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Everything posted by joyh97

  1. It's very hot at the moment in many parts of the world, so more people may be taking holidays or taking it easy. That said, buyers are just active at different times. It is always in a state of flux. Some years, March might be my busiest month, and other years it could be my least busy month. Stop worrying about what buyers are doing, and instead, focus on what YOU can do to improve your gig and make your offering more appealing. Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr. Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/#comment-1780494
  2. I doubt it makes much of a difference. People might look for active sellers because they want a quick response, but this shouldn't change much in terms of being active from PC or being active from mobile, and the majority of buyers prefer quality over speed anyway. As long as your overall response time is good (within a few hours), being active or not won't make an enormous difference compared to other things, like a high quality gig video and title and good pricing.
  3. Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr. Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/#comment-1780494
  4. This is actually against the terms of service and could get your account banned. You are not allowed to have multiple copies of the same gig. You can have different gigs in the same category (or example you could have multiple writing gigs - one for writing news articles, one for writing blog posts). These are similar, but not identical copies.
  5. You aren't getting orders because no one is clicking on your gig. You have to get people to click on your gig if you want them to place an order. The reason people don't click on your gig is simple - they are not engaged by your title and gig image. Ideally, you should have a gig VIDEO, not a gig image, this can dramatically increase your clicks (and therefore, orders). Your title may also be a bit bland/generic. You need to do market research to see what keywords and titles engage people looking for this niche.
  6. Fiverr continously cycles gigs to be in different pages on the search results. Sometimes at the front, sometimes at the back. This is to give everyone an equal opportunity to do well on fiverr. When you're on the front you will have more impressions. Nearer to the back of the search results will mean less impressions. Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to improve your gig, stats, orders, etc on Fiverr. Since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/#comment-1780494
  7. joyh97


    Hi there, You'll need to get 5, five-star reviews to bring your rating to 4.7+. 17 five-star reviews will take it to 4.9+ I hope that helps
  8. Pro Seller is different from regular seller: https://blog.fiverr.com/post/how-to-become-a-fiverr-pro
  9. You can create an unlisted youtube video and send the client the link to that video. As long as it doesn't show or contain any additional contact details that should be fine
  10. I have a follow up question - I received from the designers profile this message. Is this something that will happen? I just wanted to make sure that the designer didn't send this made up message when there is no team actually working on my logo. Does this happen and does the head of the team send messages through others profiles? Thank you! Do not fall for this. This is an incredibly common lie on Fiverr, unfortunately. Dealing with grief isn't a reason to do something like this - in that case, they could have messaged you to extend the delivery time or cancel if they were not up to the job. I would strongly suggest you cancel the order and don't interact with them further. When I've bought from sellers who have done a bad job, and then they insisted on redoing the work, I've had projects take far, far too long and still end up bad because the seller wasn't professional to begin with. It's too much money for a gamble like that. I think you should look for a different seller.
  11. I don't think there is a way to use another payment method than the ones that fiverr offers you. Fiverr's payment options vary depending based on where you are located. So if you are part of an organisation that works remotely, and you are trying to make a purchase for your business, you could ask someone else to make the purchase. However, Payoneer is not supported in any country. Here are a list of supported payment methods: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360050216753-Available-Payment-Methods
  12. I would definitely open a dispute to cancel the order and get a refund. That's not acceptable at all, especially at that price. Wow
  13. Learning to search through the forum is the best way to learn how to do things on fiverr, since the same questions are posted every single day and hundreds of people have spent hundreds of hours answering them.
  14. Impressions don't really matter much. Clicks and conversions matter more. The only thing you can do is to improve your gig, which could include getting a gig video (those are a lot more effective that a gig image/photo), better SEO in your titles etc, a stronger portfolio, making sure your spelling and grammar is perfect, comparing to your competition and making appropriate adjustments, reconsidering your pricing structure. Don't pay too much attention to things like impression statistics though. It is easy to obsess over but doesn't mean much. Fiverr is always changing your position in the rankings so that everyone has a chance near the front and also near the back, to make it fair. When you are near the back of the list of searches you will naturally have low impressions. It's not your fault and you cannot avoid this. Everyone has it from time to time.
