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Buyer request vs Brief


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55 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

I don't know how to do it myself since that is not my field.

But your profile says you are a "business strategist" and devise "wining plans for growth" yet you being a level 2 ( lower chance than TRS but still higher chance of getting matches than level 1 ) haven't received any match either? Does that mean your profile has worse optimization and is less polished than mine? 😄

Many people do SEO work themselves. Optimizing is not difficult either... many good tips in the forum.

By having a properly optimized profile, I do not need to waste time complaining about something that does not concern me.

Maybe it's just easy to be a cry baby.

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2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Maybe all of you don't know this ( since you all claim to have never used buyer's request ) but there was a big gap in buyer's request based on seller level too.

We do know about it (hard not to, people kept talking about it on the forum over and over and over again), and we kept explaining it to all the newbies who asked.

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14 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

But you are against buyer's request which required work ( sorting through all posted jobs and sending offers ) and pro briefs ( which matches based on keywords, seller stats and  level and doesn't require you to do anything hence are essentially free job offers ) even though you claim to never rely on or use either. And think who worked to get order through BR are entitled/golden meal ticket but those getting the same via matches from AI without going through all that aren't?

Most new sellers just responded to BR with untargeted copy-paste spam, and then expected those spam offers to result in a flood of orders. That's not how the BR section was designed to operate. Sending random spam is the epitomy of not doing any work.

14 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Do I sense a bit of hypocrisy from you? 😄

Only if you call wisdom and truth, hypocracy.

14 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I think you can, you are just refusing to learn  😉

I've been a successful seller on Fiverr, for many more years than you. In fact, I was around, as a seller, during the first version of Fiverr.... when everything was limited to $5 services. I've seen, and followed many rules on Fiverr since them. And, as a wise seller, I neither recommend, nor challenge anyone to break those rules. 

14 hours ago, vibronx said:

I just know that it's healthier to focus on things you can actually change instead of arguing with everyone who has more experience and a different opinion than you.

Amen to that! Far too many new sellers seem to think that they know how everything works. If they did, they'd have a queue full of orders. 😛 


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1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

Most new sellers just responded to BR with untargeted copy-paste spam, and then expected those spam offers to result in a flood of orders. That's not how the BR section was designed to operate. Sending random spam is the epitomy of not doing any work.

Only if you call wisdom and truth, hypocracy.

Congratulations, now you are doing the spamming with the new AI technology since the briefs don't match most of the time ( according to the TRS ) 😄 I think getting matches and then not doing the work is also called NOT doing work, since buyers gets to see one or two matches at a time ( which is you ) and you are not doing the work ( since it's not actually what you do ) hence no work is done.

Only if you deny the facts and call truth, hypocrisy. ( which you are doing by calling others entitled and yourself "my right" for doing the same thing since level dictated the number of BR visible and number of offers you can send in the old system too )

1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

I've been a successful seller on Fiverr, for many more years than you. In fact, I was around, as a seller, during the first version of Fiverr.... when everything was limited to $5 services. I've seen, and followed many rules on Fiverr since them. And, as a wise seller, I neither recommend, nor challenge anyone to break those rules.

So you are saying buyer's request was against the rules? If not, why are you against the people who used buyer's request when it was part of fiverr. You are against one service model and pro another when you claim to have used neither.

1 hour ago, jonbaas said:

Amen to that! Far too many new sellers seem to think that they know how everything works. If they did, they'd have a queue full of orders. 😛 

If everyone knew everything, why would there be any need for questions? I just find it funny that those who claim they have queue full of orders are so diligently defending their free meal ticket that is briefs ( even jumping in from other threads, right @vibronx? ), because buyer's request was basically the same but it actually took some effort from your side. 😄

15 hours ago, vibronx said:

It must be exhausting to keep crying about something that's not gonna be changed. I've never used BRs (except as a buyer--which is a horrible experience, btw), and I doubt I'll ever use briefs. So, I don't like BRs, and I have no opinion about briefs.

