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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 42 minutes ago, fathanzi said:

    I'm sorry, I've just tried this feature and trying to be active with asking a question
    I'm looking for what should I do as a new seller in Fiverr

    Hi @fathanzi,

    Copying the title of another well-followed member on the forum won't help you. 

    You also shouldn't try to be "active" on the forum - this article will help you understand how to get the most out of your forum experience:


    Since your profile looks sparse, you can also work on taking advantage of all the features Fiverr has to improve your profile and gig (you should also fix the grammar and spelling errors in your gig title):


    If you are interested in really understanding how Fiverr works (and how you can improve your visibility in search), you should also read all of @frank_d's articles:




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  2. 16 minutes ago, harmonyuche said:

    Please, I need help ranking my page on the first page. What can i do to boost my visibility?

    Hi Sunshine! 😊

    You had a 3.3-star review a week ago. If you also received a negative private review, that can affect your visibility in search for three months or longer. Instead of focusing on getting on the first page, focus on delivering quality orders and keeping your buyers happy. I can see that you already have many happy customers so hopefully, some of them are repeat buyers as well. As you deliver more orders with happy buyers, your visibility in search will also increase. Fiverr promotes sellers that perform well.

    You also don't need to have lots of impressions and clicks to get orders. You can focus on making your gigs more attractive so that you can increase the number of clicks and orders from the current impressions that you are you are getting. Consider updating your gig thumbnails so that they have less text (1-5 words that clearly describe your services) and are unique so that they can easily stand out from the other gigs that are on the search page results. You might want to use your name "Sunshine" in your marketing because that is unique and gives positive vibes to your buyers. Then they can visit your gig and see your great reviews and portfolio samples.

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  3. 40 minutes ago, startabitz said:

    How can I up-sell myself?

    Create gigs offering graphic design services that you want to sell.

    When I first started on Fiverr, I only had one gig. I quickly expanded to 7 gigs within the first two weeks based on the inquiries that I was getting in my inbox. If buyers asked for a service that I could provide, I would create a gig so that they could order it.

    Note: If you exceed your gig limit, pause the gigs that aren't bringing in orders so that you can offer new ones that will. Add in your portfolio samples so that all potential buyers can see what you can do.

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  4. On 10/19/2023 at 3:41 AM, sarakhhan0987 said:

    My impression on gigs and clicks suddenly going down can any one advice me that's why??

    You are a new seller and Fiverr usually gives your gigs a boost in visibility for the first month or so. Since you started last month, it looks like your boost is over.

    12 minutes ago, sarakhhan0987 said:

    Yeah i hear it hundred thousand time.and it didn't work please share tips which work really 

    The best way to get a good boost in visibility is to deliver more orders and to keep your buyers happy. So that should be your first goal. Focus on the stats that you have now, and work on improving them. You can still get orders, even if you have lower impressions and clicks. You just have to focus on improving your conversion rate (turning impressions into clicks and clicks into orders). Once you get the orders and deliver quality experiences to your buyers, your impressions can increase.

    How many impressions and clicks are you currently getting? Are any of them turning into inquiries? If you are getting inquiries, what type of feedback are you getting from your potential buyers? I was able to get orders by paying attention to what buyers were saying in my inbox (and making appropriate changes to my gigs).

    If you aren't getting inquiries, work on getting more clicks. Clicks are related to how attractive your gig is to potential buyers. It looks like you need gig thumbnails that clearly describe your services in 1-5 words. Your design should be relevant to your services and unique so that you can stand out from the other gigs that show up when buyers are looking for your services. Spend time creating more portfolio samples - the more samples you have, the better chances you have of a sample resonating with the buyer (and making them say, "that's what I want!"). You have 3 images, 1 gig video, and 2 PDFs that you can utilize per gig to show off what you can do. This also build credibility for you when you have zero orders and zero reviews.

