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Everything posted by melanielm

  1. I don't understand. If you are an expert in SEO and digital marketing, it should be super easy for you to build a business online and get orders.
  2. This is a huge topic that doesn't really suit the Fiverr forums. There are a LOT of author (and specifically children's book author) groups on social media and other writer-specific platforms. The email list refers to your own list or newsletter subscription that you build yourself. It really would make little sense to pay someone that much money to create one for you. It would undoubtedly be full of random people (or bots) that aren't part of your target audience. I'd recommend spending a lot of time researching writer promotion, author marketing, and things like that. There are many, many options... many of them free or quite low cost.
  3. If your gig is active, doesn't it make sense that your account must also be active? I can see your profile, so it appears you're active.
  4. From the TOS: "Adult Services & Pornography - Fiverr does not allow any exchange of adult oriented or pornographic materials and services." However, you can find a TON of erotic gigs on the site, so I really don't know what they consider 'adult.' If in doubt, ask customer service directly for clarification. At least then you have an answer documented if they disable your account down the road.
  5. Yes. I've supported my whole family on freelance income for the past 24 years. There is absolutely a possibility to stop or lose income, however. People stop freelancing all the time and go back to a regular job or pursue other interests. If you're asking whether it's sustainable to rely only on Fiverr for your success... no. Never rely on one source of income as a freelancer.
  6. Two potential problems. Is the @ in the middle pointing at a social media account or something? You can't do that. Also, your services may not comply with the game TOS.... I'm assuming you were trying to sell game boosts or perks.
  7. What is "it" in your question? The metrics on your profile depend on a 60-day cycle (order completion, etc.) Is that what you're talking about?
  8. How many barbecue restaurants really come to Fiverr every month looking for a brand new logo? I'd rethink your business and figure out where the hungry (not for BBQ) markets really are.
  9. There are people on this forum telling others how to cheat on the English test. I don't think that's a good litmus test for language proficiency at all. Conversations seem to work better, in my opinion.
  10. That's the new Fiverr extra credit initiative they're beta testing! (This is a joke... )
  11. What? They have whole sections for AI services. Who are they blocking?
  12. You must deliver on the order page. Their attempt to get around that feels suspicious. I'd send the buyer a polite message to please contact Customer Support to ask about their technical glitch.
  13. Yes, you may, but only if they contact you to ask about your services first.
  14. I probably wouldn't recognize a famous person's name unless they were HUGE, and I really don't work with that type of client (I would if they approached me!). I've worked for a wide variety of interesting people/brands that I'm sure some people recognize: popular music festivals, models/actors, authors, the winner of a prestigious Australian hat award, etc. I also work for a lot of neighborhood plumbers, doctor's offices, ecommerce brands, who are definitely not household names outside their own local sphere of influence. They all get the best work I can provide.
  15. Learn SEO before you offer SEO services on Fiverr. Learn the topic. That's how you pass tests.
  16. I constantly vacillate between staying basic and offering more 'easy' services (editing AI, etc.) or diving fully into the pro side of things with all the other skills I have and use elsewhere. Fiverr isn't my primary income or interest, to be honest. What I do know is that, as Fiverr evolves, I can't keep vacillating forever or I'll be left behind. I've been a professional writer for more than 20 years now. Things are much different now than they were before. It's good to have options.
  17. Cheat? You're telling them to cheat. If a seller has to pass a test to provide the related service, doesn't it make sense that they should actually know how to provide that service?
  18. The briefs I get never align with my prices. I first had the limit set for my lowest possible gig price. When that brought me unsatisfactory results, I increased it to a higher dollar amount. That simply brought briefs for ridiculously high word counts (e.g., write a 30,000-word book for $100) that still don't align with my prices. I ignore most that come in now.
  19. If you have a revision request, the order is not considered late. The 'Delivery Time' red text shows the original delivery deadline. If you delivered the order first before that and then the buyer requested a revision, everything is fine. Your deliver rate should not go down because of this.
  20. I can't guess if this is some fraud attempt, but it is against TOS to work on such things. If they won't cancel their order, contact support. If they didn't place an order yet, I'd report their messages.
  21. melanielm

    Gig on fiverr

    There are numerous long, detailed posts on the forum from experienced, successful sellers. Many newcomers do not (or cannot) read them and instead spam 'stay online 24 hours!' or other silly recommendations.
  22. They aren't. You can build an off-Fiverr business and direct people here to buy services from you. That should be simple with your skills.
  23. It is not Fiverr's responsibility to find you clients. They are a platform that facilitates freelance or business operations and sales. If you have the power to rank a website #1 on Google, as your gig image states, and are a specialist in boosting leads and sales, as your profile states, you should have no problem marketing your business and drawing buyers here.
  24. Besides the language and presentation issues with the gig, those AI-generated pictures are really bad. They simply look awful (odd-shaped body parts, blurry, boring, etc.) and anyone can get something similar on a free stock or clipart site.
  25. I joined a few months after Fiverr launched back in 2010.
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