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Fiverr Suspends Business in Russia


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I send a lot of my clients to a Russian artist for work before game sessions start. With their account suspended. I would like a reasonable way to reach out to them to arrange something outside of Fiverr. I understand the political happenings, and that this is a way for Fiverr to politically take a stance with Ukraine. But just because the artist in question is from Russia, does not mean they support what is happening in Russia. To remove access to his services based on his geographical location is unethical at best.

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This is really wrong; I sympathise with Ukraine, but Russians are also people. Why don't people recognise the main cause? If Ukraine joins NATO, there is a risk of nuclear war. 

On 3/17/2022 at 4:22 PM, mandyzines said:

It could be any of us at any point in the future regardless of whether or not we agree with what the powers that be in our country are doing. This is very troubling.

I completely agree with you! China performed well in this regard. They do not let foreign enterprises to operate; instead, they purchase local services and sell globally. 

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All of my Fiverr business is with a single, extremely talented, Russian artist. We have always stuck to the rules of the platform and never exchanged private details, despite thousands of spent dollars. Now, I have no way of contacting him to continue our business.

I support effort to penalize the Russian government. Fiverr is doing its bit, I get it. Only problem is, this isn't a website supporting its political leaders, is it? All you're doing is hurting the wrong people.

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That explains the Russian artist I hired that suddenly disappeared.

This sucks. Why are freelancers being punished for living in the wrong nation? What if there are Russian workers who used Fiverr as their main form of income and now can't pay rent?

At least let their profiles remain so that I can communicate with the artist.

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On 3/18/2022 at 10:34 AM, myb2bservices said:

I completely agree with you! 

China performed well in this regard. They do not let foreign enterprises to operate; instead, they purchase local services and sell globally. 

They were so thoughtful, and now we're seeing the circumstances and their best moves according to it, how safe and brilliant.

The new system has already been started in Russi.. 

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My heart goes out to both Ukrainian and Russian people. It's a cruel war and as in every war, civilians are the victims.

While Russian freelancers are getting sanctioned, Ukrainian freelancers are unable to work because they either have to flee their country or join the fighting force.

To all the people saying that these sanctions don't make sense, because they are targeting regular working people, you have to understand one thing - Every ruble you pay in taxes is directly financing Putin's army and his invasion of Ukraine. You cannot blame Fiverr or any other business for deciding to cut ties with your country, you can only blame your "president".

It's horrible seeing how much the whole population of Russia is suffering because of one delusional kleptocrat in power, but such is life and such is war. These sanctions are only the beginning and everything indicates it will get worse.

There is a saying - “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Today, you are not allowed to call this war by it's true name, tomorrow you will be on the frontlines of the "special operation", "liberating" Ukrainian children and women. There's always a choice you can make.

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27 minutes ago, gajuseidi said:

Every ruble you pay in taxes is directly financing Putin's army and his invasion of Ukraine.

Honestly, paying taxes from the money earned by working on online platforms is volunteering here in Russia. The government have not established the way to regulate that yet and make it unavoidable. Now, if we lose the income from online platforms for a long time, we have to find the regular job that will absolutely pay the taxes taken from paychecks. I guess you can make the further conclusions on your own. 


Companies like McDonalds and Coca-Cola suspend thier business in Russia because they have physical presents here and they pay taxes to government. I don't think that Fiverr pay taxes to Russian Federation government by providing us platform to work.

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1 hour ago, mikavirtanen said:

Really? Did these retards even think that if they kick us out, we will have to find a full-time job and pay even more taxes? Or should we die of hunger instead?

Let me offer you some perspective. 115 children have been killed, 140 have been injured since the start of the invasion. Overall, 636 civilians have been killed, 1125 have been injured and over 3 million have fled their country as of 15th of March according to Kyiv Independent. These are only the recorded numbers, the real number is bound to be higher. Fiverr amongst other businesses took a stand and made a decision to not contribute to those numbers. It doesn't matter how much you pay in taxes, the fact that you do is enough.

1 hour ago, blindsightmix said:

Honestly, paying taxes from the money earned by working on online platforms is volunteering here in Russia. The government have not established the way to regulate that yet and make it unavoidable. Now, if we lose the income from online platforms for a long time, we have to find the regular job that will absolutely pay the taxes taken from paychecks. I guess you can make the further conclusions on your own. 

I understand your point. I don't know enough about tax laws in Russia so I cannot comment on the percentage of taxes a freelancer has to pay in your country, but what I do know is that everyone has to pay taxes. If you avoid paying taxes, that doesn't mean that every Russian freelancer does the same. Your personal decision to avoid paying taxes is not an excuse for Fiverr to continue indirectly contributing to Russia's invasion of a sovereign country and slaughtering its people.

