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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. Yay! I'm glad to hear that you finally got a relevant brief!

    3 minutes ago, filipdevaere said:

    I took my chance and contacted the buyer.

    I find that most buyers don't know what they want, so I just opt to contact them (rather than give a quote). This seems to help my conversion rates on these briefs because the orders that we do end up having are so different from what was in the brief (with much higher prices and better turnaround times for me).

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  2. 5 minutes ago, graphyee said:

    Seller Plus Premium Plan.

    I still love the Seller Plus Premium plan - you often get to try out the newest features that Fiverr has before everyone else on the platform. I've had the Request-to-Order feature for about a year now and it has really changed the way I do business. I also love that I can withdraw my Earnings within minutes of an order closing. There are so many new perks being rolled out for those on the Premium plan that it's well worth the investment.

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  3. 2 hours ago, anihime said:

    Is there more I can do or any information that could be added to improve the gig?

    Hi @anihime - in your FAQs, you share your portfolio website, which violates Fiverr's ToS (especially since it shares your email and has a contact form).

    Instead, put those samples directly in your gig gallery. You are allowed 1 video, 3 photos, and 2 PDFs (so get creative and share as much as you can with your potential buyers)! The more portfolio samples you share, the higher chances you have that one will resonate with the buyer and that will be what gets them chatting with you in the inbox chats (and hopefully that leads into an order).

    As a new buyer (with zero sales and zero reviews), my portfolio was the reason why buyers were contacting me and how I got my first orders. So, show samples of all of your writing in your portfolio samples (game, script, poems, short stories, etc.).

    If you are really keen on sharing a portfolio website link, these are the approved URLs that you can use:




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  4. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum, @fresheyesrevise! The first gig I posted was for proofreading, too. 😊 Fiverr was my first attempt at online work and it has worked out really well for me.

    3 hours ago, fresheyesrevise said:

    I'm thinking of taking the free online Freelancing class here, maybe that'll point me in the right direction. Has anyone taken that? 

    I found the course to be really helpful when I was first starting out. I also read through all the articles on the Help Center - they were all I needed to get started.

    You can also read these tips here:




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  5. Hi @tamzid44, before you submit your Top Clients for Fiverr approval, you have to get permission from your client.

    Since you listed YouTube as your client, you would have to contact YouTube, and maintain a copy of YouTube's approval for you to add them as a Top Client.

    Note: If you did work for someone who has a channel on YouTube, you can't claim YouTube as a Top Client. You would have to see if your client's business is listed on Fiverr's list of Top Clients to be able to add them as a Top Client. If not, you can't.

    Once you get client approval, then you can use Fiverr's "Among my clients" feature to add YouTube as a client. This will be reviewed by Fiverr's team. "Pending" status means that your Top Client is still under review by Fiverr. Fiverr will check the link that you sent as proof of your work and verify that you did work for YouTube.

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  6. 1 hour ago, greggidneyvo said:

    Seller Plus was for buyers

    Fiverr Select is for buyers, maybe that's what you confused Seller Plus with. Here's more info on the Seller Plus program:


    1 hour ago, greggidneyvo said:

    How and why havent I been given an opportunity for a success manager? 

    I had to sign up on the waiting list to join the program. You can do that here: https://www.fiverr.com/cp/seller-plus

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  7. 20 minutes ago, jessica_chi said:

    Since Fiverr seller Plus is a monthly subscription, I am curious to know when next I will renew my plan if I opt-in today.

    Hi @jessica_chi, it should be the same date as when you opt into the program.

    When I first joined Seller Plus, it was on the 25th of the month, so I was charged on the 25th of each month.

    When I joined Seller Plus the second time, it was the 7th of the month, so I'm now paying on the 7th of each month.

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  8. 19 minutes ago, laboex said:

    Reminder says that I have only 12 hours left to deliver, although delivery date is 31 August (5 days from now).

    Maybe it's because I made an extra offer and extend delivery date by 5 days, I dunno.

    Just ignore it, it's just a reminder. Reminders sometimes lag behind changes, so just go with the delivery date on the order.

    I noticed that I'll sometimes get reminders for orders with extended delivery dates ..or as a buyer, reminders to tip when I've already tipped.

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  9. 2 minutes ago, asadul_islaam said:

    I have the skills but the Fiverr account is not being approved so where is my fault?

    I had skills, but another freelancing website didn't approve my profile. So I didn't worry about that and just applied my skills to Fiverr.

    As I said, freelancing platforms can deny your account for any reason, especially if the category is oversaturated. So put your efforts into building your business where you can, and don't worry about avenues that turn into dead ends. If Fiverr turns you down, build your business elsewhere. 

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  10. 5 hours ago, sergiodargenio said:

    I shared instructions and the seller replied that he would get back to me. However today the seller is not accepting messages,

    If the seller said he would get back with you, wait until he gets back with you. And, if the seller takes too long to respond, simply look for another seller.

    Sending too many messages to follow up may have caused the seller to block you because he might not want to work with a buyer who can't wait for a response and instead, sends multiple messages requesting updates or follow-ups.