But I guess I'm still one of those idiotic Top Rated Sellers, so my opinion wouldn't matter, anyway. 

But your opinion about BR was " horrible experience" and about briefs was " the best" just a few days ago, how did it go from best to no opinion.

Is this also one of those things where you claim to have never used it but you still "have the most experience" about it, even more than those who do use it? 😄

16 hours ago, vibronx said:

I just know that it's healthier to focus on things you can actually change instead of arguing with everyone who has more experience and a different opinion than you.

I think so too, so STOP FOLLWING ME from different threads. You jumped in on my conversation in that other thread and you jumped in here too. If you actually believe in anything you just said then at least act like it.


15 hours ago, vickiespencer said:


I am sorry, I can't respond to comments like this separately since I CAN'T SPAM comments like you TRS, because of the daily limit on number of comments. Kind of like BR don't you think? 😄


15 hours ago, visualstudios said:

I'm one of those TRS that gets sent a ton of briefs. Do you want them? I'll gladly give them to you, I had to deactivate them because they were always trash and were cluttering my notifications. Didn't get a single order from them.

But your fellow TRS are saying it's the best thing ever, what's there not to like? 😄  Maybe they can tell you how it's the best, like they are trying to tell others.

15 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

Many people do SEO work themselves. Optimizing is not difficult either... many good tips in the forum.

By having a properly optimized profile

Once again, thank you for your advice. This is the same advice TRS gave me and I think it would work ( not in getting matches though

but getting noticed in fiverr search ). That's why I passed this advice along to that other person who wasn't getting any reply from anyone.

I would like to advise you to do the same since you are higher level than me, have multiple active gigs, think that your gigs are well polished but still are not getting matches.

15 hours ago, strategist_ceo said:

I do not need to waste time complaining about something that does not concern me.

Maybe it's just easy to be a cry baby.

But isn't that exactly what you are doing though? You are snooping around on different threads, looking at which threads I responded to, doing all the exhausting work of going through the comments and in the end posted the EXACT SAME thing to which I already agreed with you in literally my first reply to you.

14 hours ago, catwriter said:

We do know about it (hard not to, people kept talking about it on the forum over and over and over again), and we kept explaining it to all the newbies who asked.

So all of you just go around on different threads, pretend to not know/need/use the option and then explain your "experienced advise" about how to use it?

I didn't tag you here, yet I see three of you from that other thread doing the same charade here. This @vibronx guy is saying he "doubts he will ever use Briefs" yet he was literally writing essays on benefits of briefs over BR in the last thread 😄





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17 minutes ago, vishdrawings said:

still are not getting matches.

I set my brief rates at $500. I believe that may be the reason why. 

But that's not the point. I joined Fiverr AFTER you and I'm level two. This means that you have more time to polish your account than I do, and you didn't made the most of it. On the other hand, you complain that Fiverr is biased against you without taking any action to improve your situation.


This account joined exactly one year after you, offering similar services and is from the same country as you are. In the last twelve months he has made full use of all the tools available to him and has optimized his account properly. His last delivery is 3 days ago and currently have 2 Order in Queue.

If you fail to make full use of the tools and resources available to you, you have only yourself to blame. If you have optimized your account and given it half a year to grow, you probably have orders now and then without thinking about "briefs" at all.

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On 12/18/2022 at 9:51 AM, strategist_ceo said:

I set my brief rates at $500. I believe that may be the reason why. 

But that's not the point. I joined Fiverr AFTER you and I'm level two. This means that you have more time to polish your account than I do, and you didn't made the most of it. On the other hand, you complain that Fiverr is biased against you without taking any action to improve your situation.


This account joined exactly one year after you, offering similar services and is from the same country as you are. In the last twelve months he has made full use of all the tools available to him and has optimized his account properly. His last delivery is 3 days ago and currently have 2 Order in Queue.

If you fail to make full use of the tools and resources available to you, you have only yourself to blame.

Yes, I NEVER once said that I have a problem of not getting matches myself, @catwriter already told you about why I don't get matches. I clearly explained it multiple times over on that thread and here too. I just told you I haven't even updated my gig pics since I created the account, why would you think I said my account is "polished". I pick up the work only on holidays, that's only about a week or two worth of work in a year.

