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Has Anyone Talked To Fiverr CS About When The Dust Will Finally Settle?


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We just have to work? How can someone work if he/she don’t have any new order ? How can they have reviews to be in recommended filter if they don’t have new orders or are not show in search results ? If we have ‘to work on what we have’ then we need to have new messages or new orders.

If you are talking to improve the gig, most of sellers has done it. Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

We just have to work? How can someone work if he/she don’t have any new order ?

I understand your frustration, but you’re also misunderstanding my comments.

Just because you don’t have sales, does not mean you stop working. You should always be working on your business, improving your presentation, promoting your business, studying and working to outdo your competition, etc. Fiverr gigs are no different than a brick and mortar business. If the only thing you focus on is completing sales (and, by default, sitting back and being distraught when you don’t have any sales), then you’re digging a hole for your business – for your gigs.

Your gigs, like any business, have many moving parts that constantly need maintenance, work and improvement. You should ALWAYS be working – on something for your business. Completing sales are only ONE of the things a good seller works on.

How can they have reviews to be in recommended filter if they don’t have new orders or are not show in search results ? If we have ‘to work on what we have’ then we need to have new messages or new orders.

Then, like I always say, get out there and find ways to bring in your own customers, buyers and clients. Complaining that you aren’t getting the sales, which earn you reviews, and improve your rankings is a ridiculous complaint, when you could easily work to improve that situation by finding your own customers (instead of expecting Fiverr to give them to you for free).

Yes, I know people are annoyed that I keep pushing the promotion tip, but, I’m not wrong. Promotion and working to bring in new buyers is something you could do to help fix the very things you (and others) are complaining about. If certain sellers did less complaining about not having any sales, and used that time to go out and find buyers, they’d probably have more sales.

Work leads to success. Complaining about not having success is not work.

If you are talking to improve the gig, most of sellers has done it.

To be honest, this is a foolish claim. You should never be done working to improve your gig(s). I’ve been working on Fiverr for over three years, and I’m STILL improving my gigs. It’s a fact of business – any business. Even the brick and mortar business owner is constantly improving their business. If the shop owner didn’t keep improving his/her business, his/her competitors would leave his/her business in the dust as they kept innovating, and the shop owner would go out of business (because his/her shop would have outdated products that no one wanted).

There is no excuse for any businessman to stop working. Do YOU want to be left in the dust by your competitors? You YOU want to be the outdated business that no one cares about? Probably not. So keep working – keep innovating. Keep improving your gigs. 😉

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

I am well aware of how much the current nature of the Fiverr search results are affecting people. I read bitter complaints about the search system from dozens of people – just like you – every day here on the forums. Don’t assume that I am not aware of – or affected by – the very same things you are complaining about. Unlike those who are complaining though, I am not sitting back and waiting. I am building, maintaining, and growing my business – my gigs – despite the wonky search results. I am finding ways to work with and around the problems. I am doing… not complaining. You should do the same.

Like @eoinfinnegan said:

You cannot and should not rely on search position.

We’re not just careless people telling the complainers to work hard. We’re trying to help. Yet, many who complain, don’t want the “you need to work hard” answers, they seem to want the magic wand answers. I hate to seem harsh, but it’s time to grow out of the “do this for me” mindset, and get busy working. You have a business to run. That business should not – should never – be reliant on search position.

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

You know what, I am not going to stop sharing these so-called “copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs”, because you need to start thinking like this too if you want to be successful. I, @eoinfinnegan , and others are trying to help. It’s time that you start listening if you want to be successful. Constant complaining will not get you anywhere. This is how things are, learn to work with it, and find ways to overcome it… or be left behind by your competitors that are hard at work innovating, while you are sitting back complaining.

There are always solutions. You just need to start looking for them.

And if you don’t want to do the hard work required, no one is going to care if you do fail.

Work hard, and walk the path toward success. You can do it. You should do it. If you like success, and you want to be successful… you WILL do it.

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We just have to work? How can someone work if he/she don’t have any new order ?

I understand your frustration, but you’re also misunderstanding my comments.

