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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 2 hours ago, anisur1786his said:

    thank you mam give me your important advice but i can not submitted my gig

    Hi @anisur1786his - Click on your profile picture and there should be something that says "Become a Seller." Click on that to set up your seller profile and start creating your gigs using the links that @imagination7413 provided in this thread.

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  2. @Lena - would you be able to retrieve the missing message(s) that Fiverr sent to @saher1? This would be the final message explaining the results of the account review and instructions for withdrawal (it looks like it never made it):

    On 8/10/2023 at 9:29 AM, saher1 said:

    I waited for the 60 days, and now when I checked, it says "This account is no longer active. We sent you an email explaining what happened." But I didn't get any email or explanation. I'm also worried about the money I earned from my services, which hasn't been paid out yet.

    Any help you could provide would be appreciated! Thanks!

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  3. 8 minutes ago, umerzunair887 said:

    @vickieito it means fiverr itself also order our services ?

    Yes, if the user is on the Fiverr team, you will see this badge by their name:


    Note: this view is from the inbox messages. I saw Fiverr post a list of all their usernames on the Help Desk:


    This list has some of the usernames of their Fiverr staff (but not all). I noticed many of the Fiverr staff on this forum are not on this list (but they may order from you as well).

    • Like 11
  4. 1 minute ago, saher1 said:

    How can I access back to my earnings and I didn't receive any reply from Support. That is what I think very unprofessional as I am working with them since 2018 and now they will just do reply with an auto message or they won't explain why they inactive my account.

    You could try to contact CS at: support@fiverr.com (via email)

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  5. 3 hours ago, zeus777 said:

    Nah~~, I haven't made a single change, I haven't done anything, zero, zip, nada.

    I think that's pretty awesome that you haven't had to make a single change since 2010! (How did you do that?!)

    It helps that you are unique and offer something that no one else does (both chibi drawings AND Japanese-English translations) - so you don't have any competition. 😊 I saw that there are only 6 TRS in Japanese translations and of the 7 results that popped up in search for me, 2 of them were yours (and there were only 4 total sellers displayed). You also have the Fiverr's Choice badge, too, so that's great!

    • Like 9
  6. 4 hours ago, shanta570 said:

    Surprisingly when I got notification that I can see 5 star rating also I can see buyer review what he written.

    But I can't send review for him.

    That means the buyer left a review just before the time expired to leave a review, so you can't leave one. If the send/submit button doesn't work for the review, that means the time to leave your review has expired.

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  7. 1 hour ago, grayprogrammerz said:

    client don't care region, religion... or even if you are cat or dog... they just need their work to be done fast, in anyway

    2 hours ago, catwriter said:

    Profile image does matter.

    It really does depend on what type of client you are targeting - Many buyers don't care. However, I don't target the buyer that wants work done fast.

    I prefer sellers who want quality over speed and and are willing to pay for it. So for me, my profile image does matter. I charge prices that are often higher than TRS or Pros in my category ...and since I'm neither, I have to have as many things as possible working for me to support my price. A professional profile picture is just one of many little things that work together to communicate that I'm a premium seller who commands premium prices.

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  8. 4 hours ago, rabihumakhan said:

    it was hard for me to juxtapose my true identity. However, I taught to myself that I am not doing the business in my valley, it's an international platform and I must unveil myself in order to encourage my clients to start believing in me, to know that I'm an actual human being; hence you can see me now. 

    I can definitely relate to your feelings of having to "unveil yourself" to encourage clients to believe in you. I felt that when we still had Buyer Requests and buyers would say "Don't even apply if you aren't in the US!" Many buyers would send me messages in the inbox questioning my English abilities when I was living in Japan. And then when I moved back to the US, it got worse because so many sellers were copying/pasting AI-generated text into their writing. That's one of the reasons why I decided to add Zoom calls - I had to give up some of my privacy to gain their trust.

    4 hours ago, rabihumakhan said:

    One of the vital points that I fail to understand is that,  I have been one of the most successful sellers on another platform, yet I still search for regular gigs here on. Perhaps, I must adapt to new updates and should learn fiverr's organizational behavior. 

    And I've failed at other businesses (but do really well on Fiverr).