You went through all those comments but you didn't read a single one, did you?

I am telling YOU that instead of wasting time looking at other's profiles just so that you can argue, you should focus on your own profile since you "are on fiverr since a long time for full time", "you claim to be using the full tools available", "you have an optimized account" and "are a higher level than me" BUT STILL ARE NOT GETTING MATCHES. That's what's called FAILING. 

You realize that you found out about your brief rate was too high ONLY because I TOLD YOU to check your own profile, otherwise you would have been busy crying around trying to find ways to argue with people. 

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2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

This @vibronx guy is saying he "doubts he will ever use Briefs" yet he was literally writing essays on benefits of briefs over BR in the last thread 😄

Please quote where I wrote "essays" on benefits of briefs over BRs. I'll be waiting... Hmm... I wonder if it's okay to lie about what other people have said?

Since December 1, I've written this about briefs - as far back as it allows me to go on my profile (edit: I did a wider search using the search feature and still didn't find my supposed essay):

About my reaction to BRs being shut down:
"As a buyer, I'm incredibly happy. It was simply horrible, and it made me weep for humanity every time I posted a request.

As a seller, I never used it, so I don't really care. The offered prices were too low for me to bother, or there were other red flags in the requests. And I have always gotten orders organically. I don't use briefs either, BTW, and I doubt I ever will."


To you in the last thread (my only other comment to you ever):

"I wish I could be as smart as you, brother. You have really hit the nail on the head here, and you should be proud of yourself for knowing more about the Fiverr platform than Top Rated Sellers and other experienced members. You really did your homework! Bravo!

As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!"

Never once do I mention liking briefs here. And I wouldn't be able to - I never used them. In the quote above, I'm commenting more as a buyer. As you can see I comment about hating BRs as a buyer and I again mention that I have never used them as a seller. And I think even you would have the same opinion about BRs as a buyer if you had ever tried them out.

And I took a break from the forum for about a year and a half prior to this, so no briefs back then.


2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

think so too, so STOP FOLLWING ME from different threads. You jumped in on my conversation in that other thread and you jumped in here too. If you actually believe in anything you just said then at least act like it.

You're on a public forum, friend. 😭

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I can no longer edit my above comment, so in an effort to be transparent, I now used Edge to go further back in my forum activity and I found this:

About an offhand comment about BR being shut down:

"As a buyer, I’m very happy about this. It was useless."

Again commenting as a buyer.

My comments to you are more about not being able to comprehend how someone can have such a horrendous attitude toward more experienced sellers and the answers they give you (and be so much of a whiner). And now you've started lying, too. You really are a gem.


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2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

So all of you just go around on different threads, pretend to not know/need/use the option and then explain your "experienced advise" about how to use it?

"Go around on different threads"? Err, it's called participating in conversations.

And the fact that I didn't use BR doesn't mean I know nothing about it. I did check it out from time to time, for various reasons. I even tried BRs at the very beginning. And then gave up on them because there was rarely anything of interest there.

2 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

I didn't tag you here,

Anyone can post on any thread and participate in any discussion. I don't need your permission or invitation. Nobody does.

1 hour ago, vishdrawings said:

Yes, I NEVER once said that I have a problem of not getting matches myself

You did complain about neither you nor your level 2 friend getting matches. Anyway, if not getting matches is not a problem for you, why are you even discussing this? Why does it matter to you?

Actually, never mind. No need to answer that. It looks like you're mostly here to argue with everyone who disagrees with you while repeatedly misunderstanding what more experienced sellers are saying, and I've got more interesting stuff to do.

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1 hour ago, vibronx said:

"I wish I could be as smart as you, brother. You have really hit the nail on the head here, and you should be proud of yourself for knowing more about the Fiverr platform than Top Rated Sellers and other experienced members. You really did your homework! Bravo!

