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  1. Hello everyone, I am a new seller on Fiverr and I am looking for some tips on how to improve my sales. I haven’t had any sales yet and I want more people to see my gigs. I have read some articles on how to optimize my gigs, but I would love to hear from experienced sellers on what has worked for them. Some of the tips I have come across include: Optimizing your Fiverr Gigs: Make sure your gig title, description, and tags are clear, concise, and relevant to your services. Use keywords that your target audience is likely to search for1. Staying Online and Responding on Time: Clients prefer interacting with online sellers over offline ones. Thus, stay online as much as possible. If you cannot stay close to your computer all day, it is preferable to download a mobile app, log in to your account and keep an active internet connection all the time1. Making More Gigs: Rather than merging all the services into one gig, create a separate gig for each sub-niche1. I would appreciate any advice or tips from the community on how to improve my sales and get more visibility for my gigs. Thank you! 😊
  2. Hello everyone!, I am new seller on fiverr and is willing to take advice from anyone. My main query is that, how can I grab customers attention to gigs. I want my gigs to be more popular for people to accessible to my gigs.
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