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14 days waiting clearance opinion

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What would loyalty to you look like?

How about letting you keep your level after you earned it?

“If I earn $100/week then it makes no difference after the first 2 weeks.”

It makes a huge difference when Fiverr is your only source of income and you want to keep your credit card balances low.

So immunity from demotion?

Don’t you see how bad an idea that would be/has been?

Even when the warning was there for the past two+ months, approx half of level 2 sellers and 25% of TRS could not keep to those stat requirements - can you imagine what those seller stats were before this was announced?

It makes a huge difference when Fiverr is your only source of income and you want to keep your credit card balances low.

You have my sympathy (like that is worth anything, but still), but it is a one week delay on your money compared to what it was.

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So immunity from demotion?

Don’t you see how bad an idea that would be/has been?

Even when the warning was there for the past two+ months, approx half of level 2 sellers and 25% of TRS could not keep to those stat requirements - can you imagine what those seller stats were before this was announced?

It makes a huge difference when Fiverr is your only source of income and you want to keep your credit card balances low.

You have my sympathy (like that is worth anything, but still), but it is a one week delay on your money compared to what it was.

So immunity from demotion?

Don’t you see how bad an idea that would be/has been?

No, it’s a great idea. I don’t know how long you’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve been here since 2013. In the good old days, people got demoted for JUSTIFIED REASONS, such as “Order cancelled. Seller failed to deliver on time.” Too many of those justify a demotion.

4.7 does not.

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What would loyalty to you look like?

How about letting you keep your level after you earned it?

“If I earn $100/week then it makes no difference after the first 2 weeks.”

It makes a huge difference when Fiverr is your only source of income and you want to keep your credit card balances low.

It makes a huge difference when Fiverr is your only source of income and you want to keep your credit card balances low.

A good tip for being successful as a self-employed freelancer is to have more than one source of income. Right now, you are seeing what happens when you put all your efforts into one source of income, and something “bad” happens to cause an upset in that income.

When you diversify your income, a hit on one of the sources of income won’t hurt as much, because the other sources of income can pick up the slack and continue to provide incomes for you so that you can “keep your credit card balances low”.

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So immunity from demotion?

Don’t you see how bad an idea that would be/has been?

No, it’s a great idea. I don’t know how long you’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve been here since 2013. In the good old days, people got demoted for JUSTIFIED REASONS, such as “Order cancelled. Seller failed to deliver on time.” Too many of those justify a demotion.

4.7 does not.

4.7 does not.

I agree with you on that - the 4.8 rating does seem high considering getting 14/15 stars on every single order would mean a 4.7.

My suggestion/ideal would be that TRS would be manually demoted as well as promoted, that there would be some consideration given for circumstances. I also think a two-strike system might be fairer, as in if you miss two requirements then it is demotion.

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i agree with you .only fiver care about level 2 and TRS .not to us

i agree with you .only fiver care about level 2 and TRS .not to us

I am a former Level 2 seller that is (still) very successful here on Fiverr. You claim that Fiverr only cares about Level 2 and TRS sellers… I’m a Level 1 seller for the next 30 days. I am (still) a profitable seller. You can bet Fiverr still cares about me and the 20% income I give them.

You are, therefore, 100% incorrect.

Please don’t make blanket statements without thinking about what you’re saying first.

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4.7 does not.

I agree with you on that - the 4.8 rating does seem high considering getting 14/15 stars on every single order would mean a 4.7.

My suggestion/ideal would be that TRS would be manually demoted as well as promoted, that there would be some consideration given for circumstances. I also think a two-strike system might be fairer, as in if you miss two requirements then it is demotion.

Glad we can agree on something.

By the way, are the PRO sellers under the same standards? Or are they too special to get demoted?

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Glad we can agree on something.

By the way, are the PRO sellers under the same standards? Or are they too special to get demoted?

I believe they are subject to them yes, although a lot of the new ones were not leveled up yet anyway.

I said somewhere else that there are Ambassadors, Super Sellers and even the Fiverr Millionaire lady who were all demoted today. There were no exceptions from what I can see.

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I have clients who operate on a 60 day payment basis.

Most agencies operate on an end of month and/or 30 days.

14 days is pretty good from how I see it.

Besides, if you are earning each week then it only makes a difference once.

If I earn $100/week then it makes no difference after the first 2 weeks.

they have ZERO loyalty towards long time sellers like me

What would loyalty to you look like? Immunity from demotion? Artificially boosted rankings? A free car every year?

What would loyalty to you look like?

private jet and limo

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So immunity from demotion?

Don’t you see how bad an idea that would be/has been?

No, it’s a great idea. I don’t know how long you’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve been here since 2013. In the good old days, people got demoted for JUSTIFIED REASONS, such as “Order cancelled. Seller failed to deliver on time.” Too many of those justify a demotion.

4.7 does not.

No, it’s a great idea. I don’t know how long you’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve been here since 2013. In the good old days, people got demoted for JUSTIFIED REASONS, such as “Order cancelled. Seller failed to deliver on time.” Too many of those justify a demotion.