As a buyer on Fiverr, I'm really just so heartbroken that I'll now be missing out on all the hundreds of spam offers I used to receive in BRs from people who didn't read my request. I weep, and I weep for the loss all us buyers have suffered, and I curse the briefs for having taken this paradise away from us!"

Isn't this your reply to the topic where @vickiespencer was trying to tell me how briefs are better as she posted a request and matched with a level 1 and level 2 sellers ( something she quoted here too ) and I was telling her about what I found when I posted THREE briefs and what I found?

I am not that proficient in understanding sarcasm but clearly your comment was not for praising Buyer's requests, then WHY IS THIS YOUR pitch on a topic where we were discussing benefits of Briefs? People were talking about getting wrong matches/unrelated match and spams/self promotion in the briefs my dude. I was talking about how "as a buyer" the briefs force you to go for higher budget in order to get matches ( I even posted screenshots ) and the spams/ wrong matches are still there so regular search on fiverr is better.

Why you leaving out the context BROOOOOOOO, why?

1 hour ago, vibronx said:

You're on a public forum, friend. 😭

Yes and following someone on public forums for no obvious reason, that's exactly what stalking is,  friend. 😭

52 minutes ago, vibronx said:

My comments to you are more about not being able to comprehend how someone can have such a horrendous attitude toward more experienced sellers and the answers they give you (and be so much of a whiner). And now you've started lying, too. You really are a gem.

Sorry if you found my attitude horrendous, I match the vibes of the person I am talking to in my replies to them. I even use the words they used to make it even more apparent 😄




38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

"Go around on different threads"? Err, it's called participating in conversations.

And the fact that I didn't use BR doesn't mean I know nothing about it. I did check it out from time to time, for various reasons. I even tried BRs at the very beginning. And then gave up on them because there was rarely anything of interest there.

Your conversation ( and of the others who followed me here ) on every thread starts with "never used it" to "Tried it out from time to time" to "I have the experience of using it hence what I said is correct and what you said is wrong" ( This last one is not for you it's for @vickiespencer who quotes I matched with level 1 and level 2 everywhere ).

38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

You did complain about neither you nor your level 2 friend getting matches. 

Yes,  but did you also read the next line though? Why omit it?  

My next line was "my gigs are very generic and there are hundreds of others doing the same thing so it's easy for the AI to not match me, plus I work only on holidays"

But my level 2 friend's profile comes on first page in fiverr search, gets inquiries/orders consistently but still hasn't gotten match. To which TRS response was to update SEO and keywords etc. Which I told him, I told the same to others on different thread where no one was replying to them and to @strategist_ceo here.

38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Anyway, if not getting matches is not a problem for you, why are you even discussing this? Why does it matter to you?

Actually, never mind. No need to answer that. It looks like you're mostly here to argue with everyone who disagrees with you

IT ISN'T. that's why I stopped commenting on that topic about a week ago 😄

It's you and the other three who followed me here to "discuss". I am just replying to you because I find it rude not to reply at all. 


38 minutes ago, catwriter said:

while repeatedly misunderstanding what more experienced sellers are saying, and I've got more interesting stuff to do.

Look at my latest reply to the new seller who was asking the same question ( who no one replied to btw ), Isn't that EXACTLY what you and the experienced sellers were saying? It didn't take 5 pages.

I have a very small comment per day limit, you make about four times the number of comments than me just to say the same thing. I don't think you have actually got more interesting stuff to do 😄


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19 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

. Higher level means higher perks ( like more active gigs, more visibility on fiverr search, early withdrawals, etc. )Same is with briefs, TRS gets matched more often, level 2 a little less, level 1 even less

you don't get more visibility on search because of your level, that I can assure you. your placement is done by the algorithm. Try searching for my gigs and tell me where you find them.. With regards to briefs, that is algorithm dependant as well and not just based on levels, or your service, but dependant on your metrics and matching your suitability to what the buyer is requesting against your service. its not just based on. --> your service ---> what customer wants.  Even a dating site can do better than that. There is far more than that. Having an seo optimized gig  (title, description, or page) does not mean you will get matched with anything either. sitting under your service are your metrics and I think (im sure) you will find these  are the main influence  & determine not just if you are matched at all but what you are matched to and the types of requests you are matched to in terms of budget and  buyer. 

