    I'm focused on utilizing these platforms initially to kickstart my business. These platforms already have established traffic and a user base actively seeking SEO services.

    Yes, Fiverr already has established traffic and a user base, but so does the World Wide Web (which actually has a greater amount of traffic and user base than Fiverr).

    Traffic on Fiverr does not equal automatic traffic to you, so just like creating your own website, you have to figure out how to attract traffic on Fiverr to you.  It's a common misconception that Fiverr is a place for quick, easy cash.

    In reality, it can take just as much time to build a business on Fiverr, and some never learn how to attract enough traffic to their gigs to make it a thriving business.

    For you to get more impressions, more clicks, and more orders, you need to be delivering orders and keeping your customers happy.   If you aren't doing this, you will quickly lose visibility in search, since Fiverr's algorithm will favor sellers who consistently perform well over sellers who aren't. Fiverr gives an initial boost to new sellers, but this boost is temporary (and if sellers don't get their first orders during this time, it makes it even harder for them).

    So, as a new seller with zero orders and poor performance in search, you need to figure out ways to get more traffic and convert that traffic into orders. Since you are an SEO expert, you know how to get more traffic. Drive traffic to your Fiverr gigs and profile using the same SEO/digital marketing skills that you would use for your customers. This may help you get the orders you need to boost your visibility (aka "ranking") on Fiverr's search.

    After getting several orders by driving traffic to your own gigs, hopefully, your gigs can start showing up more in Fiverr's search and you can start getting regular orders through organic searches on Fiverr.


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  21. 4 hours ago, soufianejanna said:

    Wow,Could I knwo why your account was disabled and for how long?

    Hi @soufianejanna,

    My account was hacked in May (and the hacker withdrew all my Earnings before shutting my account down):


    This resulted in all of my orders in queue getting canceled. Since it occurred just days before evaluation, this dropped my seller level temporarily for 6 days, until Fiverr CS could get my account back up. The hacker shut down my account with the reason of "I have multiple accounts." So I had to prove that: 1) I didn't make the request and 2) I didn't have multiple accounts. I also had to do security measures before Fiverr could restore my account fully. Luckily Fiverr covered my loss. I lost Promoted Gigs and Seller Plus for about a month and still had "additional quality metrics" affected from the shutdown (that wasn't related to my BSR) for the next 3 months. This is based on my success manager's feedback. I think my account has recovered fully since the end of August.


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  22. On 8/30/2023 at 2:03 PM, charlsmcfarlane said:

    Has anyone else noticed this kind of response to clearing out a lot of orders in quick succession?

    Yes, Fiverr always promotes me the most when I'm busy delivering orders (and promotes me even more when I deliver more orders, faster). Having longer delivery times and delivering early always works better than shorter delivery times (and delivering closer to the due date).

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