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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 42 minutes ago, imeshekanayake said:

    I've seen many times that they ask to share you gig (new and old) in social media platforms to increase your impressions and sales? Has anyone really done that and earned success?

    I've never promoted my services on social media personally, but several of my buyers have asked me if they could promote my services or share my gig links with their social media networks. I always get a nice boost in orders whenever that happens because these referrals trust me more (since they have been referred to my services by someone they know).

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  2. 2 hours ago, taarim said:

    then all of a sudden their account is gone, along with my money... 

    You should be able to get a refund from Fiverr, even if the freelancer's account is gone or under restriction by Fiverr. Freelancers don't get paid until there is a delivery made (and the order is accepted or auto-closes).

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  3. 25 minutes ago, amethystblac_ said:

    When you realized that a malware-laden document caused the problem, did you quickly find the virus with a regular security scan, or did you have to go further to prove your theory?

    Once I found out I was hacked, malware was easy to find via security scan.

    However, it took me several days to figure out I was hacked - all I knew was that Fiverr shut down my account:



    The email was in my junk mail, and it said the following:



    I then had to reach out to CS and my success manager. My success manager said that I made the request because "I had multiple accounts." It took a couple of days for CS and I to get on the same page that I did not make the request and I did not have multiple accounts. Then CS looked into my account and found out a withdrawal was made immediately before the shutdown - so at that point, I knew I had been hacked and lost my Earnings. 

    Update: By then, several online accounts and purchases had already been made as well.

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  4. Hi @amethystblac_, probably the best way to prevent an attack is just being aware that an attack could happen. That would help anyone be more mindful of social engineering attacks that may occur and they could be more cautious of what they click on and who is sending them the information (even links from apparently trustworthy sources need to be verified). My problem was that I felt safe, so I didn't take any precautions when clicking on links from my clients. I'm much more cautious now and will refuse to click on links or download files that are suspicious to me.

    So awareness of socially engineered attacks and using proper precautions (e.g., 2-factor authentication, unique passwords, regular updates of passwords, and continuous scanning on devices) should handle most issues.

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  5. 4 hours ago, huzi79 said:

    the orders have gone down to minimum. i never thought i would see the day. i have the great reviews too. let me know what is the cause and what can i do. 

    Hi @huzi79,

    When did you notice your orders going down? How many orders did you get before and how many are you getting now?

    Please also let us know what your impressions, clicks, and orders look like before the downturn and what it looks like now. That information may help us understand what is going on. Thanks!

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  6. Hi @amethystblac_

    As @vickiespencer mentioned, I did have my account hacked in May and I wasn't expecting it. I was already using two-factor authentication and always needed my phone nearby to log in to Fiverr, so I thought I was safe. I was also running regular security checks on my devices. However, it wasn't enough.

    When I tried to open a "resume" file from a customer to provide a quote on their resume, I downloaded malware onto my computer. Any open tab that I had on my browser could then be accessed (the hacker didn't need passwords and could by-pass the two-factor authentications for all accounts).

    This allowed the hacker to withdraw all my Earnings on Fiverr and shut my account down. The hacker also took the email address linked to my PayPal account  (made an educated guess) and immediately started opening online gaming and marketplace accounts in my name and started making charges to my PayPal account. 

    Although Fiverr compensated me for my lost Earnings, PayPal and the other online sites rejected all my attempts to stop the pending charges because they couldn't stop me from making my own purchases. Anyone using my name and email address was considered me. Even if they were on the East Coast and I was located in Hawaii.

    I was able to stop the bleeding by freezing my bank account connected with PayPal (and it's still frozen). I could also look up what online sites were charging my bank account and credit card - so I could find those online sites, request a password reset, disable my PayPal on those accounts, and quickly shut down those accounts. Even so, I did lose several thousand dollars.

    I now run a continuous scan on all files that I download and have unique passwords on all online accounts (no two can be the same - this is an easy way for hackers to access more than one account). I also regularly update/change my passwords.

    I did consult with an online security specialist and they let me know that hackers are lazy and depend on others being lazy as well. Even though I had several accounts with the same password, the online hackers didn't know which ones (and usually stopped trying after two password attempts). I try to keep only 1-2 tabs on my browser open at a time (I think I had 6 open when my account was hacked), so it does take more work to always log in and log out all the time.

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  7. 3 hours ago, faheemuddin121 said:

    Also @vickieito ma'am, my gig is getting impressions and clicks, but no orders. Can you kindly give me some advise regarding this matter

    Hi @faheemuddin121, if you are getting impressions and clicks, that means Fiverr is showing you in search and your gig is interesting enough that buyers are clicking on it. However, once they visit your site, they leave and decide to place an order with your competition. So I think your focus on improving your portfolio is a great start - put together a gig video for each of your gig that clearly describes the services you offer and showcases the app development that you can do.

    Also, use all the features that Fiverr provides you with, such as the FAQs. This allows you to anticipate what questions your buyers will have and answers them so that they aren't going to another seller who is answering their questions. If buyers are contacting you, that means you are starting to connect with potential customers. Pay attention to what they ask for in the inbox chats because that will tell you want is working (and what isn't). It'll also give you ideas for what future gigs and services you could set up to increase your sales. By listening to the buyers in my inbox, I was able to set up 7 gigs that allowed me to get an average of 4-5 orders from each buyer. These were services that they were asking for and services that I knew I could deliver on.

