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  1. Hi to all, fiver is getting boring for newcomers. i think buyers prefer to work with the old sellers. their is very little opportunities for the new comers.
  2. sohab32

    Gig on fiverr

    How can we educate youngster in designing their gigs? Because lot of newcomers don't know what is gig and its importance on fiver?
  3. sohab32

    Gig on fiverr

    I don't think so that newcomers will not follow the experienced sellers advice, because young and new lot would love to listen and learn from their seniors. I have worked in an organization and their is a lot of respect for our seniors experience, and we learn a lot from them.
  4. sohab32

    Gig on fiverr

    Well I think, the experienced sellers who have been working for years on fiver, they should share their experience and give an advice to the newcomers that how they can succeed here. They can educate the new sellers in a better way regarding getting orders on fiver in their respective fields. Rest luck favors the brave
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