    I've had to block buyers who insist I'm the only one to take care of their request and I need to drop everything that I'm working on to respond to them. Sometimes I want to respond later in the day, and sometimes, after several days, especially if the project requires more time to review or if I have a high-priority project that needs to be taken care of before I can address the buyer. 

    5 hours ago, sergiodargenio said:

    and I cannot see the profile page either.

    It also might be that the seller's account was shut down or under review by Fiverr. If you can't find the seller's account when you aren't logged into Fiverr, the account is no longer active on the platform.

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  11. 4 hours ago, stujanis said:

    Can I cancel the order without being penalized? Do I do it through the Resolution Center or do I need to contact support? Should I list the reason as "Buyer not responding" or "Buyer has not provided order requirements"?

    I have canceled orders like this and CS adjusted my order completion rate after they confirmed that the buyer didn't provide any requirements and was nonresponsive. Submit a help desk ticket to have the order canceled with "Buyer has not provided order requirements" as the reason. Attach screenshots to your help desk ticket to prove your point.

    • Like 6
  12. 12 minutes ago, asadul_islaam said:

    I have done a lot of research on this issue but couldn't find a perfect solution so I want to know the perfect solution from the community.

    Unfortunately, there may not be a perfect solution on Fiverr - Freelancing platforms like Fiverr can deny seller accounts in highly competitive categories - especially in your category of Digital Marketing.

    This happened to me on another platform (my account was rejected), so I just focused my freelancing business on Fiverr. There are other freelancing platforms that you can sign up for and since you are a digital marketer, you can also drive traffic to your own website, too.


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  13. 14 hours ago, graphyee said:

    My question is, if I get the Seller Plus Premium package, will I receive Top Rated Seller priority vetting? Will this be similar to the Top Rated badge given to other Top Rated Sellers?

    I wouldn't recommend that you join Seller Plus Premium just for the Top Rated Seller (TRS) priority vetting.

    This is because not every seller who meets the minimum requirements to be nominated for TRS (as shown on your Dashboard), will be given the TRS badge. There are many sellers who have qualified for TRS for years, and were never given this badge. Many high-quality Level 2 sellers also make good income on the platform, yet they still don't have the TRS badge.

    The TRS badge shouldn't really be sought after once you hit all the targets to be nominated to TRS. Just keep focusing on growing your business and delivering the best services possible. And, if the TRS badge does come, it will just be an awesome reminder of your hard work and the excellent service that you are providing.

    A little on Priority Vetting for TRS, as offered through the Seller Plus Premium Plan:

    There are many additional quality metrics that Fiverr takes into account when reviewing your eligibility for TRS status. If one thing is down, your account won't even be considered for TRS for another 3 months (at the earliest - sometimes it's much longer).

    So these hidden quality metrics are looked at first - if you don't look good here, you won't even be vetted for TRS. It doesn't matter if you have a Seller Plus manager or not.

    Your success manager will be helpful in letting you know a little bit about what might be preventing you from being considered for TRS. For example, your Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR) may be down, so Fiverr will want to see that score improve over time.

    Cancelations also affect your eligibility for TRS - I know 1 cancelation that brought my Order Completion Rate (OCR) down to 98% and made me ineligible for TRS consideration for at least 3 months. I also know that cancelations that didn't affect my OCR (or my BSR) affected other quality metrics that made me ineligible for TRS considerations for much longer than 3 months. So I can see how easily I could be disqualified for TRS for years even if my visible stats look great and my business is doing really well.

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  14. 22 minutes ago, muhammadburhanz said:

    Can anyone tell us what are the main factors that play an important role in getting a TRS Level Badge?


    Just from personal experience, since I don't have this badge, I know what has prevented me from getting the TRS badge even though I've met all the requirements that are listed on our Analytics page.

    ...there are quite a few hidden metrics that I haven't been able to hit (and may never be able to hit because I'm a low-volume seller):

    1. One cancelation affected my Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR) - most likely this was a negative private review, which none of us can see. Because of this cancelation, even though my stats were all in green, I was told by my success manager that I wouldn't be considered for TRS for a minimum of three months (Fiverr wants to see improvement over time). My order cancelation rate was at 98%, everything else was at 100%. This ended up being longer because...

    2. My Fiverr account got hacked and the hacker shut down my account. This caused all of my orders in queue to be canceled, which demoted my account to a Level 1 for four days (until CS could fix my order completion rate and restore my account). Even though all my stats were restored to 100%, I lost eligibility to Seller Plus for a month and several months later, I also lost the Early Payout feature as a Seller Plus member. CS attributed it to a performance issue. When I questioned my success manager about it, she told me that my BSR was awesome, but there were other hidden quality metrics that were affected by my account shut down.

    I now have the Early Payout feature again, so it's a good sign that my hidden quality metrics are better. I really don't worry too much about the badge because I know that one little issue can knock me out of the running for 3-6 months (or even longer). If the badge comes, I would love to have it.  😍

    But if not, I'm not worried. My Fiverr business is doing really well and my prices are already higher than what TRS and Pros are charging in my category. I have the best group of clients to work with since I've started and I have many plans to keep on improving my services so that I can help them better.