1 hour ago, blindsightmix said:

I don't think that Fiverr pay taxes to Russian Federation government by providing us platform to work.

Fiverr doesn't, you do. And you pay taxes from the income Fiverr provides.

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7 minutes ago, gajuseidi said:

Let me offer you some perspective. 115 children have been killed, 140 have been injured since the start of the invasion. Overall, 636 civilians have been killed, 1125 have been injured and over 3 million have fled their country as of 15th of March according to Kyiv Independent. These are only the recorded numbers, the real number is bound to be higher. Fiverr amongst other businesses took a stand and made a decision to not contribute to those numbers. It doesn't matter how much you pay in taxes, the fact that you do is enough.

I understand your point. I don't know enough about tax laws in Russia so I cannot comment on the percentage of taxes a freelancer has to pay in your country, but what I do know is that everyone has to pay taxes. If you avoid paying taxes, that doesn't mean that every Russian freelancer does the same. Your personal decision to avoid paying taxes is not an excuse for Fiverr to continue indirectly contributing to Russia's invasion of a sovereign country and slaughtering its people.

Fiverr doesn't, you do. And you pay taxes from the income Fiverr provides.

Alright man, I hope you'll never get in the situation in which you will lose the income and means to provide for your family just because you are located in the country which government's actions makes everyone in the world cancel you, without even asking your own opinion or providing any other option. Since this nightmare started I can hardly sleep, I know exactly what's happening in Urkaine and I wish I could leave this country because I don't want to be on that side but I can't, I don't have means to do it, the boarders are closed, the income has been cut. And if anyone here is happy that all Russians, including those who oppose the government's decision deserve to lose the ability to put food on the table and now on the verge of being totally broke, I just have nothing to say to you other than I pray that it will never happen to you.

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2 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

To all the people saying that these sanctions don't make sense, because they are targeting regular working people, you have to understand one thing - Every ruble you pay in taxes is directly financing Putin's army and his invasion of Ukraine. You cannot blame Fiverr or any other business for deciding to cut ties with your country, you can only blame your "president".

So, did Putin go "Oh Fiverr has stopped doing business with us, let's stop the war"?

The current set of sanctions is equivalent to shooting in all directions except at the target. Did EU stop importing natural resources from Russia? No right? 

And btw, Russia is at war with Ukraine, not the rest of the world, so these sanctions by private companies aren't even legal as they violate the civil rights of people in Russia. You can't just say "Oh you are from Russia, I won't work with you" when your official stance is that you aren't at war with Russia.. Because that's simply unconstitutional...

Also, applying the same logic, Fiverr should be banning itself, courtesy of the Israel-Palestine conflict, won't you agree?

When the war is over, with what face will these companies re-enter the Russian market? They left people during a turbulent time... 

2 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

These sanctions are only the beginning and everything indicates it will get worse.

Yes, instead of mediating when the focus is on arm-twisting, things will only get worse for sure. 

What that man is doing cannot be justified, but the answer to human suffering is not causing more human suffering...  I wish the world leaders would stop aggravating him further and start to follow some of the principles of conflict resolution... 

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7 minutes ago, blindsightmix said:

Alright man, I hope you'll never get in the situation in which you will lose the income and means to provide for your family just because you are located in the country which government's actions makes everyone in the world cancel you, without even asking your own opinion or providing any other option. Since this nightmare started I can hardly sleep, I know exactly what's happening in Urkaine and I wish I could leave this country because I don't want to be on that side but I can't, I don't have means to do it, the boarders are closed, the income has been cut. And if anyone here is happy that all Russians, including those who oppose the government's decision deserve to lose the ability to put food on the table and now on the verge of being totally broke, I just have nothing to say to you other than I pray that it will never happen to you.

I try not wish ill to anyone, even Russians, believe me or not. As far as I know, while restricted, the Russia's borders are not yet closed for its citizens if they have a valid visa.

I live in Lithuania - a Post-Soviet country near the Russian border. On March 11, 1990, our country declared that it was an independent nation, the first of the Soviet republics to do so. I will never get to experience what you're experiencing, because if Russia decides to invade our country once again, I will have to take up arms and fight for my country and my freedom. Our country has never been more united for the one and only goal - help Ukraine in any way possible. Our MFA has already deported 4 employees of the Russian embassy for illegal activity in our country. I root for Ukrainians every day and wish them to win this war, because they are fighting not only for themselves, but for the whole Europe and and the principles of democracy. 

35 minutes ago, surajkartha said:

The current set of sanctions is equivalent to shooting in all directions except at the target. Did EU stop importing natural resources from Russia? No right? 