4.7 does not.

In my mind the changes are a win. There were too many Level 2 and TRS badges for people who HAVE been around for years, but didn’t do as much lately.

Now people will adjust or go do something else. The Sam’s Club near me just closed. My family was a regular shopper there, and now we’ll shop someplace else.

Life is that way… things change and we adjust.

I think the new system is a huge win over time for those of us who continue to push and improve our business. There are now minimum standards for keeping level 2 and TRS, and that makes those levels far more valuable for buyers too.

In many places, if you were a great worker 3 years ago, but you decided now you get to take 3 hour lunches now, they get rid of you. Your history is important, so maybe you get a warning, but after a certain point they are getting rid of you.

As long as they announce the changes in advance, give us some time to adjust, I think this is a great thing. Higher standards will make a stronger marketplace over time.

I’m not a TRS (yet) but I am happy they are setting the standards higher for those who both want to be (me) and those who had it in the past but stopped working for it.

The only thing guaranteed is change. Fiverr is going to change, life will change, any other job/site will change too. (Glad we don’t work at Sears… formerly the world’s largest retailer…)

The two week hold on payments is life. Their system, their rules…

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I am just going to toss my 2 cents in… and say that you know that… this feels like a corporate overhaul… Do the weeding, and get people to shape up or get out, but one thing though is that people who maintained there ranks, got not even a good job. Corporate at its best lol! Do a house cleaning, teach some people a lesson to shape up, and then the once who do well… Go unnoticed. I am just saying…

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Guest introvideos12

My brother-in-law is a contractor, he gets paid in 3 to 7 days.

And that is what works for his business, and where he works. Fiverr has different payment standards. Some sellers may not like it… but those are still the Fiverr standards.

Check cashing stores exists because some contractors can’t afford to wait for a check to clear, and would rather get paid immediately.

Patience is a virtue. We all want to get paid sooner than later, but that isn’t always how things work out. So, we work with what we have. And most of Fiverr’s freelancers gain their cleared earnings after 14 days.

Besides, who benefits from a 14 day waiting period?

I’ll pretend you didn’t say that. My wife, a teacher, gets paid every two weeks (i.e., every 14-15 days). She and I managed out household expenses on that payment calendar.

the rest of us deserve to get paid in 7 days just like they do.

I don’t mean to sound rude, but yesterday, you were a TRS, enjoying that 7-day funds clearance. Today you are a Level 2 seller who will have to get used to the standard 14-day payment clearance. You’re complaining as if this is an us and them thing – respectfully, it comes across as being extremely entitled. I’m sorry that you lost the 7-day cycle. The 14-day cycle isn’t as bad as you make it out to be. Thousands of Fiverr sellers have been doing just find on the 14-day clearance cycle for years.

It works – and has worked – just fine for us. It’ll work for you as well, so long as you make a few adjustments to accommodate it as long as you are among the realm of below-TRS sellers. Then, when you earn TRS again, you can have the joy of returning to the 7-day cycle.

It’ll be okay. I say this from experience. 😉

I don’t mean to sound rude, but yesterday, you were a TRS, enjoying that 7-day funds clearance. Today you are a Level 2 seller who will have to get used to the standard 14-day payment clearance. You’re complaining as if this is an us and them thing – respectfully, it comes across as being extremely entitled. I’m sorry that you lost the 7-day cycle. The 14-day cycle isn’t as bad as you make it out to be. Thousands of Fiverr sellers have been doing just find on the 14-day clearance cycle for years.

I was just about saying the same!

When you were TRS, you saw it as a privilege, as a perk associated with being TRS. You didn’t care about sellers in the lower levels because you saw this benefit as a reward for your hard work.

Now that the tables have turned, suddenly, everyone is entitled to what was exclusively meant for TRS so you can still have access to that benefit.

Life doesn’t work that way, and I’m sure businesses don’t too!

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It is completely wrong that Top Rated Sellers get paid in 7 days and the rest of us have to wait 14 days.

I’ve never been a TRS, so I’ve always had access to my cleared funds in 14 days. I’m used to it, and have never had any problems. I know it’s a perk at the TRS level, but I don’t feel that I need it in order to operate as a successful Fiverr freelancer.

I’m sorry that your demotion takes you from that 7-day clearance to the 14-day clearance that most of the rest of us have been used to. It’s not a challenge if you challenge yourself to make it work.

like me :roll_eyes:

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I don’t mean to sound rude, but yesterday, you were a TRS, enjoying that 7-day funds clearance. Today you are a Level 2 seller who will have to get used to the standard 14-day payment clearance. You’re complaining as if this is an us and them thing – respectfully, it comes across as being extremely entitled. I’m sorry that you lost the 7-day cycle. The 14-day cycle isn’t as bad as you make it out to be. Thousands of Fiverr sellers have been doing just find on the 14-day clearance cycle for years.

I was just about saying the same!