Just because you don’t have sales, does not mean you stop working. You should always be working on your business, improving your presentation, promoting your business, studying and working to outdo your competition, etc. Fiverr gigs are no different than a brick and mortar business. If the only thing you focus on is completing sales (and, by default, sitting back and being distraught when you don’t have any sales), then you’re digging a hole for your business – for your gigs.

Your gigs, like any business, have many moving parts that constantly need maintenance, work and improvement. You should ALWAYS be working – on something for your business. Completing sales are only ONE of the things a good seller works on.

How can they have reviews to be in recommended filter if they don’t have new orders or are not show in search results ? If we have ‘to work on what we have’ then we need to have new messages or new orders.

Then, like I always say, get out there and find ways to bring in your own customers, buyers and clients. Complaining that you aren’t getting the sales, which earn you reviews, and improve your rankings is a ridiculous complaint, when you could easily work to improve that situation by finding your own customers (instead of expecting Fiverr to give them to you for free).

Yes, I know people are annoyed that I keep pushing the promotion tip, but, I’m not wrong. Promotion and working to bring in new buyers is something you could do to help fix the very things you (and others) are complaining about. If certain sellers did less complaining about not having any sales, and used that time to go out and find buyers, they’d probably have more sales.

Work leads to success. Complaining about not having success is not work.

If you are talking to improve the gig, most of sellers has done it.

To be honest, this is a foolish claim. You should never be done working to improve your gig(s). I’ve been working on Fiverr for over three years, and I’m STILL improving my gigs. It’s a fact of business – any business. Even the brick and mortar business owner is constantly improving their business. If the shop owner didn’t keep improving his/her business, his/her competitors would leave his/her business in the dust as they kept innovating, and the shop owner would go out of business (because his/her shop would have outdated products that no one wanted).

There is no excuse for any businessman to stop working. Do YOU want to be left in the dust by your competitors? You YOU want to be the outdated business that no one cares about? Probably not. So keep working – keep innovating. Keep improving your gigs. 😉

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

I am well aware of how much the current nature of the Fiverr search results are affecting people. I read bitter complaints about the search system from dozens of people – just like you – every day here on the forums. Don’t assume that I am not aware of – or affected by – the very same things you are complaining about. Unlike those who are complaining though, I am not sitting back and waiting. I am building, maintaining, and growing my business – my gigs – despite the wonky search results. I am finding ways to work with and around the problems. I am doing… not complaining. You should do the same.

Like @eoinfinnegan said:

You cannot and should not rely on search position.

We’re not just careless people telling the complainers to work hard. We’re trying to help. Yet, many who complain, don’t want the “you need to work hard” answers, they seem to want the magic wand answers. I hate to seem harsh, but it’s time to grow out of the “do this for me” mindset, and get busy working. You have a business to run. That business should not – should never – be reliant on search position.

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

You know what, I am not going to stop sharing these so-called “copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs”, because you need to start thinking like this too if you want to be successful. I, @eoinfinnegan , and others are trying to help. It’s time that you start listening if you want to be successful. Constant complaining will not get you anywhere. This is how things are, learn to work with it, and find ways to overcome it… or be left behind by your competitors that are hard at work innovating, while you are sitting back complaining.

There are always solutions. You just need to start looking for them.

And if you don’t want to do the hard work required, no one is going to care if you do fail.

Work hard, and walk the path toward success. You can do it. You should do it. If you like success, and you want to be successful… you WILL do it.

we are agree with the @jonbaas comments.

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So again, has anyone like talked to CS about this? Has anyone even tried?

I tried, but the " cs " said it’s normal and the gig will available again in the search if I go online for at least 15 minutes. But, none happened, the weird things is there are search of whos online now, and yep, I don’t see my own gig, I think that was bug or something, but " cs " said it came from my browser, idk now and just waiting the buyers to posting job on the buyer requests.

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In theory I don’t think the dust will ever settle. Algorithm isn’t one time deal – it is updated on a regular basis. I would love to see a routine. Google usually updated once a month. Not sure what the update routine is on Fiverr but you can count on the Algorithm changing again and again and again.