Sanctions are not supposed to be felt instantly. They are supposed to slow down the economy of the country slowly. They also seem to be one of the few ways to interfere into this invasion without causing escalation.

The answer is, yes, they did. From Belarus too. Not all the countries, but a lot of them, Lithuania included.

41 minutes ago, surajkartha said:

And btw, Russia is at war with Ukraine, not the rest of the world

Not yet, and hopefully never, because that would not end up well for anyone.

43 minutes ago, surajkartha said:

What that man is doing cannot be justified, but the answer to human suffering is not causing more human suffering...  I wish the world leaders would stop aggravating him further and start to follow some of the principles of conflict resolution... 

Sadly, in this situation, it seems to be the answer. I would like to have as much optimism as you do, but the reality is different. If you would have taken at least a tiny glimpse at what Putin was talking about in the last decade, you would not even write this comment.

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14 minutes ago, gajuseidi said:

Sanctions are not supposed to be felt instantly. They are supposed to slow down the economy of the country slowly. They also seem to be one of the few ways to interfere into this invasion without causing escalation.

The answer is, yes, they did. From Belarus too. Not all the countries, but a lot of them, Lithuania included.

Ya but that doesn't seem to have slowed down Putin's aggression who went on to say that Russia has enough to safeguard itself against these sanctions.. so makes me think if it's indeed working.. all that while people who don't want any part in this are at the receiving end of it.. only time will tell if these sanctions would work, but I hope it's not too late by then...

17 minutes ago, gajuseidi said:

Not yet, and hopefully never, because that would not end up well for anyone.


19 minutes ago, gajuseidi said:

Sadly, in this situation, it seems to be the answer. I would like to have as much optimism as you do, but the reality is different. If you would have taken at least a tiny glimpse at what Putin was talking about in the last decade, you would not even write this comment.

The reality is still that people are suffering .. and efforts to de-escalate the situation seem to be minimal. "Stop or else" is not the only approach you know. But again, guess only time will tell how it all unfolds. 

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2 hours ago, gajuseidi said:

And you pay taxes from the income Fiverr provides.

Also from this income I was regularly donating to unofficial media sources trying to provide alternate vision and helped paying fines those who was arrested for their "wrong" opinion (I've been there too).

I fully respect your point though. I wish everything worked the way it's supposed to and stopped the war. Although those who used to support Putin and never cared the sanctions, including police and military staff, seem to enjoy the isolation and the power they've got, giving an "excuse" to the government to continue the course they have chosen.

Instead, those who are able to read your messages, see the real picture and who already suffered from the regime, resisted it or was trying to escape, are hurt.

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On 3/15/2022 at 1:34 AM, magmatrack said:

 "Fiverr is a global community made up of skilled and talented freelancers. We have created a safe and equal community for anyone, that’s available from everywhere, where people are free to find work and be recognized for their quality of work.

I get that you are unhappy man, but it's not like Fiverr is the only business that's doing this. Newsflash, most businesses are bringing sanctions against Russia. In fact, UpWork actually stepped away from Russia before Fiverr, so I am sure Fiverr just followed suit. 

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On 3/20/2022 at 3:17 PM, gajuseidi said:

Let me offer you some perspective. 115 children have been killed, 140 have been injured since the start of the invasion. Overall, 636 civilians have been killed, 1125 have been injured and over 3 million have fled their country as of 15th of March according to Kyiv Independent. These are only the recorded numbers, the real number is bound to be higher. Fiverr amongst other businesses took a stand and made a decision to not contribute to those numbers. It doesn't matter how much you pay in taxes, the fact that you do is enough.

I understand your point. I don't know enough about tax laws in Russia so I cannot comment on the percentage of taxes a freelancer has to pay in your country, but what I do know is that everyone has to pay taxes. If you avoid paying taxes, that doesn't mean that every Russian freelancer does the same. Your personal decision to avoid paying taxes is not an excuse for Fiverr to continue indirectly contributing to Russia's invasion of a sovereign country and slaughtering its people.

Fiverr doesn't, you do. And you pay taxes from the income Fiverr provides.

If you're a freelancer in Russia, avoiding paying taxes is something you do by default
I don't think the majority of freelancers will go out of their way to register sole proprietorship just to pay more taxes, that's irrational, especially in the time of crisis. Yes, everybody pays the taxes, some pay more, some pay less, by avoiding them. And there are taxes you can't avoid, vat for example.

That doesn't change the fact, that Fiverr is contributing to the numbers you've mentioned by inevitably letting some of the freelancers go to full-time jobs, where their employer pays their taxes by taking a portion from their salary, and letting others go to russian freelance sites, that pay taxes to the russian government, so even those who want to avoid paying much taxes could let more of their money go to funding the army. 

