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Fiverr 4.0 - Some thoughts on the current state of things


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46 minutes ago, leannelrivers said:

When you say orders, was this through arranging contracts over Linkedin? I heard there might be a gig style booking system in the works, but is there already some kind of booking I'm not aware of?

21 minutes ago, kendal1747 said:

Yes, please share Williambryan392 and thanks.

Sorry, I should have been clearer. I have edited my above post. I meant orders for my LinkedIn optimization gig. Just regular Fiverr buyers coming through Fiverr like they normally do.

I have not heard of another style of system.

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3 hours ago, knightartist86 said:

I'm on Fiverr for 10 Years. Top seller with over 1.5k reviews on one gig alone, 5 star rating AND 'Buyers keep returning' status. I'm now on page 4 of the search, with many 4.8/4.9 level 1 sellers ahead of me, lost thousands of impressions. Haven't had an order in a week, most people are old clients. I relied on Fiverr for my clients and this is the first time in years I've been worried about my income. 

All I'm doing is helping Fiverr by sending clients to my Fiverr page and not the other way about. 

So many Long term Fiverr sellers and Top sellers will be abandoning this platform with the way things are currently running. Not because they'd want to but because they have no choice.

Same exact situation here as far as order go. Used to close 35 or so order a month, now it's half of that. This month (thus far) I am at 7 orders. 

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18 hours ago, newsmike said:

I'm telling you this entire company is run by dev folks who know nothing outside of writing code.

I've only been here for a couple of months and haven't managed to get a sale yet. I think that is possibly due to me making mistakes and possibly a general slowdown, although I don't have any older data to compare my recent data to.

I want to thank newsmike for writing this, because the same thought occurred to me a couple of days ago. It seems to me that Fiverr puts technology ahead of buyers, sellers and profits. It's not clear to me that this will be a good strategy in the long term. Maybe it has worked well in the past. It may just be that I don't know much because I'm new and so my views are misinformed and it's not actually the case.

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20 hours ago, mandyzines said:

One time in band camp a Fiverr employee messaged me asking what kind of educational opportunities they should create to address seller's mental health.

I was in that meeting. Letting us vent was great and all, but it would help if they actually listened

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12 minutes ago, smashradio said:

I was in that meeting. Letting us vent was great and all, but it would help if they actually listened

I recommended having someone in the field start an account and try to build a business here, so that they can evaluate the site itself and how aspects of it can affect mental health. 

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On 3/21/2023 at 9:23 AM, newsmike said:

It seems that a good number of us are experiencing the same slump. Out of curiosity, what was the approximate date you fell off the cliff?  Curious if there was an adjustment to algo that whacked us all at the same time. I was hit between Jan 30th-Feb 6th, when my daily impressions dropped from 5,000 to 100.  Been crap ever since and SM has no real answers or help. Anyone else on the same timeline?  Like @leannelrivers said, thankfully, Fiverr is a small part of my business.

Mine dropped late Jan, at this point Ill be lucky to close 10 orders this month. 

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On 4/12/2023 at 1:27 AM, williambryan392 said:

I increasingly think this is the result of a macro trend - recession.

Yes, I'm also concluding that this is the major issue impacting us now.

On 4/12/2023 at 1:27 AM, williambryan392 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if we are all suffering from this to some degree. I have friends working on other platforms, and they similarly say that revenue has dropped substantially over the last couple of months.

Which lends itself to trying to figure out how to work within the Fiverr world most effectively, given the current climate, rather than trying to build a new business from scratch on a new platform that is going through similar issues.

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I might be wrong but it seems that the repeat buyer metric/feature or whatever that is might have an impact.. As soon as I reached 95/100 yesterday I started to get more impressions and around 8 orders ... might be just a coincidence but I doubt it. In all cases, it's not entirely fair... Obviously, someone with much lower prices has more chances to have repeat buyers than someone with higher prices.

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5 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

As soon as I reached 95/100 yesterday I started to get more impressions and around 8 orders ...