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We just have to work? How can someone work if he/she don’t have any new order ?

I understand your frustration, but you’re also misunderstanding my comments.

Just because you don’t have sales, does not mean you stop working. You should always be working on your business, improving your presentation, promoting your business, studying and working to outdo your competition, etc. Fiverr gigs are no different than a brick and mortar business. If the only thing you focus on is completing sales (and, by default, sitting back and being distraught when you don’t have any sales), then you’re digging a hole for your business – for your gigs.

Your gigs, like any business, have many moving parts that constantly need maintenance, work and improvement. You should ALWAYS be working – on something for your business. Completing sales are only ONE of the things a good seller works on.

How can they have reviews to be in recommended filter if they don’t have new orders or are not show in search results ? If we have ‘to work on what we have’ then we need to have new messages or new orders.

Then, like I always say, get out there and find ways to bring in your own customers, buyers and clients. Complaining that you aren’t getting the sales, which earn you reviews, and improve your rankings is a ridiculous complaint, when you could easily work to improve that situation by finding your own customers (instead of expecting Fiverr to give them to you for free).

Yes, I know people are annoyed that I keep pushing the promotion tip, but, I’m not wrong. Promotion and working to bring in new buyers is something you could do to help fix the very things you (and others) are complaining about. If certain sellers did less complaining about not having any sales, and used that time to go out and find buyers, they’d probably have more sales.

Work leads to success. Complaining about not having success is not work.

If you are talking to improve the gig, most of sellers has done it.

To be honest, this is a foolish claim. You should never be done working to improve your gig(s). I’ve been working on Fiverr for over three years, and I’m STILL improving my gigs. It’s a fact of business – any business. Even the brick and mortar business owner is constantly improving their business. If the shop owner didn’t keep improving his/her business, his/her competitors would leave his/her business in the dust as they kept innovating, and the shop owner would go out of business (because his/her shop would have outdated products that no one wanted).

There is no excuse for any businessman to stop working. Do YOU want to be left in the dust by your competitors? You YOU want to be the outdated business that no one cares about? Probably not. So keep working – keep innovating. Keep improving your gigs. 😉

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

I am well aware of how much the current nature of the Fiverr search results are affecting people. I read bitter complaints about the search system from dozens of people – just like you – every day here on the forums. Don’t assume that I am not aware of – or affected by – the very same things you are complaining about. Unlike those who are complaining though, I am not sitting back and waiting. I am building, maintaining, and growing my business – my gigs – despite the wonky search results. I am finding ways to work with and around the problems. I am doing… not complaining. You should do the same.

Like @eoinfinnegan said:

You cannot and should not rely on search position.

We’re not just careless people telling the complainers to work hard. We’re trying to help. Yet, many who complain, don’t want the “you need to work hard” answers, they seem to want the magic wand answers. I hate to seem harsh, but it’s time to grow out of the “do this for me” mindset, and get busy working. You have a business to run. That business should not – should never – be reliant on search position.

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

You know what, I am not going to stop sharing these so-called “copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs”, because you need to start thinking like this too if you want to be successful. I, @eoinfinnegan , and others are trying to help. It’s time that you start listening if you want to be successful. Constant complaining will not get you anywhere. This is how things are, learn to work with it, and find ways to overcome it… or be left behind by your competitors that are hard at work innovating, while you are sitting back complaining.

There are always solutions. You just need to start looking for them.

And if you don’t want to do the hard work required, no one is going to care if you do fail.

Work hard, and walk the path toward success. You can do it. You should do it. If you like success, and you want to be successful… you WILL do it.

Thank you for taking time and to reply to me with such a motivation message, but I am not frustration and I am not the one who don’t have sales. Actually I have sales, and I hope I will have more like the old times!

