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Everything posted by milolikespurple

  1. Fiverr has important reasons, tho they might differ from what you think. There are huge fines for violating sanction regime, and many of Fiverr's offices are located in the coutries, that enforce sanctions against Russia. So even if we count the money they're donating to Ukraine, i think it very well could've costed them more, if they didn't suspend their business in Russia. I just think that, if you come from the position of letting less money flow into funding the russian army, then restricting russian citizens and not letting them to sell in fiverr is counterproductive. I don't think that there's anything that can be done to somehow stop the current regime if you're a regular Russian citizen, its pretty much impossible to do anything against the powerful supression system, that Putin built. The only thing you can do is somehow continiue to sustain yourself during crisis and prepare for the times, that are ahead. And depriving russians from their means of sustaining themselves is kinda interfering with that.
  2. That doesn't mean anything though. Of course you'll only see those freelancers, who ask questions about their taxes, because the ones, who don't pay them won't ask any questions regarding the taxes anywhere. And the only ones who ask these questions and calculate their taxes are those, who registered sole proprietorship(?) individual enterpreneurship(?) (i dunno how to properly translate it, sry), because their income is > 200000 rubles/month - its a minority of freelancers; 100000+/month is considered to be a very good paycheck, that you might stop on (mostly because you don't wanna deal with all that paperwork and everything), especially if you don't live in Moscow or St. Petersburg
  3. If you're a freelancer in Russia, avoiding paying taxes is something you do by default I don't think the majority of freelancers will go out of their way to register sole proprietorship just to pay more taxes, that's irrational, especially in the time of crisis. Yes, everybody pays the taxes, some pay more, some pay less, by avoiding them. And there are taxes you can't avoid, vat for example. That doesn't change the fact, that Fiverr is contributing to the numbers you've mentioned by inevitably letting some of the freelancers go to full-time jobs, where their employer pays their taxes by taking a portion from their salary, and letting others go to russian freelance sites, that pay taxes to the russian government, so even those who want to avoid paying much taxes could let more of their money go to funding the army.
  4. I'm not talking about what should've happened, i'm talking about what IS happening. Maybe its better instead of blaming the circumstances, blame those who didn't take them into account before making a big and important action?
  5. What does this have to do with what i said? Yes, Russia did start this and yes, it is to blame. I say that sanctions are not effective neither in the terms of making people in Russia revolt against their government, nor in lessening the power of its military forces. On the contrary, people in Russia will channel their agression not towards their government, but towards those, who sanctioned them, and that plays into the hands of russian propaganda.
  6. All around not a good decision. People working in Fiverr in a way don't pay much of the taxes, but when fiverr suspends their business, some of the sellers will go to normal jobs (where your employer pays your taxes, taking money from salary), thus paying more taxes, that will go to funding the Russian army. Sanctions won't affect Russian Military industrial complex, its in the priority. Judging by the government's actions, they're ready to pay the price for reaching some geo-political goals (which are unknown for us), cuz substatial damage to the economy and society is already done, and the "operation" isn't stopping. Sanctions didnt do much to Iran's millitary, only led to it costing more in the perspective after 10-15 years. Not to mention that people, that lost their careers and sources of income, will be blaming fiverr and collective west and not Putin, and since these people have nothing to lose, they will advocate for continuing the war and going till the end. So Fiverr's decision arguably makes things even worse. Better solution for fiverr would've been allowing cryptocurrencies, to help russians bypass the government, so to not ruin the civil economy and to mess up Russia's sources of funding the military But i guess helping anyone was not what Fiverr wanted to begin with.
  7. you know, sites can tell if you're using publicly availible vpns or tor - people can be banned following your advice
  8. I'm not able to stop paying taxes, that are paid involuntarily and mostly not even by me (by my employer). Stopping the president is an impossible task - What you're saying is that i should just throw myself under the train, trying to stop it
  9. I guess the issue is that the company have to choose between evil (allowing money to go into russian economy) and lesser evil (leaving russian people without means of making money and cut them off tommorrow) And i'd assume that many people wouldn't choose anything if they got into that situation, and that's from where might come the disapproval I don't think there will be a full mobilisation, but you can expect anything from this country - Regional mobilisation is more probable, starting with the regions closer to Ukrane Tho I've heard that the issue with russian army is not about low numbers, but bad organizing Also who knows, maybe Russia would do something like what USSR did in the war with Finland - just declare victory
  10. Понятно, что на Украине сейчас не сладко, мягко говоря Но ты правда думаешь, что недовольство населения как-то повлияет на власть в России? Заставит кого-то капитулировать? (особенно когда вариант капитуляции сильно угрожает жизни того, кто объявил о капитуляции) Протесты разгоняются за день, а за участие в них на лет можно надолго сесть теперь, да и за посты в интернете тоже - если надо, всех пересажают, и все А ограничения со стороны компаний только укрепляют позиции тех, кто против запада, поляризуют не в ту сторону людей вне политики и мешают потенциальной оппозиции
  11. То, что вы не понимаете, почему я называю это "операцией", говорит о том, что вы не представляете, что происходит в России
  12. Ну да, Сталина тоже выбрали, наверное - и в любой момент сместить могли, конечно Неплохо вы тривиализируете понятие вины за жертвы, обвиняя даже самых обычных жителей, которые против операции и причастны только через налоги, которые они не могут не платить - вот только тогда вы дискредитируете само понятие вины за жертвы, потому что те, кто реально убивают мирных жителей и те, кто просто пытается выжить в России в трудное время, называются одним словом
  13. Ну да, это ж не так, что с помощью митингов, акций и прочего, что разгоняется за один день и в принципе никого не заставит капитулировать (особенно когда вариант капитуляции сильно угрожает жизни того, кто объявил о капитуляции), в этой стране никак ни на что не повлиять, и все решается и меняется только людьми сверху А ограничения со стороны компаний конечно же не делают хуже, укрепляя позиции тех, кто против запада, поляризуя не в ту сторону людей вне политики и мешая потенциальной оппозиции
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