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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. I'm sorry you had a negative first experience. Ouch. That was a lot of money. I normally do small "tests" to make sure the sellers I buy from are competent (I learned my lesson, too). Now I buy from leveled sellers with many good reviews. If you canceled through the Resolution Center, Customer Support was probably not contact at all. You were dealing with an automatic system. So no one will respond. To contact a live person via the Zendesk that @moikchap was talking about, you'll need to submit a ticket here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new or email Customer Support here: support@fiverr.com Please allow Customer Support up to 12 hours to respond to your ticket. (yes, it is long, and it took me 3 months to find Customer Service...so I feel your pain there). However, once I found out how to contact them, they have helped me with all my issues. Hopefully they are helpful to you too!
  2. @ashleymahan217, the OP hasn't been active since March, so I don't know if the OP will see our answers. However, to answer your question, click on your profile picture and "settings" in the drop down menu: This won't stop people from contacting you, though. Buyers still can message you in the inbox. If you want to prevent messages, you would have to use the Out-Of-Office option (which doesn't make sense for sleeping).
  3. I totally agree with you both on this! I need to develop thicker skin ..this is the only way that Fiverr can start taking action. I tried out the "report" flag for the first time yesterday (for several folks who were copying my gig description word for word), and was surprised to see how quickly those gigs got shut down. This might be my next favorite button to use besides the spam button. So, consider me in whenever you and @donnovan86 wants to bring justice to all those liars and copy cats!
  4. (note: I'm trying to post here because it won't let me reply to your status replies on my own feed. I guess I only can make one status update a day.)

    Thanks for making me feel young, @vickiespencer! ❤️ My kids love to point out how old and short I am (4'10"). My son is a good head taller than I am. Thankfully, I'm still taller than my 9-year-old daughter (but not for long - she is two shoe sizes larger than I am).

    As for your red lines on your track changes document, I wonder why it only works when you attach the documents one at a time. Maybe it's related to the version of MS Word used? I haven't had that issue before. I've only had issues when my buyers are Mac users. I'm glad you figured out how to make it work!

    I think the slowdown in your orders may be related to private reviews, or just coincidental. If your buyers were selecting any other option than "I need revisions," Fiverr CS would contact you right away (within a day) to issue a warning. They take those answers very seriously.

  5. @smandared, with your SEO services, you are not only promising more clicks and views, but more reservations/sales and higher income. How can you promise that? I suggest you relook and rewrite your gig so that you are advertising exactly what you can deliver. You can also use your own marketing skills to get your first order.
  6. @sheharadilsh670, was your withdrawal successful? If so, you will have to contact PayPal to resolve your issue. If the withdrawal wasn't successful, you can withdraw through Payoneer. To prevent accidental withdrawals in the future, you probably want to remove the PayPal option as a withdrawal method.
  7. I think it has to do with tenure on the forum. I probably need at least 3 more months before I get more posting privileges. Just so people know my limits (and I'm not ignoring them): I can post 5 times a day (this includes private messages), make 1 status update, and post 1 status reply per day. I listened to both of your voiceovers and was blown away ... I love your voices! ...I'm bringing in @williambryan392 because we were having a discussion on how helpful/not helpful gig videos are: @williambryan392 - Have you seen @smashradio's and @newsmike's gig videos?! (much more powerful and higher converting than the mediocre gig videos we were talking about!) Is it okay to use? My Success Manager told me that if you are a seller, you can't use the Business Marketplace (it's for buyers only). I always thought it was a buyer-only program like Fiverr Select, which Customer Support told me multiple times cannot be used by sellers-who-also-buy (though prompts will try really hard to get you to join the program). Maybe my problem is that I always ask for permission... 🤔 @gina_riley2 will be very happy to hear that she can try this out for free! That's so cool! 😎It's nice when Fiverr promotes you. The Fiverr's Choice badge has helped me tremendously. Thanks for finding me! ❤️ I'm sure you had to apply many filters to find me! 😂 It reminds me of my early days when I would put in "vickie" and "proofreading" in search to find myself. And even then, only @vickiespencer would pop up! Note: I like how the Business Catalog shows the actual number of orders completed (instead of the number of reviews you have).