  1. I just don’t see any reason why should I promote my gigs or to bring customer in fiverr. IF fiverr will not take from me 20% then ‘MAYBE’ I would promote my gigs.
  2. To complain for rank is ridiculous ? Well, to me is more ridiculous someone with 5 positive reviews that is ranked more than someone else’s gig that is with 3k+ positive reviews.
  3. Please talk to me just for gigs, not for business or success because in this forum I talk just for fiverr and not for business. Maybe I am successful somewhere else or I work also somewhere else?
  4. I am well aware of how much the current nature of the Fiverr search results are affecting people. I read bitter complaints about the search system from dozens of people – just like you – every day here on the forums. Don’t assume that I am not aware of – or affected by – the very same things you are complaining about. Unlike those who are complaining though, I am not sitting back and waiting. I am building, maintaining, and growing my business – my gigs – despite the wonky search results. I am finding ways to work with and around the problems. I am doing… not complaining. You should do the same.
  • My answer: As I said, if something goes bad in fiverr, I use fiverr forum to complain or to help some people if they ask something and I know something. And you are really wrong my friend, I am not sitting back here to wait, no. When I don’t have orders, I better publish some new items in my online stores rather then to ‘build’ ‘create’ or ‘promote’ gigs on fiverr while I am not 100% sure what the future of fiverr will be.

p.s this is just my opinion. Sorry if the thread is for something else and we’re talking about for something else too.

Good luck

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So again, has anyone like talked to CS about this? Has anyone even tried?

So again, has anyone like talked to CS about this? Has anyone even tried?

Many of us have talked with anybody we could, but unless you have a direct contact with an insider, nobody knows all the details. They are unlikely to tell us exactly how it works, as that leads to people gaming the system.

The one thing we can/should do is upgrade our gig. Add fresh samples, rework the gig video, change your pricing.

What I do know is there is a major push inside of Fiverr to raise both the quality of gigs, and the gig pricing. If someone is dependent on being the cheapest in their category, I doubt they will last long.

It used to be shaded toward gig volume (how many recent sales), and ratings. Now I know they are accounting for higher overall sales per gig. (If you sell three $100 gigs, you’ll get more credit than the seller doing twenty $5 gigs. NOT the case in the past.)

They know to have higher quality sellers, prices are going to have to rise a bit in many categories.

While someone may have been bitten by changing their gig in the past, my experience is NOT changing your gig is worse… and longer term they are looking for those who are growing and providing higher value for clients.

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Thank you for taking time and to reply to me with such a motivation message, but I am not frustration and I am not the one who don’t have sales. Actually I have sales, and I hope I will have more like the old times!

  1. I just don’t see any reason why should I promote my gigs or to bring customer in fiverr. IF fiverr will not take from me 20% then ‘MAYBE’ I would promote my gigs.
  2. To complain for rank is ridiculous ? Well, to me is more ridiculous someone with 5 positive reviews that is ranked more than someone else’s gig that is with 3k+ positive reviews.
  3. Please talk to me just for gigs, not for business or success because in this forum I talk just for fiverr and not for business. Maybe I am successful somewhere else or I work also somewhere else?
  4. I am well aware of how much the current nature of the Fiverr search results are affecting people. I read bitter complaints about the search system from dozens of people – just like you – every day here on the forums. Don’t assume that I am not aware of – or affected by – the very same things you are complaining about. Unlike those who are complaining though, I am not sitting back and waiting. I am building, maintaining, and growing my business – my gigs – despite the wonky search results. I am finding ways to work with and around the problems. I am doing… not complaining. You should do the same.
  • My answer: As I said, if something goes bad in fiverr, I use fiverr forum to complain or to help some people if they ask something and I know something. And you are really wrong my friend, I am not sitting back here to wait, no. When I don’t have orders, I better publish some new items in my online stores rather then to ‘build’ ‘create’ or ‘promote’ gigs on fiverr while I am not 100% sure what the future of fiverr will be.

p.s this is just my opinion. Sorry if the thread is for something else and we’re talking about for something else too.

Good luck

Well, to me is more ridiculous someone with 5 positive reviews that is ranked more than someone else’s gig that is with 3k+ positive reviews.

Sometimes the new person with 5 gigs IS getting higher ratings now, and just because someone has 1,000 or 3,000 positive ratings doesn’t mean they are still doing a great job.