  15. Hi there, Either it is being auto-filtered out or you accidentally marked a fiverr email as spam so now they all get marked that way. You can prevent it by clicking on the email, marking it as "not spam", then adding the email address it was sent from to your approved safe sender list. Probably will be noreply@e.fiverr.com https://hotter.io/docs/email-accounts/how-to-add-email-to-safe-sender-list-gmail/
  16. Try paying with a different browser, perhaps? Sellers here aren't tech support though, so there won't be much advice we can offer I don't think
  17. Once the order is accepted or autocompletes after 3 days, the buyer has 10 days to leave a review. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010544097-Feedback-and-ratings
  18. I just received this message today. While I've been aware of this for some time (and many of you probably are also) I wanted to bring awareness to it as it is still happening: "Hi! I’m looking to see if you have 19 hours’ worth of voice recordings (voice acting in an American accent) from past projects where you do dialogues, covering a wide range of emotions. If you don’t have that much, we can do 10 hours. No need to record from scratch, just give me raw files of your recordings from old projects with no processing in WAV format (44.1kHz). There must be no background noise or sound effects. Recordings must only contain YOUR voice." If you receive this kind of message, I strongly advise you to refuse the job. The purpose of this is to use the voice files to generate a realistic AI voice from your voice and use it without permission for things like advertisements etc. They also usually offer meagre compensation (I was only offered $25 which is a joke for 20 hours of recordings). I asked what it was for and the buyer confirmed it was to generate an AI voice, though other buyers may not be up front about this. While this AI voice isn't a perfect replica of a human voice, it is certainly passable enough for some purposes. Once they have the files, they can get the AI to say anything they want and it will sound like you. This has some scary implications for many reasons. Please be careful
  19. Open a revision request if you haven't already so that it doesn't auto-complete, and gives CS longer to see the issue. It might take a couple days but they will cancel it for you.
  20. For me it's been about 18 months, still haven't been selected though. Wishing you the best of luck!!
  21. I've used it, and cancelled it. But it wasn't a bad service. The benefits are the things you listed haha. You get a dedicated success manager who will analyse your gigs, give you tips on how to improve and get more orders etc. You will also have access to in depth seminars on various topics to help you succeed on fiverr. You also get 7 day earnings clearance instead of 14. Also, you get in depth analytics to see more about which keywords are successful, and how changes to your gigs have affected your impressions and clicks etc. I think it's ok but not (for me) worth the price it costs. I don't mind 14 day clearance. I got the tips from the success manager and will implement them, but he didn't have many changes to suggest because I am already pretty successful on fiverr. I never used the seminar feature and the keyword information was interesting but doesn't really change my approach since it was as I expected it to be. I think it is better suited to sellers that aren't doing super well on fiverr yet and could benefit from one on one feedback
  22. Hi there - On top of the 20% that fiverr takes from you, the seller, the buyer also has to pay a fee on their side. This is in addition to the 20% fiverr takes from the seller. If you mean your actual base listing price changed, I've never seen that, the price advertised on my gigs is the price I set. --- " So I decided to price in a comparable range as underpricing is an undercut to those who are rocking it " - while this isn't part of the question, I do feel I should address this - those who are pricing themselves at the average fiverr range, with plenty of reviews and respect on the platform etc, can price themselves at that range because they provide added value to the customer in terms of up front trustworthiness about the quality of service they can provide. When someone hires a seller with 0 reviews, they are essentially having to take on risk, and I do think that should be factored into your price point. The kind of buyer looking for a seller at a low rate, who is willing to take on this risk in exchange for this discount, is not the same type of buyer who is happily spending extra money to pay for the added value that an established seller provides through their extensive live portfolio, hundreds of reviews, etc. For this reason, I did want to say that you might be shooting yourself in the foot by viewing an initial introductory discount as undercutting others. Finding buyers willing to take a risk on you in order to get those first few reviews in is an essential part of succeeding on fiverr, and often one of the biggest hurdles. As long as you frame your lower price point as a limited time introductory offer, and then raise your prices once you get a few reviews in, I personally don't think this is a negative or harmful approach.
  23. How would that work...? Unless the app is just connected to a charger, but that seems like extra steps for no reason lol. An app can't generate more electricity for the phone to use, electricity can only be generated through hardware installations, not software ones.
  24. It's an automatic deduction from your fiverr earnings: "You'll be charged every month directly out of your Fiverr earnings for your ad activity—no upfront payments." https://www.fiverr.com/pages/promoted-gigs
  25. After the 3 days have passed, if the buyer has not asked for revisions and the sale defaults to "completed", it would be very, very unusual for you to not be paid. In my thousands of orders on fiverr, that has not happened. It is possible, but the buyer would have to contact fiverr support with evidence that you did not complete the promised work. As long as you completed the work properly, you should be paid. That said, sometimes fiverr might side with the buyer, even if you did the work - so it's more like 99% guaranteed that you would be paid after the 3 day window clears, rather than 100%. Also, it is technically possible for buyers to request a chargeback via their bank, which would mean they get their money back, but as this is against Fiverr TOS the buyer would then be permanently banned from the platform. TL;DR - it's very unlikely for you to not be paid once the 3 day window clears as long as you've done your job. The 14 day hold period isn't a time for buyers to get extra time to check they're happy with he order - that's not the purpose of it. They only get the 3 days. The reason is probably just to make it easier for fiverr financially since it gives them a large pool of money to use to pay for expenses, advertising, etc, same way that financial institutions borrow your money from savings/investments to reinvest themselves in order to make a profit
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