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  15. Hi @mandyzines,

    My first Top Client took 3 weeks to get approved. Around the same time, I submitted two more Top Clients that were in Pending Status for over a year. When Fiverr changed the requirements for Top Clients earlier this year, I reached out to them on these two clients. CS told me to delete them because neither of them were on Fiverr's list of top clients.

    Last week I submitted 2 Top Clients (I accidentally sent the first one back into "pending" status after changing one verb that was annoying me for the past year and a half). I immediately reached on to my success manager for help (she told me she could "push" it along). A few days later, both clients were approved as Top Clients.

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  16. 3 hours ago, all_asmoule said:

    Can we increase followers within ourselves and is it a legal way or is there any problem

    Hi @all_asmoule,

    There really isn't a benefit to increasing forum followers. Just provide helpful and useful content so that you are providing value to the forum community. If you do that, your follower count should increase. However, this doesn't help you get orders or perform well as a seller.

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  17. 22 minutes ago, nahid_hasan09 said:

    Is it benificial to stay more and more time in online to get order?

    Nope - just download the Fiverr app and turn on your notifications so that you can quickly respond when buyers contact you. It isn't helpful to be online just for the sake of being online.

    You should also find ways to make your gigs more attractive and unique - currently, they look like all other data entry and virtual assisting gigs in Fiverr's marketplace. Give your buyers a reason to place an order with you (not another seller). If your gigs aren't attractive enough to buyers (visually and through the content that you have), they won't want to purchase from you, even if you are online.

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  18. On 8/21/2023 at 6:47 PM, tanya_makkar said:

    we can accept or decline an order right?

    9 minutes ago, tanya_makkar said:

    how do i make sure that i am actually being paid at the end of day?

    No, Fiverr allows buyers to automatically place orders without contacting the seller. This is how Fiverr is set up. If the order shows up as "In Progress," that means the buyer paid for your services and you are expected to deliver the purchased service. Fiverr will release 80% of the earnings to you after you successfully deliver the order.

    On 8/21/2023 at 6:47 PM, tanya_makkar said:

    If i dont do anything , will the order be automatically cancelled?

    This is a legitimate order - the buyer paid and provided you with order requirements.

    If you don't do anything, the order will be marked as late and the buyer can cancel the order (to get their money back) and leave you a review.

    Your seller stats will most likely be negatively affected (in 4 possible ways: canceled order, late order, negative public review, and a negative private review).

    9 minutes ago, tanya_makkar said:

    i have a tutoring gig, how does classes happen on fiver? video call but what are the steps.??

    This is something that you, as a seller, decide.

    How do you want to do your services? Do you have Fiverr's Zoom call? Will you be providing your own Zoom link? If so, this needs to be stipulated in the FAQs so that you don't break Fiverr's ToS.

    How will you be scheduling your appointments with your buyer? How long are your sessions? I noticed on your basic and premium gigs, you only state the price (but don't state how long it will take you - this means the buyer can talk with you for as long as they want).

    The best thing to do now is to talk to your buyer and find out what their expectations are, so you can find a way to deliver a satisfactory order.

    You also need to update and clarify your services so that it's crystal-clear what you are offering in each of your gigs.

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  19. 13 hours ago, yonatansegev said:

    So what do i need to do in order to make my gig work.

    im assuming if i have 0 buying and reviews people wont just buy it.

    Hi @yonatansegev - I think it's great that you are in shape and driven, but remember, many of your clients won't be (so they won't want to see someone with a chiseled body).  What they will want to see is results. Show before and after pictures of your clients' success stories.

    When I was a new seller with 0 reviews and 0 orders, my portfolio was what gave me credibility (and convinced buyers to reach out to me and purchase my gig). The more quality samples I had in my gig gallery, the greater chance I had to have at least one sample resonate with a buyer and convince them that I was the seller for them. Your gig gallery has 1 video, 3 images, and 2 PDFs to showcase all that you have to offer your buyers. Use all of these tools to the maximum capacity because this is really where you can show your buyers what you can do for them.

    1 hour ago, filipdevaere said:

    While you are waiting for your first order, you can start studying the forum and the Fiverr help files. All answers to your questions can be easily found. Don't be lazy...... start reading.

    This is great advice - I get more out of searching the forum for answers to my questions (as well as any other questions posted by other users). 

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  20. Hi @trevis24 - you might want to do milestones orders or custom weekly orders if the customer is ordering that much - as a buyer, I wouldn't want to leave 20 unique reviews each week (mine start looking the same after 4-6 reviews). Try to find ways to make it easier on your buyer.

    I have a similar buyer that I can trust (so I do deliveries in the order chats throughout the week and the final delivery at the end of the week). Neither of us likes the milestones or subscription orders, so I just generate weekly custom offers for the buyer. Even then, his weekly reviews are starting to look all the same so I might go to bi-weekly orders instead.

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