(I’m NOT saying you aren’t… but someone may have done far less the last six months after getting a few thousand reviews…)

From what I can tell, the search IS biased toward giving new users a chance to get started. The people with 3,000 gigs should have built enough repeat business if they have earned it.

As for not bringing people to the platform, that is your choice. IF I was in charge of the rankings, and newer seller with 100 sold gigs was bringing 20 new clients per month, and I am bringing 3, I’d give that younger seller more views.

You and I can love it or hate it, but they don’t owe us any views in the system, and the competition is constantly getting stronger. There are new sellers who have lots of experience before Fiverr in their categories.

They may be putting out a higher quality product than someone with higher numbers.

Lots of factors: Fiverr is going to maximize the total revenue. You and I decide if we want to play, or we go explore the other freelance sites, or we do something else.

Just because I was a great provider last year doesn’t mean I’ll do it again this year, OR that someone new isn’t better if I’m not careful.

I promote, and I hope the other in my category do not. You decide for yourself what works best for you. No stress from me, but do note if others in your category do decide to promote outside of Fiverr, that is one data point that may allow them to pass you. Maybe not, I have no idea.

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Thank you for taking time and to reply to me with such a motivation message, but I am not frustration and I am not the one who don’t have sales. Actually I have sales, and I hope I will have more like the old times!

  1. I just don’t see any reason why should I promote my gigs or to bring customer in fiverr. IF fiverr will not take from me 20% then ‘MAYBE’ I would promote my gigs.
  2. To complain for rank is ridiculous ? Well, to me is more ridiculous someone with 5 positive reviews that is ranked more than someone else’s gig that is with 3k+ positive reviews.
  3. Please talk to me just for gigs, not for business or success because in this forum I talk just for fiverr and not for business. Maybe I am successful somewhere else or I work also somewhere else?
  4. I am well aware of how much the current nature of the Fiverr search results are affecting people. I read bitter complaints about the search system from dozens of people – just like you – every day here on the forums. Don’t assume that I am not aware of – or affected by – the very same things you are complaining about. Unlike those who are complaining though, I am not sitting back and waiting. I am building, maintaining, and growing my business – my gigs – despite the wonky search results. I am finding ways to work with and around the problems. I am doing… not complaining. You should do the same.
  • My answer: As I said, if something goes bad in fiverr, I use fiverr forum to complain or to help some people if they ask something and I know something. And you are really wrong my friend, I am not sitting back here to wait, no. When I don’t have orders, I better publish some new items in my online stores rather then to ‘build’ ‘create’ or ‘promote’ gigs on fiverr while I am not 100% sure what the future of fiverr will be.

p.s this is just my opinion. Sorry if the thread is for something else and we’re talking about for something else too.

Good luck

in this forum I talk just for fiverr and not for business.

But your business on Fiverr is a business, too.

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Well I just watched some fiverr sellers on upwork community forum who often visit fiverr forum and they moved to upwork due to this. Of course I haven’t talked to them but I’ve seen them on fiverr forum.

@zeeshan_tirmizi And there are complaints too on that other platform. Nowhere is perfect. People can move their business whenever they want, but one thing to remember is, every place has its flaws. 🙂

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As many people here are talking about promoting gigs outside fiverr, I have some thoughts I’d like to share.
If I promote my business (it’s a hobby but let’s call it that) outside fiverr and manage to get clients, why should I bring them to fiverr and not deal directly. The advantage I think would be is that I’ll get a review and if I keep doing that I’ll get lots of reviews. Now coming to disadvantages -

  1. Buyer pays a little more than I would have charged outside (processing fee)
  2. I would earn 20% less.
  3. My main reason, Every month I get 3-4 clients with total project cost more than 250$, this is where I lose big and I’m not talking about the 20% commission. I’m more than happy to share 20% as fiverr brought that client and it deserves to be paid and I even wouldn’t mind giving 30% if fiverr provides security of money and promotes more.
    The problem is PayPal chargeback of such amounts, this is where fiverr fails.