  8. Hi @all_asmoule, You can read about Fiverr Pro here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010853317-What-is-Fiverr-Pro Here is the application: https://pro.fiverr.com/prog/fiverr_pro/
  9. Hi @niaz770, I'm sorry I had to mark your message in my inbox as spam. The marketplace isn't where you should to request advice from other sellers to improve your gig. You can do that here. Please keep your comments to the forum. I suggest that you thoroughly read Fiverr's ToS, which can be found here: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service Regarding your gig, you offer proofreading and editing services to "make students essays better" so they "stand out from the crowd." Although you can proofread student work, your gig suggests you will do more and could get your gig shut down for violating Fiverr's ToS, which states that you can't do academic work for students. You mention: If you proofread student work, you should only do so in the form of annotations and comments. Editing and rewriting should only be done by the student. I choose not to deal with student work at all and use the Seller Plus "negative keywords" to block anyone who might want to use my writing services for "essay writing" or "student essays." Please also correct the capitalization error in your FAQ.
  10. Hi Everyone! Sorry, I couldn't respond right away (I'm still limited to 5 posts a day, so I had to wait for 19 hours until I could join in on this discussion). Here's the link with my screenshots of what someone sees when they request a revision: If it makes you feel any better @gina_riley2, I did ask my Success Manager about applying for the business catalog and she kindly told me it isn't an option for me at the moment. I like the list that @smashradio provided - the metrics and requirements to get approved as a vetted seller on the Fiverr Business Marketplace are pretty straight forward and shows that the vetted sellers are excellent at what they do and have the proof to show it. I'm still a newer seller on the platform, so I need time and experience to prove myself. I'm a small ant among giants on this thread! I'm not sure how it is on the Business Marketplace, but Fiverr is really trying hard on the normal marketplace to match buyers to services that are applicable to them. I'm not too confident in their matches. For example, as soon as an order is placed (and before the order requirements are entered in), Fiverr immediately tries to connect you to other services to buy. You can see the fun "matches' I got here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286359-fiverr-automatically-messaged-my-buyer-on-the-order-page-with-a-requirements-reminder/?do=findComment&comment=1809546 This morning, I was happy to see @smashradio and @newsmike on my list of services I should buy! I'm not sure how their services relate to the female, American VOs that I normally buy, but it was nice to see some familiar faces. 😊
  11. To add to what @smashradio is saying, your buyers can leave 3 reviews: 2 private and 1 public. The public review may be 5-star, but the buyer could leave a negative review (which you'll never see). A negative private review will cause your gig impressions to plummet:
  12. "In what ways?" (plural) @mayamatveenko, did you read the link that @lloydsolutions provided you? I suggest you read it very carefully. I would also read Fiverr's ToS very carefully if I were you: https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service For starters, you give out your full email and phone number (in a gig image), and ask buyers in your gig description to email you. Also, both gigs have unapproved URLs that allow buyers to contact you and move business off of Fiverr's main platform. Please read both links that you have been provided with and make appropriate changes to your gig. You risk getting your account shut down by not following Fiverr ToS.
  13. @lloydsolutions is a "she" not a "he." Did you read the Help Center link that @lloydsolutions gave you? Also, you just asked this same question again in your original post. Asking the same questions in different parts of the forum can be seen as spam. I'll answer your question over there: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286367-my-little-story-and-search-of-advice/#comment-1809614 As for videos - I was referring to the 1 video you can upload per gig. The OP (original poster) had 7 gigs, but only 2 had video. So 5 more videos could be made.
