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About kendal1747

  • Birthday 11/17/1904


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    Ohio, USA

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  1. hello fiverr team!

    i just want to tell you that my account is flagged, and i have not violet any fiverr policies. so please active my account, if this happen to location change so i want to tell you that recently in our country pakistan there was an internet issue country wise and due to this many freelancers use vpn so that why we moved to vpn option. so i request to you that please active my account. 

    Best Regard.



  2. The order I completed is over 2 months old. They never requested any revision or anything until now. I believe the reason they are asking CS to cancel their order is because I would not do free work for them. I was sent work that they wanted completed with no payment in place. I blocked them and they are trying to figure out a way to get me back.
  3. She (the buyer) was asking for free work. It had nothing to do with the order that I had just completed. There was more work attached to the order than I agreed to, but I did it anyway. If the buyers can come back and demand that we redo a job that is complete and had a 5 star rating, then I think I do not want to keep doing this. This is similar to a situation a friend told me about in her department at Home Depot. I was in Merchandising there while in college. She told me that people would buy a bucket of paint that was specially mixed. Then a couple days later they would bring it back and half of it was gone, said they didn't like the color. I don't think anyone can do that anymore, but what a waste! To ever allow this is beyond my comprehension.
  4. I only allow 1 revision. People that offer unlimited are asking for trouble. I have gone back for a good buyer and done more than 1 revision. Thanks, uk1000.
  5. If I did not make myself clear or if you are confused about any of this, please ask me.
  6. Has anyone had a buyer open a 2 month old order and say that everything was not completed? I finished the order and it was marked completed by Fiverr after 3 days. The buyer gave me a 5 star review. I actually completed more than I agreed to, but I finished it and delivered. I was sick at the time and told her I could not do anymore. I blocked her because she was sending me work that she wanted done for free. There was no official order. She just said that she wanted me to do this work. Customer support contacted me this morning and asked if I wanted to cancel the 2 month old order. I told them no. I had completed the work and completed more than I had agreed to. I asked why this is happening? Can buyers now come back on sellers even if the order has been marked completed by Fiverr and the buyer gave a 5 star review? She never said anything about the order not being completed 2 months ago. I completed everything that she gave me and more.
  7. Yes, I understand that. He has already made a huge mistake. I have not checked to see which one he has connected to this forum account. I don't think it matters now anyway.
  8. If you are talking about this Fiverr Forum account, then this account is allowed. You are not selling anything here. This is where you get help and help others if they need it. You cannot have more than one account on the Fiverr's Selling Platform. You can have several gigs, but not a separate account set up for each gig. They all have to be under one name or one account. You can't change what you have already done. It is there for them to see. I would delete one account, but I don't know that this will change anything.
  9. This is the fact. When you give personal information out to buyers, then you and everyone else know that they can contact you without involving Fiverr. That is how Fiver loses money. This is their business and you are their guest. Fiverr expects you to read the rules and abide by them. They have to run their business that way in order to survive. Look at it from their side of the fence.
  10. I got a brief and thank God the work had not yet begun. He sent a message to whoever takes care of the Briefs and said that he decided to withdraw the request. Right now just wasn't the right time for him. I know eventually I will probably get hit with your dilemma.
  11. You are probably right. There were and probably still are some low quality providers. I just hope that Algorithm doesn't run away with newer changes that might not be for the betterment of the platform in general. Let's hope for the best and try to prepare for the worst.
  12. This is called putting all your eggs in one basket.
  13. I am not pitying myself. I have done this all the time. I had a rough time getting on here and I have had other TRSs say that they abided by this. Unless of course It is something really crazy that they want done. I am not saying to roll over and let them shoot you. Rather than argue, it is better to let them have their say and just admit that you are not the one that was right for the job. Sometimes Mel Gibson would not be good enough.
  14. One most important rule on 5err - "The customer is always right". Another helpful comment is - "kill them with kindness, even when they get nasty".
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