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  8. On 8/27/2023 at 12:57 PM, asadul_islaam said:

    But if someone's Fiverr account gets disabled, if he creates another Fiverr account, he will need a new Payoneer account to add to that new Fiverr account, that's why I asked if two Payoneer accounts can be created with the same Nid card.

    Unfortunately, if your Fiverr account gets permanently disabled, you are not allowed to create another Fiverr account. This is because you have been banned from selling on Fiverr forever based on your past behavior. And, as we mentioned, two Payoneer accounts are against Payoneer's Terms of Service (and using someone else's ID constitutes as using a false identity/ID theft). Right now, the best thing to do is to learn the rules, follow them, and try your luck on other freelancing sites. 

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  9. 2 hours ago, asadul_islaam said:

    So can I open a Payoneer account on the same device with someone else's ID card?

    Why would you want to set up a Payoneer account using someone else's ID? And why do you want multiple Payoneer accounts? Payoneer only allows 1 account per user and you should only need 1 account.

    When I moved from Japan to the US, I had to create a new Payoneer account per Payoneer Terms of Service (see below):



    However, I knew Payoneer also had a strict rule that only one account was allowed per user. So I had to first shut down my Japan account under Payonner CS's direction, unlink it from Fiverr, and then create a new Payoneer account in the US using a different email address. They would not let me use the same email address. So even in this case, I could only have 1 Payoneer account at a time.

    So for you - use your own ID and have only 1 Payoneer account. Never use someone else's ID (that's a false ID and gives that person the right to 100% of the Earnings withdrawn to that account). It also risks you having ID issues related to your Fiverr and Payoneer accounts.

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  10. 1 hour ago, remixpuffy said:

    no mine is currently under review, i am concerned because i did not know

    Well, Fiverr does require all users to read it's ToS before signing up, so it's all up to Fiverr to decide if your account will be reinstated or not. The team usually takes 60-90 to review your account and will send you an email as soon as they make the decision.

    In the meantime, read the ToS and Community Standards so you can avoid this from happening again if they give you another chance.

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  11. 7 hours ago, jessica_chi said:

    This really answered it all... Thanks. Mind if we could have our backs? I would love to have a mentor as well. I know our skill set differs, but experience will surely be of help

    Sure! You can call me to any threads on the forum by putting an "@" in front of my name (as in @vickieito) - that will alert me to any questions that you have on the forum. Here are a few articles that I wrote that can be helpful to you when getting started on the forum and on Fiverr (I already sent you other articles in a thread that you started):




    • Like 3
  12. 5 hours ago, saher1 said:

    Just to let you all know that I got my Fiverr account back now by providing the source files of my work and making some changes in the current gigs.

    That makes me very happy, @saher1! I'm glad that everything worked out for you!

    Now let's hope that you can start getting visibility again in search after such a long shutdown!

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  13. 5 hours ago, jessica_chi said:

    Are you saying Relevant keywords is all it takes?

    Hi @jessica_chi - in the words of @frank_d, if you are thinking SEO and keyword-stuffing you are already behind the game. @filipdevaere is correct that you need to focus on "relevancy" when describing your services. You can read the following articles to understand how Fiverr's algorithm works:





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  14. On 8/24/2023 at 6:59 PM, remixpuffy said:

    I was accused of selling services that violate their guidelines

    3 hours ago, melanielm said:

    Is the @ in the middle pointing at a social media account or something? You can't do that.

    Good eye @melanielm! This is probably the reason why - putting "@Remixd" on the image violates Fiverr's ToS.



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  15. 2 hours ago, lacroix88 said:

    I have been refunded a few times through compensation from fiverr,but I notice that this has changed here


    How does this work?

    Hi @lacroix88, I'm not sure if this answers your question, but the policy is mostly the same (with a few key changes):

    1. All cancelations still need to be done through the Resolution Center. Buyers will be fully compensated for canceled orders.

    2. To avoid a cancelation, sellers can make a request to extend the delivery date (this will automatically be accepted within 2 days if the buyer doesn't respond).

    3. To avoid cancelation, Seller Plus members can offer up to 60% partial refunds on qualifying orders (to reduce the order price).

    4. For non-Seller Plus members, orders can be canceled and won't count against your order completion rate (OCR) if the buyer places another order within 2 weeks.

    5. After cancelations, sellers can contact CS to see if their OCR can be adjusted and if they can be partially or fully compensated for the cancelation. If the cancelation was due to buyer error, most likely sellers will have their OCR adjusted and will receive compensation for the work that they did.

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  16. Hi @ar_designs87 - What status are your gigs in when you visit the link below? If it's not "Active" then there's a problem.


    Mine has been in Out-Of-Office/Unavailability mode for the last 10 days (but I'm allowing new buyers to contact me, so I still get ~40 impressions and up to 4 clicks a day). I'll be Out-Of-Office until after the first week in September.

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  17. 26 minutes ago, abubakarkhan358 said:

    Unfortunately, we cannot approve your seller profile at this time.

    Fiverr left the door open for you to try again at a later time. In the meantime, you can try growing your business outside of Fiverr through your own website or another freelancing platform.

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  18. 12 hours ago, oujisama123 said:

    How can I get back to Fiverr after my account is disabled? Is there a way?

    If you have done nothing wrong, there's a good chance that your account will be restored. Mine was.

    If you violated Fiverr's ToS, most likely it will not be restored.

    What was the reason for your account being disabled?

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