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23 hours ago, surajkartha said:

Ya but that doesn't seem to have slowed down Putin's aggression who went on to say that Russia has enough to safeguard itself against these sanctions.. so makes me think if it's indeed working.. all that while people who don't want any part in this are at the receiving end of it.. only time will tell if these sanctions would work, but I hope it's not too late by then...

Putin also calls his invasion of an independent sovereign country a "special operation", spreads massive amounts of propaganda on national TV, calls Ukrainian government a bunch of n*zis while his troops are marching on Ukrainian soil plastered with "Z" symbols and shelling civilian targets. He is also rapidly implementing laws in his country which prohibit Russian citizens from freely expressing their mind and criticize their government. I hope you are smarter than to believe anything Putin says.

23 hours ago, surajkartha said:

The reality is still that people are suffering .. and efforts to de-escalate the situation seem to be minimal.

This is war, people will suffer and they will suffer massively, unfortunately. If you're the expert on foreign affairs and diplomatic solutions, please tell us, what has to be done, so the efforts don't seem to be "minimal".

23 hours ago, surajkartha said:

"Stop or else" is not the only approach you know. But again, guess only time will tell how it all unfolds. 

So far, it has not been the approach. We're on the verge of a nuclear war and world leaders are doing everything to avoid escalation.

23 hours ago, donnichols said:

Also from this income I was regularly donating to unofficial media sources trying to provide alternate vision and helped paying fines those who was arrested for their "wrong" opinion (I've been there too).

I commend every Russian brave enough to oppose their government and protest against the war. I have nothing but respect for those people as they are risking their freedom to speak their mind.

23 hours ago, donnichols said:

Although those who used to support Putin and never cared the sanctions, including police and military staff, seem to enjoy the isolation and the power they've got, giving an "excuse" to the government to continue the course they have chosen.

It has always been the case in autocratic governments. The kleptocrats are filling their pockets at the expense of the populace. I can only hope there will be serious changes in Russian government.

23 hours ago, donnichols said:

Instead, those who are able to read your messages, see the real picture and who already suffered from the regime, resisted it or was trying to escape, are hurt.

I understand. It is not my goal to aggravate the situation further, but rather rationalize the decision made by Fiverr. None of us know the full truth behind this decision, the best we can do is have an informed opinion about it. I really do hope this war ends soon and all Russian freelancers can get back working on the platform.

23 hours ago, blindsightmix said:

There is one simple truth that I wish people from all over the world would understand - Putin is not Russia 

Most regular open-minded people know this. In terms of politics, though, Putin and his oligarch friends is Russia, unfortunately.

Edited by gajuseidi
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I agree that hampering Russians from freelancing online will benefit the Russian government more, when Fiverr and other online marketplaces ban Russian sellers. They will have to start looking for an offline job instead. I imagine they are paying soldiers extra as well currently, so many could join the military even instead of being jobless.

Edited by adsensewizard
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1 hour ago, gajuseidi said:

Putin also calls his invasion of an independent sovereign country a "special operation", spreads massive amounts of propaganda on national TV, calls Ukrainian government a bunch of n*zis while his troops are marching on Ukrainian soil plastered with "Z" symbols and shelling civilian targets. He is also rapidly implementing laws in his country which prohibit Russian citizens from freely expressing their mind and criticize their government. I hope you are smarter than to believe anything Putin says.

This is war, people will suffer and they will suffer massively, unfortunately. If you're the expert on foreign affairs and diplomatic solutions, please tell us, what has to be done, so the efforts don't seem to be "minimal".

So far, it has not been the approach. We're on the verge of a nuclear war and world leaders are doing everything to avoid escalation.

I commend every Russian brave enough to oppose their government and protest against the war. I have nothing but respect for those people as they are risking their freedom to speak their mind.

It has always been the case in autocratic governments. The kleptocrats are filling their pockets at the expense of the populace. I can only hope there will be serious changes in Russian government.

I understand. It is not my goal to aggravate the situation further, but rather rationalize the decision made by Fiverr. None of us know the full truth behind this decision, the best we can do is have an informed opinion about it. I really do hope this war ends soon and all Russian freelancers can get back working on the platform.

Most regular open-minded people know this. In terms of politics, though, Putin and his oligarch friends is Russia, unfortunately.

I don't know what you are trying to achieve with these posts but I would neither justify the war nor the sanctions.. because I am sure none of us here are "experts" when it comes to foreign affairs.. the least I can do is be sensitive to all those who are impacted by this... because people of both sides are at loss, one more so because of the death and devastation.. 🙏

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