    Fiverr is way different from any other business that I've done ... but it really fits well with my personality and strengths. 

    I'm glad you are gaining traction now!

    • Like 10
  9. 41 minutes ago, moikchap said:

    Probably a lot of sellers think it's entirely fine to switch to AI due to the encouraging messaging from Fiverr around it.

    Fiverr is planning on having one webinar per vertical within the next two months to encourage and show them how to use AI. They already had a webinar for the Writing & Translation field (covering how to use AI tools properly to improve writing workflows ...with a pitch for writers to become experts in being AI-generated content writers). Fiverr definitely wants sellers to start using these AI tools more.

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  10. 2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    But as I always say here, we have to adapt to what Fiverr does, and sometimes it can be hard.

    I'd love to see all of the changes that you had to make over your 10 years on the platform! Were you always a writer?

    When I joined Fiverr, I vowed I would never write or get on a Zoom call. That changed pretty quickly. 😅

    2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    For me the bane of my existence is the private review system, which for me is extremely hard to adapt to.

    I would like to see a little bit more into all of these "additional quality metrics" and badges that are awarded to sellers. I just got the "Highly Responsive Badge" for the first time in my Fiverr life and I have no idea how I got it. It disappeared after 2 days and I have no idea how I lost it. Nothing has changed in the way I communicate (before or after getting the badge).

    And since I'm a low-volume seller, I also know that a single cancelation/negative private review has a huge impact on my profile and gigs. So if anything goes wrong, I automatically think it's related to my BSR. But then my experience with losing the Early Payout feature wasn't related to my BSR - my success manager said my BSR was great -  it was other "stuff." I wish I knew what that "stuff" was!

    • Like 16
  11. Over the past year, we've seen a lot of major updates to the platform. Buyer Requests have been replaced with Briefs. The release of new AI tools transformed the way Fiverr, and many of its freelancers, are doing business. And just in 2023, Fiverr has been announcing quite a few new changes to its platform to elevate the customer experience, drive innovation, and support its freelancers. It'll be interesting to see how the latest updates will affect all of us, especially the updates for Top-Rated Sellers and Pros as well as the new suite of business products (Fiverr Neo, Fiverr Enterprise, and Fiverr Certified).

    What It Takes To Win 🏆

    Fiverr understands that to stay competitive, it can’t afford to stay where it is. Constant innovation and improvement are necessary to keep the business growing and moving forward. And as the business climate changes, Fiverr has to change and adapt as well. The same thing applies to all of the sellers on Fiverr's platform.

    Too many sellers think that they can get their business to a certain point and just coast … but the truth is, there’s no coasting in business. If you aren’t moving forward or adapting to the changing business environment, you can easily slip behind. Doing what worked yesterday may not work for today. And if you aren’t preparing for tomorrow, you might be surprised when your business takes a nosedive. Often it’s the business that can pivot the quickest that performs the best in these situations.

    I think about this a lot because my business on Fiverr is fairly new and I know that many freelancers don't make it past the first two years of business. I'd really like to pass the two-year mark and last a lot longer than that!  ...Kudos and hats off to all the sellers who have been at this for 5 years or more!🥳🙌

    So the question is, with all of these changes on Fiverr's platform over the last year, are you also changing? Or are you just watching on the sidelines as your business is getting left behind?

    Buyer Requests: Although I never really used it, I know that the loss of Buyer Requests was a huge blow to many sellers. Some sellers relied heavily on Buyer Requests to keep their businesses running. Those who were able to quickly adjust to this loss are doing better than the ones who didn’t make any changes to their businesses.

    AI: The rise of sellers using AI tools changed the way I do business. I had a strict no-Zoom policy until this year but now I have Zoom calls every week. It started when buyers wanted to verify my language abilities and then kind of grew from there. This change in my business forced me to step out of my comfort zone and adapt (or get left behind). This meant I had to deal with a cancelation and a blow to my Buyer Satisfaction Rate as I navigated this new way of doing business for me.

    Fiverr Updates: Whenever Fiverr rolls out new updates and features, I always ask myself, “Am I the type of seller that Fiverr wants? Do I align with the direction that it's heading?” In many cases, my answer is “No” or “Not quite,” so I know I need to make adjustments to my business.  This is really hard for me because sometimes I not only have to change how I do things, but I might also have to redefine who I am or take risks to try something new. Or shut down gigs that I have an emotional attachment to.

