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About sarahhagwood

  • Birthday 02/15/1989


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  1. I definitely needed to know this!!! Phew! The people contacting me about foot pictures really need to be blocked from placing an order 🤣
  2. I just realized there is a way to post on your own profile... 


    1. vickieito


      And you can also reach out to other members on the forum through these status replies as well. It's nice if you want to post but still "hide" from the main traffic. 😊

      (only your followers will see your status updates)


    2. sarahhagwood


      Learning something new every day! 🤪

  3. Wow, thank you for this post. There is a lot of information here. I am literally going to bookmark it and each day try to master one of the points (starting with familiarizing myself with the TOS which I definitely skipped when setting up my seller account). I really like the encouragement you bring to the table about working hard will pay off. I came on to fiverr as a buyer years ago and just now have transitioned to seller. I'm determined to make this work as my family is counting on it. Time will tell as you said and I do believe as I put in more time to become familiar with selling on Fiverr, I will only be able to grow. Thanks again! This is bookmarked for my daily read 🙂
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