Many would say if I deal outside fiverr through PayPal, I could face a similar situation but that’s not true for freelancer in India. Once money has been received, it automatically gets transferred to your bank account within 24 hours as per the RBI (government) guidelines and after that the buyer cannot chargeback.

So here it is, I bring a client to fiverr and suffer all the disadvantages to get a review and later lose that money to chargeback just because fiverr does not secure my funds after an order is complete.

I read the thread started by someone about chargeback and how PayPal has done some changes to it but I think that is not in effect right now as just 2 days back a friend has faced this problem and fiverr could not do anything about it.

P. S - If anyone has ever recovered or been compensated for the chargeback, please share your story.
Also, I would like to know more advantages of promoting gigs outside fiverr.

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I agree with everything you said but the constant changes do make it a risky decision to edit gigs at this point! Most of my orders this month were either from social media or return clients anyway. But even social media marketing has its limits which I seem to be nearing.

the constant changes do make it a risky decision to edit gigs at this point

I think the opposite: If you are not getting any sales from your gigs then what is the risk? In the end, we should make our gigs as good as possible, focused on getting the buyer’s attention and providing a service that they need. Why not try out a new gig? Change up something you already offer, change the title, wording, way it offers, add a really cheap package that you can do quickly, add a high price option with lots more features etc.

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

Nobody is denying that people are affected by it, but you don’t seem to take into account that many sellers are likely to have been positively affected by it like I was for a couple of weeks. Saying that Jon is giving copy/paste answers indicates that you have seen these suggestions before but your response indicates that you have not understood what is being said. Working hard does not mean just on your orders but on every aspect of your business. If you don’t want to hear someone say “promote yourself” because you don’t want to do it then that’s ok but but that is the only real solution the issue you are complaining about. Take the issue into your own hands because Fiverr will look after their own business and essentially do what it wants now and in the future. Why would you take the risk of relying on someone else when you can rely on yourself?

If I promote my business (it’s a hobby but let’s call it that) outside fiverr and manage to get clients, why should I bring them to fiverr and not deal directly

I think that is a very narrow minded approach. Let’s look at this from Fiverr’s point of view:

If there are two sellers on Fiverr and one of them brings clients from social media, promotions, through their own website etc and the other simply relies on Fiverr to bring them business; which seller would you think Fiverr should favor? I think its obvious that it is the one who brings clients.

Is there any evidence to support this theory?

Well, aside from Fiverr’s repeated requests for people to share on social media, there is also the fact that Fiverr shows us “Social Gig Views” in our gig stats. Now most companies (Google, MOZ etc) tend to show stats related to things that are important to them. If Fiverr is the same then I would suggest that this applies to Social Gig Views and possibly Views too. However, getting loads of views without getting good Conversions would be a bad thing, so there is no point trying to manipulate the system.

As for chargebacks, yeah it is a concern for larger amounts but the reality is that there are very few of these and many people have had positive outcomes. I do a lot of higher value sales and I have had 1 chargeback out of almost 800 sales, many people who have been here for 5 years+ have said they have only had a handful of them. It is hardly worth basing your whole business around the fear of what MIGHT happen. Secondly, just because you don’t have funds in your Paypal account, it does not mean you cannot have a chargeback - your Paypal account can go into negative balance.

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the constant changes do make it a risky decision to edit gigs at this point

I think the opposite: If you are not getting any sales from your gigs then what is the risk? In the end, we should make our gigs as good as possible, focused on getting the buyer’s attention and providing a service that they need. Why not try out a new gig? Change up something you already offer, change the title, wording, way it offers, add a really cheap package that you can do quickly, add a high price option with lots more features etc.

Please accept the truth that this search has affected most of us and don’t give to people copy-paste answers like to work hard or to promote the gigs.

Nobody is denying that people are affected by it, but you don’t seem to take into account that many sellers are likely to have been positively affected by it like I was for a couple of weeks. Saying that Jon is giving copy/paste answers indicates that you have seen these suggestions before but your response indicates that you have not understood what is being said. Working hard does not mean just on your orders but on every aspect of your business. If you don’t want to hear someone say “promote yourself” because you don’t want to do it then that’s ok but but that is the only real solution the issue you are complaining about. Take the issue into your own hands because Fiverr will look after their own business and essentially do what it wants now and in the future. Why would you take the risk of relying on someone else when you can rely on yourself?

