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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 15 minutes ago, nikolakesla said:

    I did not place an order. Those ratings are from buyer reviews.

    Ah, you are right! I think there's something about that last buyer that you had in that screenshot - that was the account that no longer exists (and the orders with that buyer somehow triggered something that gave you a warning and shut down that buyer's account). Do you have any idea why?

    • Like 7
  2. Actually, @nikolakesla - I looked deeper into the reviews that you were getting and I can see why your account triggered a review.

    For almost every order placed by one of your buyers, you placed an order with them at the same time. It looks very suspicious. I stopped counting after I got to 10 orders that you placed with your buyers (at the same time they placed orders with you). Your buyers also don't really have much history on their accounts and I can't see what services they are providing. Some of these buyers no longer exist (including the one in your screenshot above). Your reviews for these buyers are also very short (e.g., "Oustanding experience!") and their reviews for you are equally short and generic.

    To avoid this from happening again, don't ever purchase from your buyers. I'm also a seller who buys on this platform and if someone has purchased from me, I don't buy from them (even though I would love to use their services).

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  3. On 11/4/2023 at 1:47 PM, acreative99 said:

    Can you explain about how i get more and more orders in old buyers how i ask them. and give me advises

    On Fiverr, you shouldn't reach out to promote your services to previous buyers unless you are offering them coupons (through the Seller Plus feature). Otherwise, your buyer may report you as spam.

    Just give your buyers a good buying experience and they will come back to you when they are ready to buy more of your services.

    You can also make sure that you have gigs set up to cater to all of your buyers' needs. Make sure these services are cross-referenced in your FAQs and feel free to advertise these services while you have an open order with your buyer. By the time you close that order, they may request to start a new order with another gig. I average 5-6 orders per customer because all of my gigs are tailored for my target clientele. 

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  4. On 11/4/2023 at 1:49 PM, mehedishakib0 said:

    I have other skills too like SEO/ Digital Marketing, I wanna provide services ob this category too on Fiverr. Is that possible? Or it will ruin my profile/ my rank. As I'm alteady working as a video editor for last few years, is that okay to provide different services on a video editing profile?

    Of course. 😊

    If you have the skillset, you are free to offer services in any category (and in as many categories) that you want. This allows you to serve your customers in more ways than one and may also help you to have a steady stream of orders - when one gig is down, another gig may do well.

    Just make sure that you have enough bandwidth to handle all the services you offer, or the quality of your orders may suffer. I started with services in 7 different categories but have narrowed these services down to just a few because I found context-shifting difficult for me (switching back and forth between writing and designing). I do less designing now and more writing.

    You may be different, and may be able to easily switch back and forth between the different skillsets that you are offering. So pay attention to your workloads, stress and happiness levels, and plan your business accordingly. 

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  5. 10 minutes ago, arslanat said:

    Can someone help me out of this situation and bring my account back. I dont want to get it disabled permanently from their system.

    I am attaching similar gigs that are active.

    Hi @arslanat,

    You've just shared a bunch of other seller's gigs. However, we can't tell you what's the issue with your gig if you don't provide information on why you might think your account was flagged for review. Often it's not the type of service that's the issue, it's how the service is being provided that causes an account to be flagged.

    So instead of looking at other gigs offering the same service, try to at everything you are doing (or your customers are doing) that may have triggered your account to be reviewed. Did you promise to increase sales? Did you make deliveries with no attachments? Do you have a repeat buyer who always gives copy-paste reviews? Are you and your buyers sharing contact information in the inbox chats (and not in the order requirements)?

    There are several reasons why an account may be flagged for review. Look carefully over Fiverr's ToS and try to think of possible reasons why your account was flagged.

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  6. 18 minutes ago, aneelmalhi605 said:

    But in their email they have also mentioned that under review account have access to withdrawal their funds.

    Hi @aneelmalhi605, please refrain from posting multiple posts and private messages on the same topic. Posting in different places makes it hard for others to respond to your request. You included a screenshot here of CS's message (but not on the original post that I responded to). I've asked for your posts to be consolidated so that it'll be easier for Fiverr's staff to investigate and respond to your request.

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  7. 2 hours ago, ameer7866 said:

    Hy In my first delivery I attached everything but the buyer asked for revision in the second delivery I just write text is this violated terms

    Yes - if you only sent a message in the delivery (but didn't attach any files), that violates Fiverr's ToS.

