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  1. Hello there, I am planning to offer Outreach Backlinks service on Fiverr. However, I have a few questions regarding the process. In order to publish guest posts on other websites, we need to pay a small amount to the website owners, and this payment should be made by the client, not us. My question is, how do you pay these website owners? Do you send the payment details of the website owners to your clients through Fiverr, or is there a different process that you follow? Since every website has different prices, we cannot ask for a fixed amount for our Fiverr gig. I have already asked the Fiverr support team this question, but their answer was not helpful in this situation. They only provided general rules, such as not sharing payment details on Fiverr. Therefore, I thought it would be better to ask this question to the community and get some help from industry experts. Thank you.
  2. Hello there, I am new to Fiverr and have created a gig about a month ago, but unfortunately, I have not received any orders or messages from potential buyers. My existing gigs have around 600+ impressions but only an average of 3 clicks. Here is a link to my Fiverr profile: @seorankworld Kindly pay a visit and suggest to me where can I improve it.
  3. Make the GIG image more professional. It will help you a lot
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