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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 4 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    What do you think, can I try asking someone else for CS, or will they get impatient?

    No, just cite the ToS that allows for contact info to be shared on the order page:



    Both CS agents were correct - they were just citing different bullet points (and your situations were different - one was before the order was initiated and the other was after, where the order requirements didn't include the stipulation for contact info to be exchanged).

    • Like 5
  2. Just now, catwriter said:

    Then, perhaps, no partial refund, but just an additional $5 custom order ($5 shouldn't be too much for a record label) for the contract thingy? And then the buyer would accept both orders?

    Or you could add it as a gig extra. Or cancel the order and reissue the same order with the contract details included (since this type of cancelation won't hurt your stats if the buyer accepts the new order).

    • Like 8
  3. 13 minutes ago, securas said:

    Can you assist me?

    I'm just a seller like you, so not really. Even CS or Success Managers can't help you if you aren't eligible. I lost Seller Plus earlier this year because a hacker shut down my account (it dropped my seller level for 4 days before CS fixed it). Since eligibility is based on an automated system, I had to wait for 1 month to re-qualify for the Seller Plus program. Keep trying to join the Seller Plus waiting list in the link I provided above. Once you are on the list, they will invite you to the program once an opening becomes available and you qualify for the program.

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  4. Can you create another custom order to suit this purpose? And do you have the partial refund feature to apply to the current order so that you can use that amount for the NDA order?

    I would request a copy of the NDA/contract beforehand, though. I've seen a lot of contracts that buyers wanted me to sign that simply aren't applicable and when I ask them to change the verbiage (to make it more relevant to the project), they tell me to "just sign it." I politely decline if they are unable to make those changes.

    • Like 7
  5. 8 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    I have already done it here, but it was specified in the custom order.

    What was this? Did you already sign a contract electronically through Fiverr?

    2 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    She wants to do it electronically, you know, an electronic signature, no scanning or physical signature

    Is this a PDF or web-form?

    • Like 4
  6. If I were CS, I would just send an email to the buyer saying, "Hey what you're asking the seller to do is against our ToS." With links to the ToS and Community Standards. It makes a difference when it comes from CS versus a seller (even though you are a Pro seller). 

    I have had CS send direct messages to buyers on my behalf (usually when they disappear on me), so I know it can be done. Those buyers usually come back to me once CS contacts them.

    • Like 6
  7. Just now, rickymazzamauro said:

    we are a big professional studio and the client want to sign an electronic contract by via email. nothing strange, done a thousand of times out of Fiveer!

    How frustrating! Fiverr CS usually doesn't step in until a cancelation or delivery is made. So they are really putting it all on you to decide what to do. Are you going to let the buyer cancel? Or are you going to stand your ground and insist on the buyer accepting the order? It looks like they won't do anything until a decision is made and the order is closed or canceled.

    • Like 7
  8. Just now, rickymazzamauro said:

    What a situation! We are professionals, and this really seems like a game for kids who have to behave in class. It doesn't seem like a exchange among professionals.

    I agree! Have you communicated Fiverr's response back to your buyer yet?

    • Like 5
  9. 5 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    but it's also important to consider if you want to continue working with this customer based on your own priorities and earnings"

    I would emphasize that the work has already been completed and delivered - so your work is done. There is nothing else that you can do to appease this customer that would also comply with Fiverr's ToS. Choosing not to work with this customer would mean that you would cancel the order AND risk a negative review because you refuse to break Fiverr's ToS. This isn't really an option because you performed the work to the buyer's specifications and you should be paid for the work that was delivered.

    5 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    When it comes to communicating with buyers, the best approach is to address their needs and try to find a mutual agreement.

    There is no mutual agreement without breaking Fiverr's ToS. Unless the buyer is willing to accept your order as-is without the signed contract.

    • Like 6
  10. CS should be able to advise on the best way to proceed. Clarify with CS that you don't need clarification on the ToS, but you need to know how to proceed now, knowing that the buyer won't budge from their stance and Fiverr won't allow you to accommodate the buyer's request.