  14. Hi @salmanarif1 & @mayamatveenko I see that you are both new sellers and are trying to get your first order. Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! It takes time to get that first order. For some sellers it takes weeks, others take months to get that first sale. You can get started by browsing the Help Center and taking the FREE Online Freelancing Essentials course on Fiverr Learn: https://learn.fiverr.com/courses/online-freelancing-essentials-be-a-successful-fiverr-seller The forum is also a great place to learn from other sellers who are successful on Fiverr. You can read this post by a top-rated and pro seller: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/ Here are the different ways to get orders: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/285033-getting-orders-👀-where-are-they-coming-from/ To improve your gigs, you can do the following: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/284256-no-orders-here-are-7-updates-you-can-make-during-the-slow-times/?do=findComment&comment=1807241 @salmanarif1 - In your profile bio - Change "My ultimate goal is to provide beyond your expectations" to "I strive to exceed your expectations." (this sounds more natural). It would also be good to add a call-to-action at the end (such as to contact you for questions or to check out your packages). Gig images - Keep the text simple - use 3-5 words that describe your service. Gig videos - I see you only have 2 videos, but you can put up 5 more for the rest of your gigs. Since you do designs, this would be a great way to highlight your skills and portfolio. Gig videos are a great way to increase buyer engagement. Gig descriptions - these seem a little generic. You are in a highly competitive category and should call out your Unique Selling Points (USPs) to stand out from the crowd. @mayamatveenko - On your third question in the FAQ for your first gig - there's a small typo ... "hat will I receive" instead of "What will I receive." Please see notes that I made to @salmanarif1 above regarding the call-to-action, simplifying the text on your gig image, adding gig videos, and creating your USPs so you can remain competitive - you are also in a highly competitive category. I also see @lloydsolutions already answered your same question here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/286367-my-little-story-and-search-of-advice/?do=findComment&comment=1809614 I wish you both luck in growing your Fiverr business and I look forward to chatting with you on the forum! (note: I am limited to only 5 posts a day, so don't worry if I don't respond right away. Just include my name with the "@" symbol in front of it and I'll get to your questions as soon as I can 😊)
  15. As always, great topic @smashradio! 🤩 I see many who take "glamour" shots (some full body) that are very revealing! (not very business-like) Exactly! ...but not that business ⬇️! 😂 My first profile picture was terrible. It was a selfie and I took 200 shots. Out of that, only 1 was okay to post (but still terrible). My husband complained for many months, saying exactly what you are saying right here: The headshot was exactly that - all head and no shoulders. That made my face too big and scary. And since it was a selfie, one eye was closer to the camera than the other, so it gave me a "half-crazed" look. And yes, my forehead looked like a disco ball. I definitely "lacked a connection to reality." But I worked so hard to get that bad headshot that I didn't want to do another photo shoot. I had also added that photo onto every single gig video, and I was too lazy to update all seven videos. So ... about that. *ahem* My current photo was taken by my 13-year-old son on his way out the door to school. He only took one picture and applied a black background so that "no one could see my messy hair." So that's the only reason why the background is much darker than I'd like. This picture was a big improvement from the last one and I did see an increase in sales after changing it. I even had a buyer who I canceled an order with in the past, place a new order thinking I was a different person. As soon as he found out who I was, he canceled the order. Luckily it was before the order requirements and he did an "ordered by mistake" cancelation. So it didn't affect my seller stats. He was unfortunately, one of the orders I had to cancel in April because I was offering unlimited revisions and I couldn't do more than 8 revisions (I had a spike of 87 orders that month).
  16. Hi @romailshah, Have you tried emailing your request directly to Customer Support? You can send an email to: support@fiverr.com
  17. Things that are important to Fiverr (and now more important to me and my business): Repeat Buyers (these buyers contributed to over 62% of total revenue in the last 12 months) Fiverr Business & the Fiverr Business Catalog of vetted sellers (buyers spending over $10k annually grew over 60%) Other: Project Briefs, Subscriptions, Promoted Gigs, Fast Response Badges I agree with you on the Tips for Buyers. It's discouraging that the few "real" tips for buyers are just buried under mountain of "tips" from sellers who know nothing about buying. It's almost impossible to find the good stuff. I find it easier to just follow people like you who are buyers (I only know of 2). I really liked your post on how you use the Saved Gigs feature in your vetting process. That's the kind of helpful information that I'd like to see more of in the Tips for Buyers. I find a ton of information on how to be a better seller, but almost nothing on how to be a better buyer. Your words piqued my interest in all of Fiverr's companies: Togetherr, Stoke Talent, CreativeLive, ClearVoice, Working Not Working, and SLT Consulting. It's really interesting to see how aggressively they are moving forward with these initiatives (and their reasoning behind all these acquisitions). I'm excited to see all the new changes that are coming!
