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Posts posted by vickieito

  1. 3 minutes ago, shahid_kahn said:

    Can anyone guide me on how to join Seller Plus, when I try to join it says "You're on the waitlist for Seller Plus"

    Hi @shahid_kahn - that's pretty much how you join. I was on the waitlist for 5 months the first time I joined Seller Plus (and only on the waitlist for 1 month the second time I joined). A lot of your eligibility is based on your performance - I lost Seller Plus when my account was demoted to Level 1 earlier this year (due to a hacker who caused all my orders in queue to be canceled). This was fixed within a few days by CS, but it took me a month to get back on to Seller Plus since the decision on eligibility is based on an automated system that CS can't change.

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  2. Hi @greggidneyvo!

    Just wanted to say that I looked at your profile and you have so many unique and fun voices that you offer - I'd love to see you as a TRS!

    @katakatica is right - some people never get the TRS even though they have great visible stats and Fiverr's Choice orders coming in.

    Fiverr says they review accounts for TRS eligibility on a monthly basis and if the account doesn't meet the hidden metrics, the account won't be reviewed again for at least 3 months (it's probably 6 months or longer if your Buyer Satisfaction Score [BSR] is affected). This is heavily affected by your private reviews, which no one sees. 

    I know when I first got "nominated" for TRS, it coincided with my first cancelation in over a year. My Seller Plus Success Manager told me that my BSR was slightly down and they would like to see improvement over time before considering my account for TRS again.

    Although my BSR has been great for some time (based on my Success Manager), there are other hidden quality metrics that were affected when my account got shut down by a hacker in May of this year, which canceled all my orders in queue and dropped my seller level temporarily to Level 1 (until Fiverr could fix it). Even though Fiverr restored my seller level and fixed my visible stats, those additional quality metrics are still affecting my eligibility for certain features, such as the Early Payout feature and TRS nomination.

    So based on that experience, I can see how one event can disqualify a seller's eligibility for TRS for a year, and two events can disqualify a seller for longer. This may be why it takes many sellers years to achieve TRS while others never get it. Because I'm a low-volume seller, I would have to have zero events to be eligible for TRS, which I don't think is possible for me. So I really do have huge respect for anyone who's made it to TRS (and maintains that status)!

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  3. 5 hours ago, m_fetouh said:

    Thank you so much for your feedback and insight! I really appreciate it.

    Other notes - if you do create a custom offer, don't set it for two days and expect the customer to accept it on the right date (give yourself plenty of time because many times the buyer will click on it too early and they may not respond within 2 days to extend the delivery date).

    Also, your request to extend a delivery date is automatically accepted within two days of your request, so make sure you do send that request at least 49 hours before the delivery date/time to ensure your order doesn't go late.

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  4. 21 minutes ago, anihime said:

    I'm not sure why my account is being pushed to such high prices. I want my gigs to be affordable and the gig in question is not worth $40, I don't believe it is at least.

    HI @anihime, if you really want to stick with the prices you have, increase your word count. I typed in "ghostwrite my book" and the first gig that popped up said 30,000 words for $40 (so this seller is offering much lower rates per word than you are). You could just list 14,000 words for $40 and that would be close to the same rate as what you currently have. You can instruct the buyers to reach out to you for quotes on projects with fewer word counts.

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  5. 1 hour ago, m_fetouh said:

    Ultimately, I am trying to avoid an example scenario where a buyer submits an order for an event that is 7 days in the future, which runs the risk of being 5 days "late" because the event has just not occurred yet.

    Hi @m_fetouh - 

    You can set longer delivery dates on your packages (for example, a 16-day turnaround) and explain in your gig description and FAQs that buyers can schedule event dates with you in the order chats and all photos will be delivered within 2 days of the event. Once the date is selected, you can send the buyer a request to extend the delivery date to reflect your agreement better.

    Your FAQs should also include what will happen in the event of a no-show (for example, the gig will be considered as complete) and charge a rescheduling fee (if something comes up on the buyer's end).

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  6. 7 hours ago, vibronx said:

    Some new sellers are good at what they do. That's true.

    7 hours ago, vibronx said:

    If a seller has zero orders, for example, Fiverr has no way of knowing whether that seller is actually good.

    I'm really curious how the new Pro Seller program will work now that Fiverr decided to make this an invite-only program.