When you were TRS, you saw it as a privilege, as a perk associated with being TRS. You didn’t care about sellers in the lower levels because you saw this benefit as a reward for your hard work.

Now that the tables have turned, suddenly, everyone is entitled to what was exclusively meant for TRS so you can still have access to that benefit.

Life doesn’t work that way, and I’m sure businesses don’t too!

When you were TRS, you saw it as a privilege, as a perk associated with being TRS. You didn’t care about sellers in the lower levels because you saw this benefit as a reward for your hard work.

That is a lie, I have provided gig counseling to hundreds of sellers. I have rewritten gig titles for other people, answered threads with no participants, made all kinds of suggestions, even entertained those who messaged me even though I hate being messaged outside the forum.

So don’t pretend I didn’t give a crap about other sellers. I’m here, aren’t I? If I didn’t care for other sellers, why would I spend my time here?

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No, it’s a great idea. I don’t know how long you’ve been on Fiverr, I’ve been here since 2013. In the good old days, people got demoted for JUSTIFIED REASONS, such as “Order cancelled. Seller failed to deliver on time.” Too many of those justify a demotion.

4.7 does not.

In my mind the changes are a win. There were too many Level 2 and TRS badges for people who HAVE been around for years, but didn’t do as much lately.

Now people will adjust or go do something else. The Sam’s Club near me just closed. My family was a regular shopper there, and now we’ll shop someplace else.

Life is that way… things change and we adjust.

I think the new system is a huge win over time for those of us who continue to push and improve our business. There are now minimum standards for keeping level 2 and TRS, and that makes those levels far more valuable for buyers too.

In many places, if you were a great worker 3 years ago, but you decided now you get to take 3 hour lunches now, they get rid of you. Your history is important, so maybe you get a warning, but after a certain point they are getting rid of you.

As long as they announce the changes in advance, give us some time to adjust, I think this is a great thing. Higher standards will make a stronger marketplace over time.

I’m not a TRS (yet) but I am happy they are setting the standards higher for those who both want to be (me) and those who had it in the past but stopped working for it.

The only thing guaranteed is change. Fiverr is going to change, life will change, any other job/site will change too. (Glad we don’t work at Sears… formerly the world’s largest retailer…)

The two week hold on payments is life. Their system, their rules…

Life is that way… things change and we adjust.

Yeah, and then we get fracked. I went to People Per Hour, submitted one hourly, the ones people search for, the finks disapproved it.

I’m not a TRS (yet) but I am happy they are setting the standards higher for those who both want to be (me) and those who had it in the past but stopped working for it.

They set the standards impossibly high! Hey, I have an idea, instead of 4.8, why not 5.0? Instead of 90% completion rate, why not 100%? Come on, people! Let’s raise the standards! 20% commission? Let’s give Fiverr 50%! Better yet, let’s give them 100%. Let’s all work for Fiverr, they need the money, we don’t.

Or maybe Fiverr should charge a membership. Want to be TRS? $100 a month. Not enough? $500 then.

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It is completely wrong that Top Rated Sellers get paid in 7 days and the rest of us have to wait 14 days.

It is financial discrimination, it discourages people from delivering their work on time since they know their payments will be delayed by 14 days.

I can understand each level has unique privileges, but delaying our payments hurts everyone’s finances.

Everyone should get paid in 7 days. Orders are marked as complete in 3 days, so why delay us by 11 days?

it discourages people from delivering their work on time

really? Like you legit don’t feel like delivering on-time because of that?

Why are you on this site then? it’s been like that from day 1, it’s right there on the ToS.

It is completely wrong that Top Rated Sellers get paid in 7 days and the rest of us have to wait 14 days.

Fiverr is not punishing level 1+2 and new sellers. It is rewarding TRS.

Everyone’s funds used to clear in 14 days. Then I think a year and some change back, they announced TRS level gets 7-day clearance.

So you are looking at it the wrong way.

It is a really strong incentive and once you reach that level, a great benefit to have.

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Life is that way… things change and we adjust.

Yeah, and then we get fracked. I went to People Per Hour, submitted one hourly, the ones people search for, the finks disapproved it.

I’m not a TRS (yet) but I am happy they are setting the standards higher for those who both want to be (me) and those who had it in the past but stopped working for it.

They set the standards impossibly high! Hey, I have an idea, instead of 4.8, why not 5.0? Instead of 90% completion rate, why not 100%? Come on, people! Let’s raise the standards! 20% commission? Let’s give Fiverr 50%! Better yet, let’s give them 100%. Let’s all work for Fiverr, they need the money, we don’t.

Or maybe Fiverr should charge a membership. Want to be TRS? $100 a month. Not enough? $500 then.

I am really sorry for what has happened to you @fastcopywriter. One thing to think about, though. Why not now experiment with increasing prices on some of the gigs where you get your most demanding buyers? This way, you could (potentially) reduce the number of people leaving poor reviews, whilst also doubling your income and in this way, offset the inconvenience of the 14-day clearance period.

In either case, I hope something works out for you.

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