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5 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

If everyone knew everything, why would there be any need for questions? I just find it funny that those who claim they have queue full of orders are so diligently defending their free meal ticket that is briefs

I'm hearing a lot of complaining from you. Please do less of it. 

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5 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

But your fellow TRS are saying it's the best thing ever, what's there not to like? 😄  Maybe they can tell you how it's the best, like they are trying to tell others.

No they are not. Nobody said in this thread that briefs are the best thing ever. They are not, briefs are garbage. Just like buyer requests are garbage. Again - I get a TON of briefs. I don't want them. So I deactivated the feature, because it's just a time waster. 

Repeat after me - good clients and good deals do not come from buyer requests or briefs. Good clients will contact good sellers directly, you don't need to apply to anything.

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@markp What you said is similar to the answer customer support gave at this matter. But since we as a user can't tell what factors are being used by the developers, we can only see the results of said algorithm. And the result is currently as you quoted from my reply ( based on the comments of other people on this forum having different levels ).

6 hours ago, jonbaas said:

I'm hearing a lot of complaining from you. Please do less of it. 

You still didn't get the irony in that? All I did so far is repeating your words to you 😄

6 hours ago, visualstudios said:

No they are not. Nobody said in this thread that briefs are the best thing ever. They are not, briefs are garbage. Just like buyer requests are garbage. Again - I get a TON of briefs. I don't want them. So I deactivated the feature, because it's just a time waster. 

Nobody in this thread, surely. But I am talking about those who came here stalking me from that other thread. All three of them ( not catwriter ) were trying to sell how good briefs are compared to BR on that thread, even though they claimed it themselves that most of the matches they get are wrong and how they don't use/need it. 😄 

When I asked about how there were no sub-categories to chose from in "game art" when I posted a brief ( not being specific enough is probably one of the reason of getting wrong matches I think ) that vickiespencer even tried to falsify the data by posting screenshots from a completely different category. 

Literally her first comment on this thread is false since I never once said that level 1 don't get matches in any of my comments on any thread  😄 

6 hours ago, visualstudios said:

Repeat after me - good clients and good deals do not come from buyer requests or briefs. Good clients will contact good sellers directly, you don't need to apply to anything.

Of course I agree. Most of the BR were low budget grunt work if not repeat requests and self promotion. But It did help many new sellers get their first order and review. With briefs, that option is gone that's why you can see so many inquires from new sellers. 

So you can understand why so many new sellers are asking for Buyer's Request but what's really funny is how these TRS are fighting tooth and nail for Briefs that they are coming over from other threads even after one week. 😄 




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10 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

Of course I agree. Most of the BR were low budget grunt work if not repeat requests and self promotion. But It did help many new sellers get their first order and review. With briefs, that option is gone that's why you can see so many inquires from new sellers. 

So you can understand why so many new sellers are asking for Buyer's Request but what's really funny is how these TRS are fighting tooth and nail for Briefs that they are coming over from other threads even after one week.

The Buyer Request feature is gone. It will not be coming back, no matter how much you adored it. It's time to move on, and work with the features Fiverr has chosen to present for seller use. No seller needs BR or B&M to be successful here on Fiverr. The past is the past.... time to move into the future with the rest of us.

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11 hours ago, vishdrawings said:

So you can understand why so many new sellers are asking for Buyer's Request but what's really funny is how these TRS are fighting tooth and nail for Briefs that they are coming over from other threads even after one week

It looks like you completely missed the point people were trying to explain to you:  it’s not a question if briefs or BRs are better. It’s a question that good sellers can be successful without any of those. 

And yes, the more you sell, the more you grow on fiverr, the more perks you get. 
Fiverr is starting to implement quality control and if you can prove that you are a good seller without briefs or buyer requests and deliver quality work then you will get access to the briefs feature and other perks. 

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