    Per Fiverr ToS, you must have an attachment in your delivery (so a PDF, photo, or editable file) - otherwise, it's considered an empty delivery.

    At a minimum, you can include the text you wrote (but as an attached Word document) or attach a screenshot of your work. To keep things simple for the buyer, I choose to reattach and send all files in each delivery to make sure the most recent delivery has all of the most up-to-date versions of all files. If I'm doing a website (e.g., when I'm creating an ecourse on an LMS platform), I'll include a link of the website, attach a zipped file of all related training materials, and a screenshot of the website (for the delivery image).

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  8. 8 hours ago, zeynepdikmen said:

    I don't see how anyone would come across my gigs since I'm a new seller with almost 0 reviews,

    Hi @zeynepdikmen - Check your impressions. Is it higher than zero? Then that means buyers can see your gig.

    If you are getting impressions, buyers are seeing you when they search for your services. If you are getting clicks, they are interested in your services. If clicks aren't turning into orders, then buyers are visiting your gig and deciding not to place an order.

    I also offer resume writing services like you and started with $15 (and steadily increased prices so that I can average over $300/resume). You will attract buyers faster if you make your gigs look more professional. Think of your own gig as a resume for your buyers. I don't know why you have a dancing alien on your resume-writing gig, but that won't attract the right customers.

    • Like 13
  9. 7 hours ago, factotum14 said:

    she is not asking me to do outside payment, she is asking me to have a receipt invoice using fiverr but with me as beneficiary and not fiverr

    Hi @factotum14 - For tax purposes, buyers can visit their billings and payments page to download PDF invoices for all their orders there. You can provide this link to your buyer:


    These invoices have all the information that a tax advisor would request. It also includes this statement at the bottom of each invoice:



    So you are correct in that sellers do not need to provide buyers with invoices. There is also a clickable link on those invoices so that buyers can contact Fiverr if they have any other questions.

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  10. 1 hour ago, prodip_web said:

    How can I understand SPAM knock ON FIVER ???🙃

    There's no need to try to understand spam - just mark any message that is suspicious, requesting you to contact the buyer off the platform, or with irrelevant requests as "spam."

    If you still need more guidance, you can read this article here:


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  11. On 10/24/2023 at 11:04 PM, arshia1922 said:

    I requested to fiverr customer support for my payments recovery and they disabled my account temporarily. I am a level 2 seller on Fiverr. At this time my account is temporarily disabled can anybody help me how can i get my account back?

    It looks like you already got your account back! 😊

    It's standard protocol for Fiverr to temporarily disable an account that has been compromised (i.e., when it's been hacked into or there's another security breach). It usually takes a week or so for the user and Fiverr to perform all security measures to prevent the account from being further compromised.

    • Like 16
  12. 17 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

    Over the past week or so, I noticed all my gigs are completing in 8 days and not 7. Is it the same for you?

    That might be a glitch, @donnovan86!

    I haven't seen that. I only see the 7 days (with the Early Payout option). Did you submit a Help Desk ticket for that?

    • Like 3
  13. 10 hours ago, neverr23 said:

    I have problem verifying my phone number, try to put other numbers and I have the same error, any way to fix it?, if I try to do it more than 3 times the verification is blocked for 24hs. thanks, i attach an image of the error

    Hi @neverr23,

    If you are trying to verify a VOIP, Google Voice, or virtual phone number, those numbers are not supported by Fiverr's system. You'll have to use another phone number.

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  14. 47 minutes ago, solayman_khan_x said:

    Thank you so much. Can you please check my gigs and give me some instructions? I want some useful suggestions because I'm getting down from down. Once I was able to get 1/2k impressions and likes, but now it's not more than 10/20 impressions. Help me to fly.

    I hope you meant "impressions and clicks" not "impressions and likes." The "hearts" you get is only an organizational tool for buyers. It doesn't affect your impressions.

    You can follow the same instructions I gave @sarakhhan0987. ⬇️

    3 hours ago, vickieito said:

    If you aren't getting inquiries, work on getting more clicks. Clicks are related to how attractive your gig is to potential buyers. It looks like you need gig thumbnails that clearly describe your services in 1-5 words. Your design should be relevant to your services and unique so that you can stand out from the other gigs that show up when buyers are looking for your services. Spend time creating more portfolio samples - the more samples you have, the better chances you have of a sample resonating with the buyer (and making them say, "that's what I want!"). You have 3 images, 1 gig video, and 2 PDFs that you can utilize per gig to show off what you can do. This also build credibility for you when you have zero orders and zero reviews.