    The Pro Seller program used to attract talented individuals who could apply for, and be vetted as Pro sellers, as soon as their seller accounts were set up. Now, I'm wondering how Fiverr will be able to find them, especially if these sellers publish their gigs with premium prices and may not have orders for a long time. These sellers may leave the platform before Fiverr ever extends the invite for them to apply as a Pro seller.

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  7. 13 minutes ago, fishreal said:

    When I was a buyer, I would post a REQUEST such as "ART IN THIS STYLE FOR THIS PRICE RANGE" kind of thing and I would get contacted by Sellers offering their services. 

    As A Seller offering Voice Over and Transcription services... There is no way for me to search or see that. How did the others do that?

    Hi @fishreal - Fiverr discontinued Buyer Requests last year, so this option is no longer available.

    13 minutes ago, fishreal said:

    Is there a way for sellers to seek out people who are looking for said service and offering up a price?

    No- there isn't a way for sellers to look for buyers.

    Fiverr replaced Buyer Requests with Briefs, which, for buyers, is similar to the Buyer Requests. Buyers fill out their project details for sellers to make offers to. However, Fiverr now does the matching, so only the sellers matched to the buyer's briefs will have an opportunity to make an offer on that project. The buyer can then decide which seller (if any) they would like to go with. Many times, they just cancel their brief.

    With Buyer Requests, buyers would get 50 or more offers on their projects. Currently with briefs, buyers are only matched with a few sellers at a time. 

    18 minutes ago, fishreal said:

    or am I at the mercy of hoping the Buyer clicks my profile??

    If you want to increase your chances of getting found through Fiverr's organic search, it's helpful to understand how Fiverr works. You can read these articles to get started:





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  8. On 8/18/2023 at 4:34 AM, noah_designer said:

    But I'm curious to know if anyone is getting orders from Briefs!?

    I don't like mentioning it, but I am one of the few sellers who regularly gets orders from Briefs (25-50% each month). I wish more sellers had success with this feature. I wouldn't mind if they just made this a new seller feature.

    The rest of my orders are from repeat buyers, organic searches, Fiverr's Choice orders, and 1st-time buyer promotions. I use my Out-of-Office mode to slow down my orders and turn on Promoted Gigs if I need anything extra.

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  9. 4 hours ago, the_civil_panda said:

    And finally, the best advice I can give you is to go to their profile and see whether they've taken the Fiverr English test and how they scored, I would say that's the litmus test for determining whether the seller is actually fluent in English.

    Not really. I thought it was a silly test. They gave me 40 minutes to take the test and I finished it in less than 10 minutes. I scored a 9/10, which was lower than some of the sellers I've considered buying from (and who I found couldn't even string a decent sentence together).

    For me, the best test of a seller's English ability is to chat with them in the order chats or do a quick Zoom call. I also like to do a mini order to test their services out and see what it's like to work with them.

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  10. Hi @wasim2017,

    Sometimes Fiverr's system will flag a gig for one thing (in your case, False Identity). This requires a manual review of your account, which may have confirmed that your identity was okay (but another issue related to offering prohibited services was found).

    "Offering prohibited services" may not be directly related to your gigs - it could be related to a message that you or your buyers wrote in your inbox or order chats.

    Or, the Trust & Safety team may have already found there is no issue with "offering prohibited services" and may have moved on to the next item on their checklist. Contacting CS again may bring up another possible reason why your account is under review (and this answer may only reflect where the Trust & Safety team is in their investigation).

    This is pretty frustrating for anyone who has their account under review because answers from CS may be different every time. This is the main reason why CS advises sellers not to contact them during the review period.

    However, I don't like how Fiverr doesn't have an appeal process for sellers to go through if they think their gig has been wrongly shut down. Like any audit process, sellers should have a chance to respond to any nonconformance that the Trust & Safety team finds before a final decision is made.

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  11. 4 hours ago, catherin_a801 said:

    please can anyone tell me how to report a seller please

    Hi @catherin_a801 - I saw your other post that mention that someone was using your seller account and you wanted to deactivate it. Can you get in and change the passwords/deactivate the payment methods?

    Please also contact CS by emailing them at support@fiverr.com.

    • Like 4
  12. 3 minutes ago, nickj2013 said:

    Even this here community forum, doesn't seem as optimistic, valuable, and efficient as it used to be.

    I hear that a lot but haven't experienced it since I've only been on the forum since May of last year. What did you like about the old forum (that's not here now)?