    I noticed that you mentioned in your bio that you would "write assignments" - I would remove that wording to avoid any misunderstandings (it's against Fiverr's ToS to write student assignments). You also mention in your gigs that you offer "flawless translations," so you do need to fix all of the proofreading errors that are in your bio and gigs. Even one error will cause buyers to shy away from your gigs and you have many.

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  5. 1 hour ago, ppc_ga4master said:

    If I delete one of my buyers chat list from my inbox, can Fiverr see the conversation between me and that buyer?

    Also, if you delete a chat in the inbox, it'll come back if the buyer sends a response. I delete a lot of chats to keep my inbox clean because I know they'll come back whenever the buyer responds. Some buyers come back after a year and the whole conversation comes back with them.

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  6. 8 hours ago, patikaa said:

    I want to  change my  location fro france to the states  and unfortunately i dont know how

    Hi @patikaa - your location should reflect where you currently reside. This not only helps you to be compliant with the laws of the country that you reside in, it also keeps you honest with your buyers. If you use VPN, that could cause your account to be flagged for suspicious activity, so I wouldn't recommend using it. If VPN is absolutely necessary for you to operate in the country you are in, you can get that approved by submitting a help desk ticket to Fiverr.

    If your location on your profile doesn't reflect where you actually reside, you can submit a help desk ticket to Fiverr and they can change your location for you. You will first have to provide proof of what country you live in (either by an ID card or by a phone or utility bill showing your current address).

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  7. Hi @ag_vocalize!

    4 hours ago, ag_vocalize said:

    There is a ~16-minute delay between notifications on the desktop and my phone. 

    I see this too.

    4 hours ago, ag_vocalize said:

    Couldn't that be detrimental to our response times?

    It hasn't been a problem for me yet! The lowest response time that show up in our stats is 1 hour, so 16 minutes really isn't going to make a difference. I also don't see an issue when I take 8 hours to respond (if I am sleeping).

    • Like 10
  8. 11 hours ago, elizabuilds said:

    but I have limited amount of posts. The more levels I go up the more can I post?

    No, I was a Grand Master (this is the highest badge on the forum) with 5,000 reputation points and I was still limited to 5 posts a day for a while. I also noticed that there were other users with lower forum badges (and who were on the platform for less than a month) who had unlimited postings.

    4 hours ago, emma_7134 said:

    the number of posts you are limited to in a single day is not related to your rank, only to the platform trying to limit spammers.

    This is very true. I did lose my unlimited posting privileges several times because m0ds were trying to control spam and I used one of the trigger words on their list, which changes from time to time (I think it was the word "customer"). Then I had the 5-post limit again for a while.

    11 hours ago, elizabuilds said:

    If so what other benefits are there with new levels

    There are no benefits for the levels. It's just for fun.

    4 hours ago, emma_7134 said:

    Levels on the forum are less about number of posts and more about how useful your posts are to the Fiverr community.

    There are some users who don't post any useful content and still get likes from people who are just trying to increase their forum badge. I once saw a "serial liker" who became a Grand Master within 20 days just by liking every post that they could find on the platform (they didn't make a single post). It was annoying for all the other users on the forum and their Grand Master badge was quickly removed by forum m0ds.

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  9. 3 hours ago, optinmagnets said:

    I feel like the right category/subcategory for my gigs doesn't exist on Fiverr at this moment. 🤔

    Why don't you split your services into the different categories you mentioned? Have several gigs in Graphic and Design, several in Email marketing, and several in the Digital Marketing category? You don't have to lump all your services in one gig.

    I used to offer resume writing + cover letters + LinkedIn profile updates all in the same gig and just recently divided them up into three, separate gigs. Now buyers place three separate orders, rather than one, and one deliverable isn't pending on the delivery of the other. It also allows me to break down each service into different packages so that I can charge more for each service and maximize the value that I provide to my buyers.