If I promote my business (it’s a hobby but let’s call it that) outside fiverr and manage to get clients, why should I bring them to fiverr and not deal directly

I think that is a very narrow minded approach. Let’s look at this from Fiverr’s point of view:

If there are two sellers on Fiverr and one of them brings clients from social media, promotions, through their own website etc and the other simply relies on Fiverr to bring them business; which seller would you think Fiverr should favor? I think its obvious that it is the one who brings clients.

Is there any evidence to support this theory?

Well, aside from Fiverr’s repeated requests for people to share on social media, there is also the fact that Fiverr shows us “Social Gig Views” in our gig stats. Now most companies (Google, MOZ etc) tend to show stats related to things that are important to them. If Fiverr is the same then I would suggest that this applies to Social Gig Views and possibly Views too. However, getting loads of views without getting good Conversions would be a bad thing, so there is no point trying to manipulate the system.

As for chargebacks, yeah it is a concern for larger amounts but the reality is that there are very few of these and many people have had positive outcomes. I do a lot of higher value sales and I have had 1 chargeback out of almost 800 sales, many people who have been here for 5 years+ have said they have only had a handful of them. It is hardly worth basing your whole business around the fear of what MIGHT happen. Secondly, just because you don’t have funds in your Paypal account, it does not mean you cannot have a chargeback - your Paypal account can go into negative balance.

I appreciate it. I don’t want to comment anymore because what I think is different from you and some other sellers, I know that if I don’t find solutions fiverr won’t either. But when I say ‘affected’ , I am saying that one of my gig is in positive affected, 3 others not.

Before this search tests I was with 3 gigs in the same page but I think there is a good reason from fiverr why is making changes, maybe in the future all sellers will have good chances and not just some of us. I like your answers by the way. 🙂

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Why fix something if it’s not broken? 😱 I didn’t see anything wrong with the old system. Besides gigs disappearing totally from results after editing them, which hopefully is fixed now. And gigs with 100 reviews appearing before gigs with 10k reviews, which is not fixed yet.

And gigs with 100 reviews appearing before gigs with 10k reviews

Yeah…That’s all result of their 2 month test on so call algorithm 🙂

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I appreciate it. I don’t want to comment anymore because what I think is different from you and some other sellers, I know that if I don’t find solutions fiverr won’t either. But when I say ‘affected’ , I am saying that one of my gig is in positive affected, 3 others not.

Before this search tests I was with 3 gigs in the same page but I think there is a good reason from fiverr why is making changes, maybe in the future all sellers will have good chances and not just some of us. I like your answers by the way. 🙂 and the thing is, all of us are just sharing opinions and ideas, what we have seen and what we think may help. One of these days Fiverr may reveal something that shows all of the advice and tips I have been giving are actually wrong (I doubt it but its possible). People should take what they want from any posts they see here but in the end, they have to choose what they think is best for them. For example, I dislike some platforms because of the bidding process but successful sellers on those platforms would tell me I need to “work hard to get success there”. I choose not to work hard in that way (bidding) and instead I do other things.

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but my earnings remain the same.

Just Because - you’re TRS 🙂

Just Because - you’re TRS 🙂

Bhai, nothing to do with that. My earnings remain same because of my regular clients who have been ordering for 2-3 years. They will order regardless of whether I am TRS, level 1 or level 2, as long as I deliver quality work. Serious buyers don’t care about tags like TRS etc. They want their work done, that’s all.

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Just Because - you’re TRS 🙂

Bhai, nothing to do with that. My earnings remain same because of my regular clients who have been ordering for 2-3 years. They will order regardless of whether I am TRS, level 1 or level 2, as long as I deliver quality work. Serious buyers don’t care about tags like TRS etc. They want their work done, that’s all.

Serious buyers don’t care about tags like TRS etc. They want their work done, that’s all.