  18. Hi @ashleymahan217, I have Seller Plus and I take advantage of all the features. It's great! You can go ahead and try it, and if you don't like it, you can always opt out of it. Here are some of the perks that you can get through Seller Plus: A Success Manager (who you can email at any time, plus have monthly Zoom meetings with) An advanced analytics dashboard (that includes the top keywords for your gigs) Coupons to send to your customers (which is pretty effective for getting orders) Quicker payments (you can choose to get paid as soon as your orders close) "Negative keywords" ... where you can add words to your gig that will filter out unwanted buyers. I use the negative words such as "essay writing," "thesis," "Amazon review," and "erotica" for my writing and beta reading gigs. A FREE month's access to CreativeLive's 2,000 courses (I decided to learn all of Adobe's products...those courses are easily $100 each) If you use Buyer Request, you will have a badge on your offers and can make 20 offers/day You get Buyer Insights on each buyer that you chat with (i.e. how often they tip, the amount they spend on each order, what they usually order, their order completion rate, what ratings they give their sellers, and more) And much more Here's the link about Seller Plus from the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview
  19. @williambryan392 really has the best response. Unfortunately, there are some people who think it's okay to pay to get good reviews. They are surprised when you tell them it's wrong and against Fiverr ToS. It's best to simply tell them 'no' and refuse to work with them. I think "fake" sellers paying for good reviews will eventually be found. Their lies will eventually catch up to them. If they have to pay for reviews, that just means that they don't have the talent or work ethic needed to be successful on this platform. An honest, skilled, and hard working seller will always get good reviews doing just that - being honest, delivering high-quality services, and working hard.
  20. It would be nice if we could get rid of spammers in advance! However, spammers usually operate out of new accounts, so all we can do is block and report them as soon as possible. As a new seller, you are an easy target for spammers. It's good that you recognize the spam messages for what they are. There are some things you can do to reduce the spam coming in, such as reviewing your gig descriptions and prices to make sure you aren't accidentally attracting the wrong type of buyer. However, there will always be spam that makes it into your inbox. The best thing you can do is block and report them right away. Fiverr is trying out a new feature for Seller Plus members called "Negative Keywords," which prevents buyers using certain keywords to find your gig. This isn't really a feature to block out spam, but ensures a better match between sellers and buyers. Sellers can select negative keywords for each of their gigs to block out the buyers who use those words in search. My negative keywords include "student essays", "thesis," and "Amazon reviews." I use these negative keywords to reduce the number of unwanted inquiries asking for work that is against Fiverr ToS. It would be nice if all sellers could use the "Negative Keywords" feature. It's has been really useful in cleaning up my inbox.
  21. Yes, it is safe. However, as a seller, there is no benefit to "gig favorites" or "Saved Gigs." Favoriting another gig has no affect on that gig's ranking. This is a feature (used mostly by buyers) to organize their favorite sellers into lists and also makes it easier for them to share their favorite gigs with others. You can read more about Saved Gigs in the Help Center here: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011619858-Managing-your-saved-Gigs-on-the-mobile-App?segment=buyer
  22. Yes, the panel is part of the Seller Plus advanced analytics dashboard. However, all the ways to get orders that are listed above (with the exception of coupons) are available to ALL sellers. Coupons are only available to Seller Plus members. You can learn more about Seller Plus from the Help Center: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017140717-Seller-Plusoverview
  23. Hi @rabeya5500, Can you explain what you mean by "geek color" and what "geeks" are coming forward/disappearing when the order is completed?
  24. Hi @artshayan, Welcome to Fiverr and the forum! The forum is a great place to learn how to grow your Fiverr business. You can get started by reading this article here:
  25. Thanks @katakatica! This is the real game changer. How we provide our services makes all the difference to our customers. I also agree it can be really hard to know how to respond to each customer because they are all so different. I have customers who want detailed updates and others who only respond in emojis or short texts like "TY." Like you, I'm also learning how to deal with people (and difficult situations) better because of my freelance work. @ashleymahan217 - I agree with you there! Being able to sell people what they want requires great communication and social skills (as @katakatica mentioned). It's hard enough for those fluent in English. Those with the limited language abilities also have to learn English so they can ask the right questions and understand their customers' answers. ..."without doing much work." I think that's exactly the stigma that we are dealing with here on Fiverr, @smashradio! The first time I first learned about Fiverr, I heard that someone was making money singing the "Happy Birthday" song with their goat. I thought, "If someone can make money singing with their goat, surely I could do better than that!" 😂 Now I know that goat singing isn't a high-demand skill and it probably didn't make that much money. However, it made the news just because that person "made money." That's all people need to hear to get interested in Fiverr. I also see many newbies on the forum with the mindset that it's Fiverr's job to give them orders and all they need to do is sign up and create a gig. They are shocked when they find out that's not the case. Sorry I'm much older! I started to work in several food laboratories when I was 19 years old, including an analytical testing lab and sensory lab (i.e., taste testing and other organoleptic tests).
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