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  10. 43 minutes ago, amnaarshad171 said:

    I'm unable to see my gig anywhere., -Gigs are in denied, --I'm no where in listing,

    Hi @amnaarshad171, I know how frustrating this can be! My account was also hacked into earlier this year - the hacker withdrew all my Earnings and then shut down my Fiverr account. This caused all of my orders in queue to be canceled and there wasn't any way for me to communicate with my buyers for 4 days. 

    Please note that Fiverr CS can sometimes take 2-3 days to respond. I had to wait for 2 days in between each reply that I sent to CS about my issue. First, I had to prove that I personally did not request my account to be shut down. Then I had to prove that I didn't make the withdrawal. Then we had to restore all of my seller stats - I dropped to a Level 1 seller temporarily because of the mass cancelations that happened.

    It took me a week to get my account fully active again. My seller level was restored to Level 2. I was fully compensated for the Earnings that I lost.

    It took me 2 weeks to set up a new phone number (I purchased a new phone number and linked a different email to my account).

    It took me 1 month to be eligible for the Seller Plus program again.

    It took me 3 months to be eligible for the Early Payout feature again (due to hidden quality metrics affected by the account shutdown).

    After 4 months, I was promoted to TRS.

    54 minutes ago, amnaarshad171 said:

    Now my account is on hold for the last 3 days which is disastrously for my rankings, stats and everything.

    I also thought this was the end of my Fiverr career, but that was not the case. My business is currently on the back burner for other personal reasons, but up until now, my business hit the highest earnings since I started, after the hacking took place.

    57 minutes ago, amnaarshad171 said:

    Are they serious, I'm mentioning it again and again that the amount is withdrawn by the hacker in his account not mine.

    I was very lucky that Fiverr compensated me for my lost earnings. There were other online accounts that were being created under my name and email and I was not so lucky. I lost over $11k within a few days because of those online charges. Even though the transactions were being made on the other side of the globe,  PayPal and the online accounts that were created in my name told me that they "couldn't stop me from making my own purchases."

    1 hour ago, amnaarshad171 said:

    it is Fiverr's responsibility to provide a secure and hacker free platform

    Fiverr did compensate me. However, you should also take steps necessary to protect yourself so that your ID doesn't also get stolen like mine was.

    1. Make sure to change the passwords of ALL your online accounts (I had 87 online accounts listed in my Google password manager). No two passwords should be the same.

    2. Use antivirus software to continuously scan for threats  - my hacking happened because of malware that was found on my computer. I now use antivirus software to scan every file that is downloaded onto my computer.

    3. Keep the number of tabs open on your browser to a minimum - when I was hacked, I had 10 or so tabs open on my browser. This allowed the hacker to have access to my Fiverr account as well as other accounts that were opened on my tab. I thought I was safe because I have two-factor authentication on all my accounts, but I was already logged into those accounts. Now only have 1-2 tabs open at a time and constantly log in and out of Fiverr several times a day.

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  11. 10 minutes ago, maptechsnagger said:

    I am not guiding anyone

    On 10/13/2023 at 4:29 AM, maptechsnagger said:

    Here's a concise guide to boost your gig's visibility and attract more clients

    14 hours ago, emely_mm said:

    Solid tips.

    Unfortunately, you are guiding people.

    Be careful what you post on the forum. Even questions don't need to be posted - I only posted 2-3 of my own questions because most answers can be found through searching the forum.

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  12. 11 minutes ago, devanzum said:

    Yes, I am living in Bangladesh, and my location is set to Bangladesh on Fiverr, yet my timezone is wrong, that's the main issue.

    Are you using a VPN? Sometimes that can make the timezone wrong. Fiverr advises against using VPN.

    If not, you can submit a help desk ticket like I did. Fiverr CS was able to fix my issue very quickly.

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  13. Hi @ccornoer, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum!

    I just wanted to let you know that Fiverr is just like any other business - it takes time to grow and get orders. You just started this month. Many sellers don't get their first order for weeks, sometimes even months. How well you build up your profile will often determine how well you can gain visibility in search. I was also a new seller last year with many of the same services as you (proofreading, editing, writing, data entry, and virtual assisting).