Yes, Bro. I do agree to you on some points But You may agree - fiverr do send TRS gigs in their promotional mail and others etc.! That’s generate gigs statics!.

You can Read Other seller post on forum about complaining for search and etc. I’m not just one! - If huge numbers of seller are complaining about something - That means - Something really wrong! 🙂

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Serious buyers don’t care about tags like TRS etc. They want their work done, that’s all.

Yes, Bro. I do agree to you on some points But You may agree - fiverr do send TRS gigs in their promotional mail and others etc.! That’s generate gigs statics!.

You can Read Other seller post on forum about complaining for search and etc. I’m not just one! - If huge numbers of seller are complaining about something - That means - Something really wrong! 🙂

As @writer99025 says, he is constantly busy because he has regular clients. This is because his service is needed by clients repeatedly. Looking at your gigs, they are not particularly suitable for regular buyers - most people will not need a new logo over and over again.

Why not put together a brochure of your own which shows all of the services you offer and anything else you could do for buyers. Deliver this brochure along with every order you deliver and offer an incentive or something to encourage the buyer to come back to you. Your target market for logos are likely to be those starting a business or those who are rebranding - both of those are likely to need a lot more graphic design assistance than just a logo design. By showing the what else you can do for them, they may come back to you. If you had done that from the start and even just 5% of your 2000+ buyers became repeat buyers then you would have over 100 repeat clients.

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As @writer99025 says, he is constantly busy because he has regular clients. This is because his service is needed by clients repeatedly. Looking at your gigs, they are not particularly suitable for regular buyers - most people will not need a new logo over and over again.

Why not put together a brochure of your own which shows all of the services you offer and anything else you could do for buyers. Deliver this brochure along with every order you deliver and offer an incentive or something to encourage the buyer to come back to you. Your target market for logos are likely to be those starting a business or those who are rebranding - both of those are likely to need a lot more graphic design assistance than just a logo design. By showing the what else you can do for them, they may come back to you. If you had done that from the start and even just 5% of your 2000+ buyers became repeat buyers then you would have over 100 repeat clients.

Thanks for Awesome suggestion. You did really understood me 🙂

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As @writer99025 says, he is constantly busy because he has regular clients. This is because his service is needed by clients repeatedly. Looking at your gigs, they are not particularly suitable for regular buyers - most people will not need a new logo over and over again.

Why not put together a brochure of your own which shows all of the services you offer and anything else you could do for buyers. Deliver this brochure along with every order you deliver and offer an incentive or something to encourage the buyer to come back to you. Your target market for logos are likely to be those starting a business or those who are rebranding - both of those are likely to need a lot more graphic design assistance than just a logo design. By showing the what else you can do for them, they may come back to you. If you had done that from the start and even just 5% of your 2000+ buyers became repeat buyers then you would have over 100 repeat clients.

Deliver this brochure along with every order you deliver and offer an incentive or something to encourage the buyer to come back to you.

One thing, I would like to ask - If i do send my all services brochures in every delivery - That will not VIOLATE fiverr TOS?

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Guest offlinehelpers

As @writer99025 says, he is constantly busy because he has regular clients. This is because his service is needed by clients repeatedly. Looking at your gigs, they are not particularly suitable for regular buyers - most people will not need a new logo over and over again.

Why not put together a brochure of your own which shows all of the services you offer and anything else you could do for buyers. Deliver this brochure along with every order you deliver and offer an incentive or something to encourage the buyer to come back to you. Your target market for logos are likely to be those starting a business or those who are rebranding - both of those are likely to need a lot more graphic design assistance than just a logo design. By showing the what else you can do for them, they may come back to you. If you had done that from the start and even just 5% of your 2000+ buyers became repeat buyers then you would have over 100 repeat clients.

Why not put together a brochure of your own which shows all of the services you offer and anything else you could do for buyers.

That is the best idea I’ve seen on here for ages @eoinfinnegan - thank you so much!

@fast_editing - so long as your links are all straight to Fiverr gigs (which they will be) there shouldn’t be a ToS problem.

Off to start a pdf! 😀

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