    • Like 6
  11. I would ask CS to message the buyer on your behalf because this has already been communicated by you. Also ask CS what can be done since the order otherwise meets all buyer expectations and it's only the contract that the buyer is adamant about that is holding up the buyer's acceptance of the order.

    • Like 7
  12. 3 minutes ago, imtiazhu786 said:

    hi, my buyer want to cancel order now. he ask me for 2 days to complete order and i said that i need 4 days, he didn't say anthing, and just accept offer. and now after every 30 minutes and an hour, "i am worried you will not be able to complete order within time". he also said he want to cancel order. the buyer is very new on fiverr, and he don't know fiverr policies and the effect that will happen on my profile after cancelation. what should i do?

    If the buyer accidentally placed the order for 4 days (expecting 2 days), he can cancel the order with "Ordered by mistake" as the reason. This should not affect your seller stats because it was a buyer error (if it does, just submit a help desk ticket and they can adjust your stats for you).

    If the buyer wants you to initiate the cancelation, clarify with the buyer that he ordered a 4-day turnaround by mistake. Then you can initiate the cancelation and send a help desk ticket to Fiverr CS with a screenshot of the buyer saying he ordered by mistake. They should make sure that your seller stats are not affected.

    • Like 2
  13. Just now, rickymazzamauro said:

    The client insists and won't accept the order

    It sounds like what you're doing is the best course of action - "I'd love to help you but let me reach out to CS to help with your request."

    1 minute ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    or maybe she, not me, can send me HER email??

    Let's just wait and see what steps CS recommends - I don't see how sharing anyone's email helps with the situation. Fiverr's ToS also states that outside contracts can't be signed (and it sounds like you can't even see what the contract is until you provide your contact info). So we don't even know what the contract is all about. I really don't think the contract is necessary and am hoping that CS can resolve the issue with your buyer. It sounds like your buyer doesn't know how Fiverr operates.

    I'll copy @Lena onto this thread as well.

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  14. 5 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    Thank you Vic, I have just written to the CS, let's see what they say.

    I hope you can resolve this issue with the buyer! Usually, buyers are understanding when they see that you are trying to be helpful even when we have limitations due to Fiverr's ToS. I know that Fiverr does allow sellers to sign NDAs if it's necessary to complete the gig, so that may be the case for you and your client. Without knowing what's in the contract, it's hard to say.

    • Like 5
  15. Hi @creative_sofia, you can sign up for the Seller Plus waiting list here:


    I was on the waiting list for 5 months before I was accepted into the Seller Plus program for the first time in 2022. After I lost Seller Plus this year (my account was demoted from Level 2 to Level 1 for 4 days when a hacker shut down my account), it took me 1 month to re-qualify for Seller Plus again. I had to join the Standard level before joining the Seller Plus Premium level again.

    • Like 3
  16. 7 minutes ago, rickymazzamauro said:

    Hi, a client I'm working with (a record label) has asked me to send them my email address to sign an electronic contract, and it seems they don't want to accept the delivery, which, by the way, they like, without this option, prior to this. How should I proceed to avoid violating the Terms of Service (TOS)?"

    Thank you

    HI @rickymazzamauro, Let your buyer know that Fiverr ToS prevents you from sharing your contact information and contracts are not necessary because Fiverr's ToS already includes language that states: 





    Fiverr also has an Intellectual Property Claims and Community Standards on Intellectual Property with a lot more details on how Fiverr ensures the protection of your buyer's intellectual property:



    You can also let your buyer know that if they still have concerns, you can submit a ticket to Fiverr's CS to provide further guidance for their specific needs.

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  17. 7 hours ago, michellepasley said:

    How do you go about hiring someone to create your Etsy store.  Obviously you will need to give them your log in information.  How do you hire them and keep your personal information safe.  What are the steps to do this?