For me this changes Sundays. I had 94 the last few weeks, 95 since Sunday. Nothing has changed after it reached 95. So it's just coincidence on your side. Most likely what happened in your case is that some of your negative bad reviews got past the 30/60/90 days.

5 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

Obviously, someone with much lower prices has more chances to have repeat buyers than someone with higher prices.

Well no one forces you to charge a higher price.. But even then I can tell you that a lot of people with small prices don't have a ton of repeat buyers, it depends on the service. 

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2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Most likely what happened in your case is that some of your negative bad reviews got past the 30/60/90 days.

I don't think so, I am constantly getting that 'Fiverr's Choice' Badge for multiple gigs, I don't think that I have a problem with negative feedback from new customers.. my SM confirmed that as well. 


2 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

Well no one forces you to charge a higher price

My time is too precious to charge less, also experience usually pays off.

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14 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

I might be wrong but it seems that the repeat buyer metric/feature or whatever that is might have an impact.. As soon as I reached 95/100 yesterday I started to get more impressions and around 8 orders ... might be just a coincidence

My Repeat Business Score has been 95 or above for months and yet I am experiencing a slump. 

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15 hours ago, cre8iveartwork said:

I might be wrong but it seems that the repeat buyer metric/feature or whatever that is might have an impact..

I certainly hope not! I understand Fiverr wants sellers to turn customers into repeat buyers. But if this would actually affect the success rate of sellers, I'd be doomed. 

9 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

But even then I can tell you that a lot of people with small prices don't have a ton of repeat buyers, it depends on the service. 

This is the case for me. I basically never have repeat buyers, because I mainly write for special 'one-time' occasions. Giving a poem for every birthday or anniversary would get old quickly! 

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On 3/21/2023 at 5:10 PM, donnovan86 said:

Well I saw you had one, I had one too. 

I also refunded a first time buyer due to her not ordering something I cover, and even if I tried to do 2 different versions, she was constantly asking for more work. I just had to tap out and refund. Ever since I refunded, I barely received any new inquiries from customers. So I can only assume that even if you refund a first time buyer, that also affects stats quite a bit. So it can be a number of things. 

Yeah I also had one. 

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17 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

My Repeat Business Score has been 95 or above for months and yet I am experiencing a slump. 

Same. It's tempting to draw conclusions based on things that seem to fall together, but there are so many factors to this game, that it's very easy to draw the wrong ones, or to neglect the bigger image.

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I've been selling for years on Fiverr, and I've never seen such a massive slump in sales that I'm now experiencing. I see I'm not alone after reading the posts in this thread.

I suspect the root cause of the slump has to do with a combination of AI technology and the economy as a whole.

I do believe AI is going to put many freelancers out of business unfortunately. But the really good ones who excel at their craft will stand out in the coming years when the market gets flooded with redundant and unoriginal AI content (in my opinion).

I expect over the next year or so I'll be making a shift from freelance work to creating a brand or online business (that doesn't involve freelance work) - which I've always wanted to do anyway.

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Yeah, slump for me too. A week without new briefs (not that that I miss them), days without orders and without messages from new potential buyers. Gig impression went from 1000+ to 100 real quick even while being promoted. Repeat buyers haven't been active even after I offered some coupons. Top rated seller, all metrics 100%, 1 hour response rate and 5 star average ratings. Even applied the top keywords based on the seller plus program. I don't know where it went wrong.

On 4/12/2023 at 7:17 PM, knightartist86 said:

I'm on Fiverr for 10 Years. Top seller with over 1.5k reviews on one gig alone, 5 star rating AND 'Buyers keep returning' status. I'm now on page 4 of the search, with many 4.8/4.9 level 1 sellers ahead of me, lost thousands of impressions. Haven't had an order in a week, most people are old clients. I relied on Fiverr for my clients and this is the first time in years I've been worried about my income. 

All I'm doing is helping Fiverr by sending clients to my Fiverr page and not the other way about. 

So many Long term Fiverr sellers and Top sellers will be abandoning this platform with the way things are currently running. Not because they'd want to but because they have no choice.

Edited by siridhata
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