    @sarakhhan0987 - whenever you make changes, monitor how your gigs perform in the next week or two. Then make any necessary adjustments.

    29 minutes ago, sarakhhan0987 said:

    now my impression rate is about 131 and clicks us 5 6

    This is more than enough to get orders. I still got orders with 40 impressions and 5 clicks (but have a high conversion rate). If you aren't getting orders, you need to find other ways to convince your buyers to place an order. Take a look at everything - how you structure your packages, your FAQs, portfolio samples, gig description, title, tags, etc.

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  15. 23 minutes ago, tunahan_aydin said:

    as a new seller our Gig's cannot reache our market.

    It's not just a new seller issue. Sometimes Level 1, Level 2, TRS, and Pro sellers also don't get visibility in the market.

    Fiverr's algorithm isn't weighted on your seller level - it cares about your performance in relation to other sellers in your category or subcategory. If you deliver quality orders and keep your buyers happy - and you can do it better than your competition (regardless of your seller level), you can get seen by your buyers.

    16 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Top-rated sellers were new sellers once

    I was a New Seller last year (currently a TRS now), so I know it can be done.

    This requires a lot of work on the seller's part because the market is constantly changing - what worked for you yesterday might not work for you today. And what works for another seller might not work for you. I'm still experimenting with different Fiverr features to see what works for my business now. Fiverr gives a lot of features and resources to help new sellers be more successful. However, most new sellers will never use them.

    16 minutes ago, katakatica said:

    Fiverr has ALWAYS supported newcomers

    In addition to the initial boost in visibility to new sellers, there's an initial boost on new gigs. There's also the Rising Talent badge.

    Fiverr also sends out emails to buyers that often promote new and Level 1 sellers more than Level 2, TRS, and Pros.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, ytspecialists said:

    I'm a digital marketer. so I provide Facebook/YouTube also many social media campaigns. 

    I've seen several digital marketers come to the forum saying that they were shut down and flagged for review. Sometimes, they were falsely flagged (and Fiverr later reinstated their profiles). Other times, they were found making false promises  (such as sales and business growth), including links to websites not approved by Fiverr, using unapproved/copyrighted images, delivering empty orders (without attachments), or soliciting for positive reviews. There are more reasons, but those have been the main reasons that I've noticed.

    There have also been accounts flagged for review because the buyers were leaving similar (or word for word) reviews as their previous reviews or a large number of orders was coming from one buyer.

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  17. What services were you providing? Just because other sellers were doing the same thing doesn't make it right. Also, there is a correct way to do business. How you were doing business might have triggered a review of your account (not necessarily the service you were providing).

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  18. 5 minutes ago, ytspecialists said:

    they reply to the same message again and again.

    What is Fiverr's response to your questions? Normally they do provide a reason why.

    Even if the reason is vague, at least that gives us some information to go off of to see why your account was flagged for review.

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  19. 14 minutes ago, navid_zafar said:

    Any major considerations to decide about it?

    If your business isn't doing well, it might not be a good time to join Seller Plus. Make sure you are earning enough to cover the monthly expenses.

    Other than that, once you are in the program, take advantage of all the features to see if it's worth it to you. For me, I love being one of the first to try out new features that Fiverr rolls out on the platform. I was one of the first to have the Request-to-Order feature, and that was a game changer for me. I also like the option to get paid immediately when an order closes (for only a 1% fee).

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  20. On 10/24/2023 at 10:41 AM, mas_gamez said:

    but how about a freelancer who work on bigger order or milestone because in the end it count just one order. 

    I get a better boost in visibility when I'm delivering regularly, or as @filipdevaere mentioned, the price point is good. I did have an order that kept getting pushed out because of the buyer's schedule (e.g., surgery, 8-week long summer vacation, etc.) which lasted for 5 months, and I didn't have as many inquiries as I did when I was delivering more frequently.

    However, I often have big orders on my curriculum-building gig that don't affect my visibility in search because they are priced high, so it doesn't matter if it takes me longer than a month to deliver. 

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