    Hi @michellepasley - please note that sharing your Etsy store password is not recommended by Etsy and you do this at your own risk. Not only do you have to trust the person you are sharing your password with, but you won't be able to use two-factor authentication, so please keep that in mind. This might be okay if you are only going to solicit their help to set up the store (and then will change the password and set up the two-factor authentication later).

    Etsy does have House rules related to using freelancers (even short-term ones) to help you with your business and you will need to disclose this in your About section (see Etsy House rules):


    If you still want to use a freelancer to set up your Etsy store, only share your passwords with freelancers that you vet and trust. This is easier said than done. I've had a lot of bad buying experiences when I was new to Fiverr, but got better at vetting my sellers as I became a more experienced buyer.

    Do your due diligence on your sellers to make sure that they are competent, trustworthy, and credible. Take your time to go through seller profiles and reviews to get a good feel of how they operate and communicate. See how well they present themselves in their gigs and review the quality of their work samples. Send your brief to sellers in your inbox chats to see if they understand your requirements and have the knowledge and skill to handle your request. If needed, jump on a quick Zoom call with them to see if you are a good fit with each other.

    Good sellers won't tell you they can help you until they find out exactly what you need. They will dig into your request and ask the right questions, and will be able to explain to you exactly how they will help set up your store. They won't pressure you to place a quick order. They will be clear on what they can and can't do.

    If you don't feel comfortable sharing your password and you are willing to do a lot of the work, you might be able to hire a freelancer to coach you via Zoom sessions to set up your Etsy store.

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  18. 5 hours ago, webcut said:

    Unfortunately It cut more than $30 and almost 22 Click but I did not received any massage or even order !

    Hi @webcut, If people are clicking on your gig, that means they are curious about your services. However, if they aren't turning into orders, that means you aren't convincing them to buy your services. It makes no sense to pay for promotions if buyers aren't going to buy your services. First, optimize your profile so that it appeals to your buyers (so that they will want to buy your services). Once you can see that your gigs have a good conversion rate, then you can amp up the number of orders you are getting with Promoted Gigs. 

    I took a look at your gig descriptions and can see that you use "I" statements a lot. Please make sure to include more "You" statements - don't just list services and talk about what you can do - talk to your buyers' pain points and show how you can solve their problems.  When you phrase things in that light, you aren't just offering services, you're providing solutions to real needs that your buyers have.

    • Like 3
  19. Hi @webcut -

    Currently, Fiverr is only approving Top Clients that are on their drop down list, so first make sure your clients are on that list.

    Your Top Client doesn't  have to be on Fiverr, but you do need to have sufficient proof that the actual company hired you for the work. It doesn't count if your buyer worked for a big-name company - the actual company name will have to be on the invoice or work sample you provide.

    You should also retain a written approval from each company you add to show they are okay with adding them as a Top Client. I have a Top Client that is on Fiverr's list, but I can add them because they disappeared after the order and let the order auto-close (without giving their consent to be added as my Top Client).

    If you are on the Seller Plus Premium plan you can ask your Success Manager to follow up on the approvals of your Top Clients (to speed up the process). You should be able to pick your Success Manager from you program page on your desktop.

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  20. 49 minutes ago, souravmandal83 said:

    Is anyone faced similar situations in the past and is there any way to overcome the situation?

    49 minutes ago, souravmandal83 said:

    I am facing a unique issue related to my account.

    HI @souravmandal83 - Unfortunately this isn't a unique problem but all of the sellers I know who had their accounts shut down due to ID verification issues had their accounts restored.

    I know how hard it can be to wait for 5 days with no response from CS. My account was restricted for 6 days and it was really hard when I couldn't even communicate with my buyers to explain why.

    At this point, CS has all the information needed to help you and further follow-ups from you might trigger an account warning. So wait patiently. I know this is super hard to do when you can't do anything but CS is the only way you can get your account back up, so it's worth it to be patient with them. It can take time for CS to get back with you, but let them respond first (even if you have to wait for several days) before sending another reply.

    I'll tag @Lena onto this thread so that she can just follow up on your ticket to make sure it's being handled properly.

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