    The content on Fiverr's Help Center helped me to structure and grow my account from New Seller to Level 2. 


    The forum helped me to grow my business even further, to Top Rated Seller. If I have problems or questions, I often search for answers on the forum (which is more effective than simply asking for help). No one knows your business better than you do, and what works for one seller may not work for another. There's a lot of testing, monitoring, changing, and more testing involved when trying to grow one's business.

    With that being said, we all start somewhere. My first gigs were terrible, but they got better over time. I did take a look at your gigs and suggest that you read the Help Center link above to improve your gigs. Please also read the ToS, because you are offering to write academic content, which is against Fiverr's ToS.


    Fiverr also requires that your gigs be unique and different from each other. You offer scanning, PDF conversion, and scanning + PDF conversion. These services are the same. Your gig images also are identical, so buyers won't be able to tell the difference between all of your gigs. Buyers also won't know what services you are offering when they view your gigs in search. You should have a relevant image and 1-5 words that clearly describe your services. 

    I would also question if some of your services are even needed. How will you scan documents for your clients? How will they send the files to you? By scan?

    Also, there are a lot of free software that will convert files to PDF. In order to convince buyers to place orders, you will need to convince them that they need your services.

    Please note that I also offer PDF conversion, data entry, proofreading, and virtual assistance. However, I identified my target buyers and found ways to tailor my services specifically to them. There are ways to make simple services appealing to your buyers.

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  14. 10 hours ago, devanzum said:

    Does anyone know how I can resolve it? I didn't find any settings on Fiverr to change my timezone.

    So you aren't living in Bangladesh? If you are living in a different country, you can contact Fiverr CS to change your time zone.

    When I moved from Japan to Hawaii, my time zone and country didn't change automatically. So I had to create a help desk ticket to change it.

    Once I showed CS proof that I was living in the US, they changed my country and time zone for me. I used a utility bill with my name on it, but my driver's license also had my new address.

    Here's what CS told me in the help desk ticket:



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  15. 7 hours ago, imamiopial said:

    You're lucky it wasn't after placing an order. 

    Some buyers just can't handle rejection and a simple "no" will trigger an onslaught of cursing and f-bombs (It's rare, but it has happened to me several times). When that does happens, I just thank my lucky stars that it was done before an order was placed. 😅

    7 hours ago, imamiopial said:

    I would block report and move on. 

    That block button is there for a reason - I used to feel really bad about blocking people but not anymore!

    I once blocked someone (who couldn't stand that I wouldn't work with them). After a few weeks, I felt guilty and unblocked the buyer and the buyer immediately came back into my inbox and started to gush about how he found another seller "so much better" than me. He was spamming my inbox with his insults. I then blocked that buyer for the second time and I didn't feel bad at all! After that incident, it was much easier to block buyers right away.

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  16. 6 hours ago, chosenpounds said:

    I got 2 foreign clients and for some reason. It will not let me reply!

    Hi @chosenpounds, did you have the following message?



    If so, it means that the buyers' accounts were shut down by Fiverr (most likely due to a ToS violation).

    Or you might have received this message:



    This means that Fiverr's system flagged this buyer as spam. This is sometimes delayed, so it might happen as you are replying to your client.

    If your buyers have already placed orders, you might see this in the inbox chats:



    In this case, you just need to click on hyperlink for the word "here" to be able to message your clients in the inbox chats.

    Fiverr's site is also buggy sometimes, which prevents you from contacting your buyers. I usually submit a help desk ticket if that happens:


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  17. Hi @optinmagnets,

    Fiverr doesn't allow you to repurpose gigs from one category to another, so that option is uneditable (only subcategories are editable).

    If a new category is needed, a new gig needs to be created. So you really need to make sure that you research properly before creating your gigs to ensure they are in the right category. Otherwise, you might not get good visibility in search and you might have to delete a gig with reviews on it so that you can create a new gig in the right category.

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