    So what are your thoughts about the recent changes on Fiverr's platform?

    📈 Have you felt the need to change, as I have?

    🏃Are you pursuing things that you wouldn't have, but now are, because of the new announcements that were made?

    💗 And what new hopes or apprehensions do you have for your business?

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  12. 1 hour ago, saher1 said:

    What happened to your account then? and to your Fiverr available balance?

    My account was shut down for a different reason (a hacker withdrew all my Earnings and then shut down the account). Fiverr was able to restore my account and covered my loss.

    Your account was put under review because of the gig images - so what @imamiopial suggested is the best route - you have to prove that you created the images, not that you've used the images since 2018.

    However, if the account is not active, that means that Fiverr completed its review of your account and decided to permanently shut down/ban your account. The message Fiverr supposedly sent you would have had instructions to withdraw your Earnings (and usually only gives you 7 days to withdraw your funds). If that 7-day period has already expired, the likelihood of you getting your funds is very low. I saw another seller on the forum who wasn't able to get their $1,700.

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  13. 6 hours ago, saher1 said:

    "This account is no longer active. We sent you an email explaining what happened." But I didn't get any email or explanation.

    When I received this message from Fiverr, I finally found the message in my spam folder. Did you check your junk, spam, and trash folders?

    And what pictures were you using?

    • Like 18
  14. Hi @sssss_baig, I agree with @katakatica to not contact your buyers at all unless you have an open order.

    Fiverr's ToS tells you not to contact your buyers for anything which is not directly related to their Gigs (if contacting a seller) or orders (both sellers and buyers):



    Since your buyers don't have open orders with you, your messages could be considered as spam (and marked that way by the buyer).

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  15. 3 hours ago, rawque_gulia said:

    but what if the client knows that it will take time to make the changes and the buyer has literally no problem with that revision window & is not in a hurry.

    Hi @rawque_gulia,

    I have several clients who extended their orders by 5 months or more (and it hasn't affected my account). Usually, we opt to extend the delivery times as often as needed to give my buyers the time to take care of things that they need (in the case of my buyers, multiple surgeries, doctor's visits, and summer vacations).

    I don't see a difference either way (revision mode versus using multiple extensions), and Fiverr CS has confirmed with me that we can leave it in revision mode indefinitely and it won't hurt me.

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  16. Thanks @techson

    @Lena - can you take care of this request? (see above)

    @techson's account was permanently disabled by Fiverr after a 90 days review and an email has been received from Fiverr stating that a withdrawal can now be made (within 7 days). However, the withdrawal option is not working and @techson's requests to CS are automatically being closed because they can only see that the account was under review and they don't realize that the 90-day review is now complete and authorization to make a withdrawal has been given. 

    Can you help @techson with this withdrawal issue and make sure this gets seen by the right team? There are only 4 days left to make a withdrawal. Thanks in advance for all your help, @Lena!

    • Like 13
  17. 29 minutes ago, mabeljacob481 said:

    there were times I wanted to give up, it was harder than I had thought it would be, and I just couldn't finish... but I finally did.

    29 minutes ago, mabeljacob481 said:

    ... I stretched.

    I think these orders are the ones that give us the greatest sense of accomplishment, especially if the buyer is really happy with the end product!

    Each order is an opportunity to grow, push the limits, and see what's possible (and this is one of the things that makes freelancing so enjoyable). 😊

    • Like 8
  18. 3 minutes ago, Shiran.M said:

    Application to become a Pro freelancer is currently by invitation only.

    That's very interesting! So no one can apply without being invited now (and an application is required).

    What are the chances of making Pro once invited?

    And was the automatic conversion of some accounts to Pro just a one-time thing?

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  19. 1 hour ago, techson said:

    Hello everyone,

    My account has been disabled by Fiverr. I have a balance to withdraw from my account but my payout methods are disabled. I am not able to add any new method. Can you please suggest something. Customer Support is not responding to my queries.

    Hi @techson, can you tell us when your account was disabled (how long ago) and why? That will help us to understand why CS is not responding (and we may be able to call over Fiverr staff to help you out.

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