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  13. 10 minutes ago, djricsantos said:

    What happens to a level one seller if next month's evaluation is be low 90% in response?

    They become unleveled (same as a new seller).

    I knew a seller who went from Level 2 to New Seller overnight due to spam messages that plummeted her response rate. It was unfortunate that it happened around Fiverr's seller evaluation time (around the 15th of the month). It took her 2 months to get back to Level 2.

    If you already met the TRS qualifications, Fiverr requires at least 3 months at Level 2 before they even consider your account eligible for TRS nomination again (with eligibility for TRS checked every 3 months). However, there are many sellers who lost the TRS designation and never got that badge again.

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  14. Just now, newsmike said:

    Corporate name change is not hard, and has been done on a much more grand scale than Fiverr.

    Wow ... BackRub?! 😂

    Great examples, @newsmike! I had no idea those companies came from those names. The names really do make a difference.

    Fiverr definitely needs to do the same. Currently, its name gives the same feel as the "Then" column.

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  15. 1 minute ago, uk1000 said:

    Also be careful about the Fiverr TOS (eg. the section on multiple accounts) as normally you're only supposed to have one.

    6 minutes ago, megs24 said:

    been doing buyer side atleast 7 years

    @megs24 - If you have a buyer account already, you can click on your profile picture and select the option to become a seller. 

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  16. 4 minutes ago, megs24 said:

    it actually said published

    I don't see any gigs on your profile.

    7 minutes ago, megs24 said:

    but all the tips I am seeing show the screen different

    Can you send a screenshot of what you're seeing and what the tips are suggesting (so we can see what's different)?

    The mobile view has a toggle button for seller/buyer mode, but the desktop doesn't.

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  17. Hi @megs24, When you click on your profile icon in the top-right corner of your screen a dropdown will show up. If there is a button that says "Switch to Buying" that means you are in seller mode. Once in buyer mode, you'll see the words "Switch to Selling" right next to your profile icon.

    To check if your gig is active, visit this link here:


    Click on each gig to see if they are active. If so, they will be visible in search when buyers search for your gigs (and note: since you are not your buyer, you might not see yourself in search).

    • Like 7
  18. 2 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

    Fiverr could remove some or all those questionable gig categories, but they are intrinsic to their identity. Plus, some of them are great revenue generators. And this is a service platform, you have professional services, but there are also services "for fun". Could they go ahead and split the platform into "fun" and "professional", each with its own part of the website? Maybe. 

    I don't consider the gig categories questionable - I was just watching some of the Happy Birthday shower gigs videos this morning just for kicks and giggles.

    I only wanted questionable gigs removed - the ones with obvious issues (e.g., the Ph.D.'s in SEO's and those offering to take medical exams for you so you can get certified without having to take the training yourself).

    It's those gigs that give Fiverr a bad reputation.

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  19. 39 minutes ago, newsmike said:

    "Is Fiverr changing, or is Fiverr promising to change like a spouse that gets caught cheating."

    That made me laugh. 😂

    ...But you do bring up very good (and very true points). 

    I think the most major change I've seen Fiverr make is the fact that they actually are holding discussions with their sellers through posting on the forum and through roundtable discussions. It's wonderful knowing the names of Fiverr management and staff by name and I love seeing this level of engagement.

    But is this all fluff? I hope not. Fiverr does seem to be cracking down on quality, but there are still many questionable gigs that are still on the platform.

    I also want to see the level of professionalism and quality to be elevated among the sellers. One of the things that attracted me to Fiverr was all of the amazing talent that is on this platform. I'm really blown away with the creativity and skill that can be found on Fiverr.

    However, there's still a huge stigma that Fiverr is a cheap, $5 platform where you can get cheap services. There's still a lot of dishonestly in sellers and buyers. Not too many people I know think of "quality" when they think of Fiverr.

    I just turned on Promoted Gigs this morning and got a message from a Promoted Gig client asking me to "fake" their resume:



    So I really want Fiverr to work on cleaning up the professionalism and skills of their sellers and start elevating premium talent so that we can see less of those buyers who are looking for cheap, dishonest, work (or looking to manipulate or cheat sellers into giving them what they want).

    Like @smashradio said, it's the human talent (not AI) that's really Fiverr's "ace-in-the-hole."

    I really hope Fiverr sees that.


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